3 problems with global #sustainability goals in terms of plastic soup - Plastic Soup Foundation plasticsoupfoundation.org/en/2021/08/thr…
#Plasticpollution is standing in the way of achieving at least 12 of the 17 sustainability goals. This was made clear in an article published in Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry.
In the case of plastic soup, it is not only about floating #plastic in the ocean (#SDG14), but about a lot more.
To take a few examples from the article:
#SDG1 (end poverty). #Plasticwaste keeps poverty going as plastic is a breeding ground for insects thereby causing diseases such as malaria. Local coastal communities have to spend a lot of money to clear up washed up plastic.
SDG 3 (good health and well-being). We ingest #plastic through #food, #drink and the air without knowing its long-term effects.
SDG 6 (#water and #sanitation). Activities such as machine washing synthetic clothing releases #microfibres into the environment and into drinking water.
SDG 15 (life on land). #Microplastics negatively affect ecosystems, not only in the water but on land too.
The SDG framework does not include any indicators that determine the negative effects of #plasticpollution on each individual goal. It is as if plastic pollution is totally irrelevant and there are no relationships between plastic and the goals.
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