Paul Maidowski Profile picture
Solar PV, climate policy, bamboo analysis/consulting. Language, systems. Fletcher/Fulbright. d|e|f|i|中 围棋

Apr 4, 2023, 8 tweets

1. Dynamics of ZeroCovid policy #ZeroSARS #清零政策

Did it fail as China abandoned ZC policy? No.

A covid-conscious colleague calls me, concerned re conflict. They rightly observe conservative values match ZC:

Sanctity of life
National security
Sense of authority and hierarchy

2. I lost track of who follows me, beyond 1/3 climate, 1/3 SARS-health-systems, 1/3 dad jokes.

Yet this new follower somehow caught my eye.

Obvs conservatives are organizing to hold Biden and Democrats/liberals accountable for their horrific pandemic policy.

No surprise there.

3. Effective policy requires understanding the mechanics of SARS.

Transmission sustains the pandemic: "one ship every three months".

The ONLY way to eliminate SARS is to stop the ship before it leaves harbor. Before the virus gets on a plane on two legs.

4. Once the virus stepped off the plane and into the local community, you'll need angelic reinforcement. (Paul White has your back——I hope her angels are PCR tested though)

5. @ChrisDYork (now @KyivPost) kindly transcribed the winning formula. #SlavaUkraini…

@ChrisDYork @KyivPost 6. In 2023 it got interesting. Our warnings are working; or people are learning for themselves. I hear hierarchical, self-organized or outlaw groups are beginning to warn their members. This is Pandemic Sociology 201.

By the nature of these groups, you will only hear it from us.

7. I’m not making fun of @NateSilver538; some of his SARS beliefs are correct. Without doing the readings, he, @tomaspueyo, and everyone else on these questions will remain wrong. 🤡

Public health isn’t and never will be intuitive.

No truly global governance problem ever is.

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