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Apr 9, 2023, 15 tweets

What important messages would Jesus share if he found himself resurrected at Walmart?
#HappyEaster #JesusChrist #Church #Christianity #WorshipAI #HealthyLiving #Walmart #AIArtCommunity #MidJourney #MindJourney
🧵Thread - Share your thoughts on AI merging with religion and……

Would he have anything to say about kosher food?

What would Jesus think about plastic Easter eggs?

Would he step outside to extol the health benefits of early morning sun?

Would he seek out a more holistic location to share his teachings?

Would he eat bread with his followers in nearby fields and pastures?

Would he return to the marketplace to speak with shoppers?

Would Walmart be supportive of his sermons?

Would Jesus continue to share as long as people would listen?

Would our cultural divide be an issue for Jesus?

How would Jesus feel about guns?

How would Jesus feel about abortion access?

How would Jesus feel about generative images rendered using AI neural networks trained with millions of images created by humans?
#HeHasRisen #HappyEaster #DeepFake #EverLastingLove #Faith
#AIArtwork #AICommunity #Midjourney #Dreamstudio #StableDiffusion

Would Jesus miss his life before the resurrection? Would he be comfortable socializing with the women he met at Walmart?

Would Jesus have a divine twin in our current astral plane?

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