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Jun 2nd 2023
#Domestic #Tractor Sales hit a record high of 9.44 lakh units in FY23, up 12% when compared to last year.

Higher tractor sales means #farmers are turning #prosperous, investing more on #mechanisation and #transportation. It also indicates an increase in total sown area. Image
Domestic #Tractor sales hit record high in FY23

𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐭
Y17-18 726026
Y18-19 784930
Y19-20 707533
Y20-21 899683
Y21-22 842196
𝗬𝟮𝟮-𝟮𝟯 𝟵𝟰𝟰𝟬𝟬𝟬

Major Reason:

- Rise in MSP🚀
- Increased farm income due to rise in MSP.📈 Image
- Another year of above average monsoon by the grace of Maa Bharti.

Technological advancements in the high horsepower (HP) tractor segment have also played a significant role in driving sales. Manufacturers have introduced innovative features and improved functionalities in high Image
Read 4 tweets
May 2nd 2023
Indian smartphone sales drop to lowest in 4yrs! That’s the catchy headline they report 😅😅

The important truth comes out only when one breakdown the numbers 👇 Image
Smartphones sold in India (crore).
’19: 15.2
’20: 15.0
’21: 16.1
’22: 14.4

This is what media circulates, calling it stagnancy.

But, a deep dive by segments shows, nothing’s stagnant at all:
<$150 📛:
👉 Vol -24% YoY
👉 Mkt share: 46% vs 54% last year

$150-300 🚀:
👉 Vol +15%
👉 Mkt share: 38% vs 36% last year

$300-500 🚀:
👉 Vol +20%
👉 Mkt share: 10% vs 8% last year

> $500 🚀🚀:
👉 Vol +55%
👉 Mkt share: 6% vs 2% last year
Read 14 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
Heads up, everyone! 🚨

There are some major changes happening in India's GST. Stay informed and stay ahead of the game! 💡
#IndianEconomy 🇮🇳

Year 2017-18 upto 31.12.2023
Year 2018-19 upto 31.03.2024
Year 2019-20 upto 30.06.2024

Notification No. 09/2023 - Central Tax
Amnesty Scheme for Revocation of Cancellation of Registration
Notification No. 03/2023 - Central Tax dated 31.03.2023
Read 5 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
Here is this Week’s Market Wrap

'The Times Get Taxing' written by @shyamsek

A Thread (1/n)

#tax #investing #taxbenefits #marketwrap
Investment decisions can be taken based on tax implications. There is a natural tendency among investors to be drawn to investments where they feel taxes are lower. (2/n)

#taxes #investments #investors
When the tax concessions are withdrawn for certain investments, they tend to look less attractive to investors. (3/n)

#taxconcession #investing
Read 15 tweets
Mar 21st 2023

In 2008, #IndianArmedForces Veterans organized under the platform of Indian Ex-servicemen movement (IESM) to raise their voice against disparity in pensions asking the UPA Govt (led by @INCIndia) to adopt... ImageImage
One Rank One Pay. OROP essentially means that at any given time the pension of an armed forces person with same rank and service will be equal, irrespective of the time of retirement. This means that a sepoy who retired in year 2008, his pension will automatically be annually... Image
...increased to become equal to pension of the sepoy who is retiring in later years 2009 onwards…so on and so forth. To understand #OROP difference from traditional system of pension we can consider Pakistan. In #Pakistan Armed Forces pensions are fixed at the time of....
Read 16 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
Highlights from the keynote address made by Mr. Deepak Bagla, Managing Director & CEO of Invest India at the Standard Chartered Treasury Leadership Forum 2023.

A thread! (1/n)

#India #economy #GDP #highlights #thread
India is going through the most unprecedented transformation of human history in the free world today. (2/n)

#india #economy
This is the first time in the history of India’s 5000 years of existence, that the 3 pillars are going through a rapid transformation at the same point in time.

The 3 Pillars:
- Economic
- Social
- Political (3/n)

#india #economy #social #political
Read 20 tweets
Mar 4th 2023
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space!…

We are going live in 5!

Follow the thread below for slides!

#nifty50 #NiftyBank #corporateindia
Before we begin, here is the Disclaimer
Read 49 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
Here are some highlights from the Voices of Tomorrow Bangalore Chapter! (1/n)

#VoicesofTomorrow #VoT2023 #ithoughtVoT #ithoughtVoT2023
Session #01

ithought Way – The Journey by Mr Shyam Sekhar

Mr @shyamsek answers the question, ‘What pain points does ithought address & solve?’ (2/n)

#ithought #portfoliomanagement #financialplanning
“We want to make Millennials as $ Millionaires – a well-managed wealth corpus for the 90’s born.” - @shyamsek on what ithought wants to accomplish.

Watch Mr Shyam Sekhar’s talk ‘ithought Way – The Journey’ here… (3/n)

#investors #investearly
Read 27 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
9 things to know about Senior Citizen Saving Scheme:

• What SCSS offers?
• Eligibility
• Interest Rates
• Account opening procedure
• Taxation
• Maturity Period
• Minimum & Max Deposit
• Tenure
• Lapse of Scheme

– A Thread🧵⤵️ –
• What SCSS offers?

This scheme comes in as a viable investment option for retired as well as Senior citizens. It is one such parkway which aims at delivering safe & viable investment options.

#Seniorcitizen #IndianEconomy
• Eligibility

The Eligibility criteria of individual investors must be at least 60 years & above. This scheme also includes retired defence personnel with a minimum age of 50 yrs.

People who are not allowed to invest in SCSS are NRIs & HUFs.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
We're breaking #Budget2023 down for you.

Sit back, relax, and have a great read! 👇

Infra gets boost:

- Highest ever capital outlay of Rs. 2.40 lakh crores for Railways

- 50-year interest-free loans to states one more year for infra spends

Agri & Fisheries to benefit:

- Agricultural accelerator fund to promote agri-startups

- 10,000 bio-input resource centres in next 3 yrs to promote natural farming

- 6000 Cr outlay for Animal husbandry, dairy, and fisheries
Read 28 tweets
Dec 26th 2022
The US Dollar stands at INR 82.82 as of today.

Ever wonder why the Rupee always depreciates against the Dollar?

Let’s find out in a 🧵:

#USD #Dollar #forex #investing Image
One of the major reasons for INR depreciation is India’s massive exposure and dependence on one single commodity:


Almost 70% of our imports in value is just crude oil, as we’re the third-largest consumer globally.

There are two ways this affect our economy and currency.
1. Global crude oil market is denominated in USD.

This means we have to sell INR to buy USD in the Forex market first, and then pay the same to OPEC to import oil.

As demand for USD rises, and supply being controlled by The Fed, its value too rises against the INR.

Read 9 tweets
Dec 13th 2022
The Correct answer is (D)
(1/3) A corporate tax is a tax levied on the profits of a company/firm, and is paid on a company’s taxable income. Corporate taxes are collected by the government as a source of income.
(2/3)These taxes are based on taxable income, after expenses have been deducted.
Corporation Tax is an appropriation out of profits from business, interest on securities and dividends of the company.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2022
A look at India Vs the Rest of the world!

A Thread!

#india #economy #globaleconomy #inflation

India is emerging as one of the relatively better-off economies in the post-COVID world.


Looking closely, we find that India’s inflation is well controlled, ATH FX reserves have acted well as a shock absorber against volatility, and our GDP growth expectations is one the highest in the world!

#inflation #volatility #GDP

Read 8 tweets
Sep 17th 2022
साधारण २ वर्षांपूर्वीची गोष्ट आहे.
covid च्या वेळी चौथे lock-down चालू होते आणि ठप्प झालेल्या अर्थव्यवस्थेला पुन्हा चालना देण्यासाठी अर्थमंत्री निर्मला सीतारामन यांनी २० लाख कोटी रुपयांचे एक पॅकेज जाहीर केले होते.
त्याचे तपशील बाहेर येताच सगळीकडे मोदी आणि सीतारामन यांच्या घोषणेची थट्टा उडवणारे खूप सारे जोक viral होऊ लागले होते.
त्यातले काही उदाहरणादाखल मी इथे दिले आहेत.
आज या गोष्टीला २ वर्ष होऊन गेल्यावर काय परिस्थिती आहे ते आपण बघू.

Every action has an equal and opposite Reaction. 👇
एखादी गोष्ट जितकी वर जाते तितकीच खाली येते हा निसर्गाचा नियम आहे.
हा नियम जितका Physics ला लागू पडतो तितकाच तो अर्थव्यवस्थांना सुद्धा लागू आहे.
याचे भान बाकी कोणाला नसेल तरी मोदी आणि सीतारामन यांना नक्की आहे.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
Today is #WorldPopulationDay, which reminds us that while #ElonMusk is determined to contribute to increasing the population, he has also managed to upset the existing one, by backing out of the Twitter deal. Good thing that the markets were more stable, than Musk’s mood. 1/7
Talking about the “impending recession” seems to be the trend. So, it was a surprise last week, when both the #Sensex & the #Nifty went ↑ by almost 3%. Potential reasons? Maybe the cooldown in the prices of #commodities. This helps sectors like #Auto, #Realty, & #FMCG. 2/7
So naturally, both the #NiftyFMCG & #NiftyRealty were ↑ over 5%. #NiftyAuto was also ↑ 3.5%. In fact, every sectoral index was painting the town green. Global indices were also mostly up. The S&P 500 was ↑ 1.94% & the #NASDAQ100 ↑ by 4.6%. 3/7
Read 7 tweets
May 11th 2022
How India fought back when the United States imposed sanctions on India.

A thread 🧵 - 1/17

#India #nationaltechnologyday #pokharan #sanctions #Indianeconomy
Though the war between Russia and Ukraine is being fought with weapons, Russia is fighting another war with a different set of weapons. The United States and its allies are in an economic war with Russia with sanctions.

Almost 24 years ago, India faced a similar situation when the United States and its allies imposed sanctions on India.

Read 18 tweets
May 13th 2021
Who said #hesitancy was not a prob? My comorbid wife delayed taking shot by a month. Sr citizen neighbour pastered doctor son against vaccine. #Covaxin was not mocked? It was done till early April. Hesitancy was so common that bengal went slow on covax indent 1/n
Why all health staff, Sr xitizen didn't queue up 4 #vaccine in Feb-March? Centres wr idle. Data proves, Thr ws not equal push from all states either. All rushed 4 vax as #SecondWave struck. As in end April 50% on queue for vax wr above 60. This contributed to overcrowding. 2/n
Yes thr is now a #VaccineShortage. But part of it is perceived. Do we have enough manpower & other necessary infra to inoculate 3 USAs (90cr adult) at one go? V got feb-april. Cud USA vaccinate all in 3 months? On April 18, only 50% Americans wr vaccinated. De started ahead. 3/n
Read 12 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
#IndianEconomy In a Group Discussion of my Alumni, most of who are industry seniors or leaders, what is emerging that India is on its recovery path. Salaries that were reduced by as much as 50%, is on the uptake and is going back to pre-covid levels.
Another person mentioned that large MNCs are signing contracts and closing them. In another case, no salary reduction.
To quote another, "Hurried layoffs and furloughs are making it harder to come back online. People are realizing the value of human capital and bench strength".
Read 9 tweets
Aug 28th 2020
Right now DR @APanagariya speaking at @BenCham1833 Leadership Series on the impact of the pandemic #ArvindPanagariya #BengalChamber
2/n Dr #ArvindPanagariya endorses the government's decision not to front-end the "demand stimulus" - because with labour not being there and enterprises shut - Supply Curve being vertical - it wouldn't have worked. #COVID19India #BengalChamber
3/n Dr #ArvindPanagariya thinks it was the right decision to focus first on food security and controlling infection spread. Next, the interventions by RBI on liquidity and credit lines was the logical second step #COVID19India #BengalChamber
Read 10 tweets
Aug 24th 2020
In an atmosphere of doom and gloom, refreshing to hear industry leaders and bankers at the launch of Akhil Gupta's "Some Sizes Fit All" sound more optimistic than our economists and commentariat @bhanshireen @rajivmemani @Kalpnamorparia @kakunakhate #books #economy #IndianEconomy Image
Talking of a SWOT #KakuNakhate of @BankofAmerica thinks India is far better geo-politically today - though she sounded a word of caution on the situation at the borders. #KalpanaMorparia of @jpmorgan appeared to be bullish on banking reforms and RBI interventions. @CNBCTV18Live
The best came from @rajivmemani of @EY_India, who highlighted the "talent pool" from India providing critical services around the globe at this time of the pandemic. That combined with the technology progress can be a differentiator in the postcovid world. #SomeSizesFitAll #books
Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
In an otherwise grim #economic outlook, #Cement stocks shine as a ray of hope in the market - basis better than expected performance of cement companies in Q1 21 and banking on government infra spends to boost #economy post #Covid19 #indianeconomy…
#IndianEconomy Return of #migrantlabour could turn out to be a boon for #ruralIndia. Better availability of labour, good harvest, MNREGA and PMGKY etc spends could augur well for #ruraleconomy. Besides, availability of manpower also helped in sowing season. #COVID19India #economy
#IndianEconomy Per current outlook on #Covid19 Cities and user states can’t wait indefinitely for normalcy and #migrantlabour to return (even at higher pay). They will have to adopt new construction practices and technology. That is also an opportunity for re/upskilling. #economy
Read 3 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
"Economic growth accompanied by worsening social outcomes isn't success, it's failure"- @jacindaardern
by his Uneducated Mental Mess is Catapulting India 2 a #SocialSuicide
The #DeathKnell
Read 13 tweets
Jun 27th 2020
We a group of nationalistic professionals have written a letter to Honble PM @narendramodi giving some suggestions to a) tackle urgent distress b) generate demand c) usher in policy changes in view of stress on #IndianEconomy due to #coronavirus

Distress Management

1 Suspend FRBM Act and Prudential Norms for MSMEs for one year
2 Loans to MSMEs without considering external rating requirements
3 Provide credit facilities to returning migrants to set up their ventures train them on their skill development programs

Distress management

4 Provide interest free crop loans to farmers (including animal husbandry) having holding up to 5 acres for the current year
5 Involve philanthropists, intermediaries, Self-Help Groups and NGOs for effective last mile delivery of relief measures

Read 17 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
Many of the long standing societal rules were re-written at times of crisis. We are undergoing one of the biggest crisis of our generation. Wonder what rules will be re-written in the post COVID world. Trying to predict few changes in the new world

Thread 1/n
AI and Digital transformation will lead the way in the post Covid world as people will finally wake up to the potential of technology in optimizing their respective businesses.
#COVID #coronovirusindia #economy #recession #IndianEconomy #startups
The de facto delivery of education will change to online mediums now that the education institutes will start seeing the potential of online education delivery. Low impact in K12, high impact in higher education.
#COVID #education #edtech
Read 10 tweets

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