Jim Stewartson, Antifascist 🇨🇦🇺🇦🏴‍☠️🇺🇸 Profile picture
@RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2 Threads: jimstewartson, Bluesky: jim-stewartson, Mastodon https://t.co/ycc97UuQAu

Mar 29, 2023, 21 tweets

Dear QAnon believers:
This is the person who wrote the first Q drops.

His name is James Brower and he worked for Mike Flynn at MAGA3X which ran psyops in 2016 to “destroy the reputation of Hillary Clinton.” #Pizzagate

I’m sorry to bring you this news.

MAGA3X co-founder @JackPosobiec is friends with James Brower and “Microchip” — currently a federal informant — who cooperated to create “Q.”

Brower wrote “Q drops” for six days until he signed off on Twitter.

“I hope you’ve enjoyed the 4chan posts.”
11/4/17, James Brower

Among the very first mentions of “QAnon” on Twitter were Flynn employees: James Brower from MAGA3X, Tracy “Beanz” Diaz,” and 1st Amendment Praetorians (1AP) propagandist Brian Cates.

Tracy Diaz took over “Q” from James Brower and Microchip after the first week and expanded it.

One of the major topics of the first Q drops were John Podesta’s GRU hacked emails which generated Pizzagate.

Here is James Brower four days after QAnon started synchronizing Q drops with tweets.

Here is James Brower promoting his co-conspirator, white nationalist terrorist Microchip, on Gab 5 days after QAnon started.

In addition to his paid role at MAGA3X, James Brower was an official “State Assistant Director” for the 2016 Trump campaign — and worked on the Facebook program which was informed by Cambridge Analytica.

Brower also did work at “WeSearchr” for Holocaust-denier Chuck Johnson.

I may have mentioned MAGA3X operative James Brower 28 months ago…

I have learned a lot since then, but I was right — which is why I have been ruthlessly attacked.

Here’s the truth:
“Q” was started for Mike Flynn by Mike Flynn’s employees.

Mike Flynn is Q.

Here is Flynn Org employee Tracy “Beanz” Diaz six months after taking over “Q” from James Brower and Microchip screaming “We are Q. We planned the whole thing.” — to Donald Trump.

The “Q” LARP went through a complex chain of custody, but it was *always* controlled by @GenFlynn.

Here is James Brower three weeks before QAnon started spreading a horrific hoax with Alex Jones that there is a “tape” of the Las Vegas mass murderer identifying himself as ISIS.

This false conspiracy theory was the subject of several Q drops.


While it came from the right, the QAnon operation was a horseshoe. 🧲

Simultaneous to Brower and Microchip starting “Q,” internet terrorist Douglas Matthew Stewart and Microchip were creating “Operation TittyTwister” which was aimed at the left.

10/27/17, the day before Q:

The same day James Brower spread lies about the Las Vegas massacre with Alex Jones, 10/6/17, Brower pushed the phrase “calm before the storm” — which came from an odd Trump press conference the day before.

The phrase became a rallying cry for QAnon.
jimstewartson.substack.com/p/kremlin-prop… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

The day James Brower says he stopped writing Q drops he started promoting a “new campaign” by Microchip to make the false claim that “White people are the real minorities: 6.5% of the world’s population.”

Two months before QAnon, Brower said he is “paid by Russia” and Microchip is “paid by Russia and China to bring the USA to it’s knees.”

This is partially true. Their payment was indirect — through proxies controlled by Mike Flynn.

James Brower quote-posted himself on 4chan on 10/28/17 to find the right formula to get “Q” started. The Kremlin propagandists immediately promoted it.

In the first Q drop, Brower lied about a fantasy that would lock up Hillary Clinton which is @GenFlynn’s deepest desire.

“QAnon” is a term largely used outside the cult to describe the *symptoms* of a psychological operation created by Mike Flynn to brainwash Americans for Putin.

Brower was a digital soldier who played a small but deadly role in Flynn’s psyop.
@SecDef @SecArmy #ArrestMikeFlynn

For 2 1/2 years, I have been fighting to expose the psychological war we are being subjected to and who is responsible for it.

The press has failed to do its job and the government is failing to hold criminals to account.

Please follow and subscribe.🙏

To the large collection of single purpose hate accounts, fake researchers and journalists, and anonymous terrorists that have been trying to discredit, disable and deplatform me for 31 months — you lose.

APPENDIX: James Brower’s co-conspirators.

Here’s more information about the birth of “Q” by MAGA3X operative James Brower and Microchip.

Here’s more information on the person who was general manager of QAnon for six months after James Brower and Microchip got it started.

Tracy “Beanz” Diaz has been a Kremlin propagandist since the Ron Paul campaign.

She is a current employee of Flynn Org.

Here’s more information about Douglas Matthew Stewart who has been running chaos operations for fascists for well over a decade. He is good friends with James Brower, federal informant Microchip, and most of the “influencers” on the left side of QAnon.

Another close ally of James Brower, first writer of Q drops, was Proud Boy Joseph Biggs, currently on trial for seditious conspiracy in Mike Flynn’s insurrection.

Brower was a “contributor” to “RogueRight” — run by Joe Biggs, who is a long time family friend of the Flynns.

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