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Mar 21, 2023, 16 tweets


In 2008, #IndianArmedForces Veterans organized under the platform of Indian Ex-servicemen movement (IESM) to raise their voice against disparity in pensions asking the UPA Govt (led by @INCIndia) to adopt...

One Rank One Pay. OROP essentially means that at any given time the pension of an armed forces person with same rank and service will be equal, irrespective of the time of retirement. This means that a sepoy who retired in year 2008, his pension will automatically be annually...

...increased to become equal to pension of the sepoy who is retiring in later years 2009 onwards…so on and so forth. To understand #OROP difference from traditional system of pension we can consider Pakistan. In #Pakistan Armed Forces pensions are fixed at the time of....

...retirement keeping in view rank, service and the rate of pay in that year. The increment in pension scales is flexible and periodic as per direction of Federal Govt. OROP gained popular support of Armed Forces persons but #UPAGovt considered it a hot potato, being...

...financially unaffordable. In 2013 election campaign, #BJP resorted to #RSS agenda of Saffronising #IndianArmy and adopted OROP slogan. @narendramodi, at a large election rally, in Rewari, Haryana, with General VK Singh, former Chief of Army Staff...

...standing by his side, in the presence of tens of thousands ex-servicemen, declared that if elected, he will implement OROP. Like every political slogan, BJP after winning elections in 2014, lingered OROP implementation because of its unaffordability. But, despite inaction...

...on OROP, #Modi kept on giving false statements and playing politics on OROP. In 2014, while addressing soldiers on Siachin Glacier, he said "It was in my destiny that One Rank One pension has been fulfilled". #BJP’s duality and failure to implement OROP resulted in...

...massive protests by Veterans in Jun 2015, under Indian ex-servicemen movement (#IESM), spread over 80 towns and cities of India. #BJP initially responded with force. In Aug 2015, under orders of then home minister Rajnath Singh, a contingent of police and #CRPF assaulted..,

...humiliated and dragged a peaceful gathering of Armed forces veterans, families and war widows, at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi. This humiliation was widely condemned. On 17 Aug 2015, 10 former Chiefs of the armed forces wrote an open letter to PM #Modi, condemning and...

...urging inquiry into action by Delhi Police. However, after 84 days of protests (including rallies, hunger strikes and 24-days fast to death by IESM members), #BJPgovt announced a botched version of OROP, which was dismissed by the IESM, saying it was not OROP...,

...but "One Rank, Five Pensions".Indian Veterans intermittently continued their protests at Janter Manter, #NewDehli, following significant actions explain impact of BJP/ RSS political manipulation of veterans:- On 1 Nov 2016, Veteran Subedar Ram Kishan Garewal committed suicide

2000 Veterans have returned their Medals, to the Govt in protest. Finally on Veteran's plea, supreme court of India ordered #BJPgovt to implement OROP. However, Indian economists have rung alarm bells on #OROP. @somnath1978, an economist and strategic analysts opined.. an @orfonline paper that “With the fiscal situation expected to remain tight in the foreseeable future, OROP could turn out to be a poison pill that will plague the defence budget for years” The @Reuters quoted former Indian Defence minister @manoharparrikar...

“The Indian govt approved long awaited OROP despite being huge fiscal burden” @chetan_bhagat in @EconomicTimes also pointed out that “In a country of limited resources like India, an expense as big as OROP must be examined carefully, and kept in limits.”

The cost of saffronisation of #IndianArmy through OROP is estimated at 16 Bn USD in 2023, which is likely to increase by 28 Bn USD in 2032 (approx 40% of #IndianDefensebudget). #BJP is going ahead with this cost so as to politicize armed forces and pursue #Hindutva agenda...,

...which will have disastrous consequences for# India especially the minorities. The #indianeconomy, despite its unaffordability will now have to pay the price of #BJP /RSS dragging Army into politics.

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