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Jun 16th 2023
A funny thing is happening as I regain parts of my life as a result of receiving #HBOT after a 14 month battle with #LongCovid. While I'm incredibly grateful to be one of the lucky ones who found a treatment they respond to I'm also trying to come to terms with the possibility
That some of the damage maybe permanent. For example the other day I was taking the boat out after a spin up the river, there is a winch on the stern that keeps the boat on the trailer. I couldn't figure out how it works. I've been using those winches for years. Literally like
Second nature to me. It operates in such a way as you have to have several things lined up so it will tighten properly. Not matter what I did I could not put the pieces together. #Brainfog means I am unable to do tasks which require multiple areas of focus.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
CPI Preview vs Realized CPI

1. #CPI data came out largely in line with our expectations. Our expectations were for a print of 0.17%, while the print came in at 0.10%. Below, we show the composition of our estimates relative to the realized print: Image
2. Our pre-view note mentioned two factors we would be watching out for. First, we were looking to see whether #motor vehicle inflation remains persistent.
3. Given the industry dynamics we monitor, there was a potential for new cars to see deflation as manufacturing productions alleviate some degree of supply shortages. Nonetheless, #used car inflation likely showed significant potential to re-accelerate this month.
Read 6 tweets
May 17th 2023
#ES flirted with 4,115 again after that great intraday $HYG reversal portended downside #volatility when cyclicals didn‘t really point higher.
The day ended with a profound deterioration in market breadth and unappealing sectoral overview.
THREAD 👇 ImageImage
2. #tech upswing invited selling interest, while #value and especially $IWM turned strongly south.
#ES though had been relatively resilient given both #manufacturing and #retailsales hits, and today‘s data in #housing weren‘t slated to bring a disaster.
The figures are
3. obviously more optimistic than they would have otherwise been if the #housing market could clear itself by bringing in more supply, which isn‘t though a realistic expectation when #mortgage rates have been locked low in a different era of 2020-2021.
Read 6 tweets
May 11th 2023
#LoanOfficers and #Realtors continue to butcher the #TaxSavings conversation regarding having a mortgage. When they do, they usually make it appear bigger than it really is which misleads the buyer.

You might want to bookmark this!

Here is how the calculation really works:
The Standard Deduction means you do NOT pay income tax on the first $13,850 earned as a single taxpayer or $27,700 for a married couple.

If your write-offs exceed those limits, you receive an additional tax refund, as your payroll providers do not consider this.
An easy way to calculate the mortgage deduction is to deduct the SALT (State and Local Tax) limit of $10k from the standard deduction. SALT is essentially your state income tax and property tax. In high-cost markets, you can assume the $10k will be met with those two fees.
Read 10 tweets
May 10th 2023
Today’s #CPI report continues to depict #inflation that is just too high for most people’s good, especially the @federalreserve’s.
In fact, the report showed that #inflation remains remarkably sticky, which doesn’t correspond to virtually any practical thinker’s timeline of when it might be expected to start to come down further.
These elevated levels of inflation continue to be remarkably high relative to the many months with which the #economy has now operated with persistently higher #InterestRates.
Read 17 tweets
May 1st 2023
“Some days it’s so hot that our skin burns, or we have flood.” Renuka Pawar watches over her infant in her kopi, a makeshift home where she lives 6 months a year near sugarcane fields. #Climate risks are rising for #migrant workers. @iyerkavi


“We’ve lived like this for generations.” Renuka Pawar does not think better #housing is possible for #Maharashtra’s #sugarcane #migrantworkers. A young mother to a months old infant, she has no access to toilets or running water, cooks on a wood hearth outdoors.

“We had loans, we needed the money.” Alka Wagh of Malegaon, 400 km from their work site in Jalna, on why she had her son marry a 17-year-old girl whose family they paid Rs 15,000. An additional couple is an additional income during the annual #sugarcane harvest.

Read 4 tweets
Apr 30th 2023
"In Marlborough, #Near #independent small business cost reduction services company "Brian Plain at Schooley Mitchell", 01752 is in #demand (and picking up quickly), based on #homeprices, #inventory and days on the #market: #housing"
Marlborough MA area #HomeSellers, check out Gary Kelley a #local REALTOR® at Lamacchia Realty, Inc. in
#Marlborough, #Massachusetts, United States · #REALTOR® · #LamacchiaRealtyInc:…
#Marlborough #MA #RealEstate #LocalAgentGaryKelly"
"Learn more #about local small business cost reduction & #savings #opportunities, #online at:

Schooley Mitchell: Brian Plain & Joe Gifford
225 Cedar Hill St
Suite 200 D117 Marlborough, MA 01752
Read 4 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
When I (would) describe what most elected officials do for #Homeless people, I (would) say that they do as much as their constituents will let them get away with. Today won't be the case with @CMWhitburnD3 at the behest of @MayorToddGloria
today's discussion about amendments to the @CityofSanDiego's Municipal Code Related to Unauthorized Camping or Encampments on Public Property should be condemned
Whitburn is following the lead of his #NIMBY constituents when they won't allow any small measure to relieve the suffering of their #neighbors…
Read 5 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
🧵 Poilievre's #misinformation saying the federal govt has done nothing on #housing is bogus. #Housingsupply is a primarily a Provincial & Municipal issue. During 2022 the federal govt has taken significant steps towards making housing more affordable for Canadians including:
#Budget2023 announces that financial institutions will be able to start offering the Tax-Free #FirstHomeSavingsAccount to Canadians as of April 1, 2023.
#Budget2023 announces the government's intention to support the reallocation of funding from the National Housing Co-Investment Fund's repair stream to its new construction stream, as needed, to boost the construction of new affordable homes for the Canadians who need them most
Read 9 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
This picture is a perfect representation of the current #housing situation in Arlington: a NIMBY w/ their yellow "NO" signs trying to reserve the entire space around them to keep others out. 1 person taking up an area meant for 6. #MissingMiddle
While you're here, I could use some help to get ready for 2023:
Read 6 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
A pt. I cared for in ED:

I’m hungry & tired doc. I’ve got no home & eat only what I can find.

G - what about the shelters?

They’re not safe for an old guy like me. Can’t go there.

G - where do u sleep?

Anywhere. I ride the train until I get kicked out then I walk.

G - our winter is really cold, that’s so hard, I’m sorry

“Ha! You’re telling me. I find giant empty warm buildings all the time but can’t get in. I just need a warm place so I dont freeze. Nothing big. 400sq feet would be great.

I look for work but am told I’m too old.”
“I’ve got a skilled trade & >20yrs of exp but can’t get work cause they just throw us old guys away.

People think the #homeless are worthless but there’s kindness on the street. Everyone shares the little they have. Everyone just trying to survive.”

Read 4 tweets
Mar 16th 2023
@ABalharry62 Really, why change your surname as an adult? #Humza cousin changed surname from
Saeed to Bhutta after 2014 - at approx 34 years old - WHY

Dundee Courier Editor
David Clegg CIA @AlexSalmond leak -Liz Lloyd Sturgeons right hand CIA & Humza also CIA

Shelter #Wheatley #Housing ImageImageImageImage
@ABalharry62 @AlexSalmond #Humza

Kezia Dugdale ex labour leader - Shelter #Wheatley
Married 2017 Jenny Gilruth MSP SNP ImageImageImageImage
@ABalharry62 @CraigMurrayOrg @WingsScotland @ILawson27 @InfiltratedScot

Very important thing here is : Muslim Brotherhood #Humza Cousin + #MeToo for Salmond stitch up + Transgender are all HQ in Israel. CIA & Mossad are one. #Carter. CIA est by City of London for global spying for bankers ImageImageImageImage
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Mar 10th 2023
Today’s #JobsReport was very solid, but like is often the case in the movies, it’s very hard for the sequel (today’s report) to match such an unexpected hit (January’s revised 504,000 jobs gained).
Still, a nonfarm #payroll gain of 311,000 jobs is quite good and having 815,000 jobs created so far this year after the #economy has already created 12 million #jobs over the past two years is pretty amazing in its own right.
Further, the 3-month moving average of 351,000 jobs, after a 12-month moving average of 362,000 jobs gained per month is also pretty remarkable, particularly after the market-implied pricing of the terminal #FedFunds rate has move up 500 basis points (bps) in a year.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
“Some don’t work. It’s very important to find out at an early stage which ones they are.” This was particularly the case where “someone overpaid for the land & think(s) they can get that money back from the council”

Let’s see what this means:
The #BuildToRent policy introduced by @MurphyEoghan & the SHD policy introduced by @simoncoveney didn’t “encourage developers to build more homes” they set up a framework where 1. more bad units could fit in any site & 2. 100+ unit schemes could skip normal planning processes.
This became a feeding frenzy. Developers and investment funds purchased large land banks in prime urban locations as the potential of fitting a lot of tiny rental units close to well served locations (big rents) meant land values went up up up.
It’s not rocket science.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 23rd 2023
@PierrePoilievre's dishonest and shameful 'blame it all on Trudeau' campaign for things the PM does not control rages on. In fact, the PM does not control #foodpricing, #fueloilpricing, #rentpricing, #mortgagepaymentpricing or #interestrates in Canada.
IMO @PierrePoilievre 's dishonourable rhetoric on rising food, gas, oil prices, interest rates & rents is evidence of intent to deceive.
Why doesn't the media challenge him to provide alternative proposals instead of publishing his attacks on Trudeau for things he can't control?
@PierrePoilievre knows that #groceryprices result from factors that include yields, weather, wildfires, drought, global supply chain problems and grocery chain price gouging, etc. Implying otherwise is #misinformation.
Read 35 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
Thanks to @GeoffCutmore & @steve_sedgwick for the chat on #SquawkBox this morning!

Short and sweet today, but I hope it was of some interest. The notes I put together ahead of time will follow in this thread...
First of all, it's #ValentinesDay and SOMEONE is going to get massacred today when the #CPI is released, so naturally:-

Roses are red, violets are blue,
JayPow doesn't know
And neither do you.

#inflation's effects are not as universal as they were, but does that mean we can all now relax?

Read 15 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
During his State of the Union Address, President #Biden announced his 4-part Unity Agenda. It includes “Supporting America’s Veterans and Their Families, Caregivers, and Survivors.”…) #veterans #SOTU #SOTU2023
Last year the #Biden Administration expanded benefits for #veterans, #caregivers & survivors. In 2022, @DeptVetAffairs processed an all-time record 1.7 million @VAVetBenefits claims & delivered $128 billion in earned benefits to 6.1 million veterans & survivors. #POTUS
Priorities include reducing #veteran #suicide with the following proposed actions:

•Support states and territories.
•Increase lethal means safety
•Expand outreach to #justice involved veterans.
•Expand Access to #Legal Support Services.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
My Open Letter to PM @JustinTrudeau and his Liberal Cabinet as they visit Hamilton Centre to deliberate their 2023 priorities and federal government agenda.

(1/22 🧵)
#cdnpoli #hamilton #canada #DisabilityTwitter #housing #healthcare Open letter to PM Justin Tr...Image
Dear Prime Minister and Members of Cabinet, 

It's a pleasure to welcome you to Hamilton. 

I genuinely hope you enjoy your time and have an opportunity to get outside your meeting rooms and interact with everyday working-class people here in Hamilton. 2/22
As I’m sure you will soon realize, Hamilton is an incredibly resilient city with a proud history of taking care of one another despite the many challenges we’ve faced over the past few decades. (3/22)
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Jan 16th 2023
#SanDiego #Housing Commissioner/Vice Chair #RyanClumpner seems to be in a mood today
Let's cheer him up by reviewing accomplishments of his agency, shall we?
Of the 1566 people leaving shelters
- 78% did NOT report (920) or are back on the street (300)
Way to be accountable Ryan! Source:
How much did #CityofSanDiego pay for #AlphaProjectSD shelters that #HousingCommission show have a 78% failure rate, and how long do people stay?
- $1.8 million over past year (at least)
- 1373 households
- Avg. stay: 57 days
- Avg. stay for actual permanent #housing: 109 days
Last year I submitted a #PublicRecord request re:#AlphaProjectSD contracts w/#CityofSanDiego
The request is still open
-1000s of documents have been shared, many showing problems:
Millions in public $$ received
People exposed to dirty water & illnesses: #COVID & #tuberculosis
Read 7 tweets
Jan 15th 2023
September 2022: @MayorToddGloria explains "complex barriers to #housing" at announcement of new #housing location
January 2023: The converted hotel will provide NO ADA ACESS for unsheltered older adults w/#disabilities even though it is managed by a senior-serving organization
More from @MayorToddGloria last year re:the budget for this facility to serve people experiencing #homelessness compared to "hospital and emergency room stays" & it's place in #CityofSanDiego budget (sorry for poor sound quality)
This facility will cost "a bit over $700K per year"
FYI: The fastest growing unhoused group is older adults Many are frail and/or have age-related medical issues & related #disabilities
And yet: No #ADA🤦🏽‍♀️
But: Plenty of #security!
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Jan 13th 2023
🇺🇸 #Fed #Inflation | An update on CPI prospects ⚠

*Leading indicators suggest CPI YoY will normalize quickly in the coming months and, in absence of external shock, could ⬇ close to 3% in June 2023
*Therefore, Bloomberg consensus for 2023 CPI (+4%) should be revised ⬇ soon.
1- Market #rents will keep retracing in the coming months. Household formation and rental demand are slowing in response to macro conditions while #housing supply will gain traction, with a peak expected around 4Q23.
*The collision of these factors will probably result in a contraction of market #rents on a YoY basis at some point next year. In the past, the CPI’s measure of rents for homeowners has typically lagged other measures (9 to 12 months looks appropriate for this cycle).
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Jan 12th 2023
FYI @MayorToddGloria
#TheyWereAllOfUs but caught #COVID in a congregate shelter or died outside a shelter or near a hospital for lack of #housing and #healthcare

#SOTCSD #ForAllofUs #IAmSanDiego
These people died in parks or parking lots
These people died near medical facilities and shelters hoping for assistance that never arrived
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Jan 11th 2023
So disappointed to hear @KPBS #MiddayEdition hosting #BobMcElroy from #AlphaProjectSD
Have they reviewed his salary & tax returns?
Taxpayers subsidize his shelters w/horrible conditions
Few people get #housing after a shelter stay

@inewsource @dulaney ImageImageImageImage
He mentions his staff struggles to afford rent-
Perhaps he could demonstrate "personal responsibility" by not driving a Maserati?
Or reduce his $245K salary & pay caseworkers doing direct services more so they aren't #housing insecure?
#SOTCSD #MayorToddGloria #homelessness
2/ ImageImageImageImage
#SanDiego criminalizes people living in #poverty & #homelessness
When #unhoused people are cited for encroachment they are given the option to "work off" fines by doing free labor for #AlphaProjectSD
Meanwhile: Alpha gets @CityofSanDiego contracts to provide this labor

3/ Image
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Jan 5th 2023
Preparing to testify re:unjust #homelessness citations in #sandiego

Commissioner Pete Singer presiding

Also present: attorneys @objkshn & @ScottDreher1 and
#housing advocates @sullivanms @HomelessnessSD

If you’d like to listen in- We are in courtroom B

First case to be heard is a traffic issue re tinted windows.…
Evidence is only now being presented. There was nothing offered prior to court during discovery, violating due process. A 22 min video is only now available to view.

“This is trial by ambush”- @objkshn asks for dismissal

Singer’s not prepared to rule.

Read 22 tweets

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