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Let's keep it light hearted

Mar 23, 2023, 9 tweets

3 elements of Pakistan's policy in #Bangladesh (E. Pakistan):
* Rule Bengalis - they are unreliable.
* Islamize the masses - make a strong religious bond with W. Pakistan.
* Seize #Hindu property - provide a golden carrot to win over the under privileged Muslim middle-class.


#Bangladesh - 1971 - RAPE was a strategic policy of Pakistan army that the Imams & Mullahs supported. A West Pakistan fatwa asserted that women taken from #Hindus could be considered war booty. Rapes of Hindu women aimed to destroy their FAITH, SOCIAL POSITION & SELF-ESTEEM.


#Bangladesh - 1971 - The Butcher of Balochistan, General Tikka Khan, ordered his soldiers to impregnate as many Bengali women as they could so there would be a whole generation of children in East Pakistan that would be born with the blood from the West.

#Bangladesh - 1971 - #Hindu women would wipe out their ‘sindur' and remove ‘sakha' from their forearms so as not to be identified and raped. Over 70,000 girls became pregnant. Thousands aborted. Rejected by society, many ended up as sex slaves of army officers.


#Bangladesh - 1971 - Thousands of young #Hindu girls were killed. The most attractive were captured to become sex slaves in the military cantonments. At 5-6 month pregnant, they were released with the taunt: ‘When my son is born, you must bring him back to me’.


#Bangladesh - 1971 - Gen. Niazi defended the rapists - “You cannot expect a man to live, fight and die in East Pakistan and go to Jhelum for sex, would you?" A practicing rapist himself, he raved, "Main iss haramzadi qaum ki nasal badal doon ga. Yeh mujhe kya samajhtey hain."


#Bangladesh - 1971 - #Hindu children were made to eat beef and forcibly converted to Islam. Time magazine reported on August 2, 1971, “The Hindus, who account for three-fourths of the refugees and a majority of the dead, have borne the brunt of the Muslim military hatred.”


#Bangladesh - 1971 - Pakistan army destroyed many historic temples, including Dhakeshwari (Goddess of #Dhaka), using its main hall for ammunition storage, torturing and killing temple custodians. Government seized temple property under Vested Property Act.


Minority rights abuses began right after #Bangladesh gained independence in 1971. Dhaka's Ramna Kalibari #Hindu temple remnants were demolished and its land was transferred to the elite recreational #Dhaka Club.


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