Bin Ghalib (backup account) Profile picture
Tax expert/ chartered accountant/ political activist/ human rights defender/ resistance to the US-Saudi aggression on Yemen/ founding member of the (NTFO).

Mar 19, 2023, 14 tweets

#Yemen-#Sanaa: In a press conference, the Yemeni Armed Forces revealed a terrifying statistic regarding the harvest of eight years of steadfastness in the face of aggression.

The official spokesman for the Sana'a forces @army21ye , Brigadier General Yahya Saree,

revealed,on Sunday, the harvest of 8 years of confronting the coalition war on #Yemen
"The number of raids launched by the aggression through its warplanes is more than 274,302 raids, including 59 raids during the last year," Brigadier Saree said in a statement.

The statement added, "During the battle to confront the brutal aggression, our forces carried out more than 13,229 military operations, including 6,702 offensive operations and 6,527 response operations, thwarting offensive attempts and enemy advances."

He explained, "The missile force carried out 1,828 military operations, including 1,237 operations targeting enemy gatherings inside Yemeni territory, and 589 missile operations targeted the enemy outside our geography, including operations deep inside the

#Saudi and #Emirati enemies."
He continued, "The Air Force carried out 12,009 operations during the 8 years, including 3,264 offensive operations and 8,745 reconnaissance operations, and the drones carried out 2,267 operations inside Yemeni territory

and 997 external operations."
The statement indicated that the total air defense operations during 8 years amounted to 4,585 operations, including 2,022 shootdowns, injuries, and 2,565 responses, while the Air Defense Forces managed to shoot down 165 reconnaissance

and military aircraft, including 13 warplanes, 10 Apaches, and 6 helicopters, including Black Hawks.
He added, "48 armed drones belonging to the #US Air Force were shot down, and 123 other reconnaissance spy planes were shot down."
With regard to naval

operations, the Sana'a Forces statement confirmed that its naval and coastal defense forces had carried out 38 specific operations over the past 8 years, targeting Saudi and Emirati naval vessels.
Brigadier General Yahya Saree confirmed that

the total operations carried out by the ground units in their various units amounted to 250,000 various operations.
And he continued, "The total number of sniper weapon operations since entering the battle line reached 71,128 operations, while the

operations of the eighth year amounted to 5,213 sniping operations, of which 3,374 were documented by video and audio," adding that "the operations of the engineering units amounted to 22,854 targeting enemy gatherings and 24,907 offensive and defensive operations.

" The number of operations of the engineering unit that targeted armored vehicles, vehicles and enemy vehicles is more than 4414 operations.
The total number of anti-armor unit operations during the eight years amounted to 7,942 operations, including 3,082

targeting enemy fortifications, gatherings and barracks, and 4,860 targeting enemy vehicles, according to the statement.
He pointed out that the total operations carried out by the artillery unit during the 8 years amounted to 85,634 operations, including

1,150 joint operations with drones and 15,269 operations with the Zelzal 1 missile.
Sana'a forces succeeded in destroying, damaging and burning more than 18,397 armored vehicles, personnel carriers, tanks, vehicles, bulldozers and weapons, including more than (10,618)

documented, while more than 1,000 armored vehicles and military equipment were destroyed and damaged during the eighth year, according to the statement.

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