Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #DeepFake

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May 26th 2023
Friday Fact-Check Overview: 26-05-2023

#russian #Disinformation #Ukraine️ Image
#Eksplozja w #Chmielnickim. Brak dowodów na obecność #amunicji ze zubożonym #uranem

#Rosyjska #propaganda po raz kolejny aktywnie próbuje siać #panikę w #Polsce i krajach #Europy. Narracje te są bardzo chętnie powielane przez liczne konta w mediach społecznościowych. [1/3]
Na ten moment nie ma żadnych dowodów na to, by w #Chmielnickim znajdowały się magazyny, w których składowano #amunicję ze #zubożonym #uranem. Nie zaobserwowano wzrostu #promieniowania ani w #ukraińskim mieście, ani w #Polsce. [2/3]
Read 33 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
🧵Midjourney cz.2
- Firma odzieżowa G-Star przy projektowaniu swojej nowej kolekcji korzystała z Midjourney
- @nytimes oznacza zdjęcia wygenerowane przez AI
- @kurasinski ogłosił kolejną odsłonę szkolenia jak wykorzystywać narzędzia AI w praktyce
+ Różne zdjęcia AI
1/9 👇 World Cup by Wes Anderson A...
New York Times na swojej stronie internetowej zaczął umieszczać informację o zdjęciach wygenerowanych przez AI, ponieważ większość ludzi nie jest już w stanie ich odróżnić od tych prawdziwych.
2/9 Image
G-STAR "Jako projektanci, którzy uwielbiają wprowadzać innowacje i nowe narzędzia w ramach procesu projektowania, integracja AI może zapewnić liczne korzyści, takie jak zwiększona wydajność i dokładność. Może również pomóc zmniejszyć ilość odpadów w procesie produkcji".
3/9 Image
Read 9 tweets
Apr 17th 2023
- Utwór ze zmienionym przez AI wokalem gwiazd muzyki ma od wczoraj ponad 5 mln wyświetleń
- Ludzie kupują zdjęcia wygenerowanej przez AI modelki
- Grafika AI wygrała konkurs fotograficzny!

Witamy w nowej "rzeczywistości"
@WojtekKardys miałeś rację

Linki 1/4 👇 Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2023
What important messages would Jesus share if he found himself resurrected at Walmart?
#HappyEaster #JesusChrist #Church #Christianity #WorshipAI #HealthyLiving #Walmart #AIArtCommunity #MidJourney #MindJourney
🧵Thread - Share your thoughts on AI merging with religion and…… Image
Would he have anything to say about kosher food? Image
What would Jesus think about plastic Easter eggs? Image
Read 15 tweets
Mar 28th 2023
Gotta love @jimmy_dore. How do so many people still not know about these criminals? How long does it take to sink in, people? I mean...It's not brain surgery. 😉
Workforce statistics do not reflect what we're being told.
#VaccineInjuries #VaccineDeaths
#Fauci opened the #Gates of hell.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
_ ¿Estás segura que le conoces bien?
- SÍ.
- ¿Totalmente?
- ¿Y cómo estás tan segura?
- ¡Porque me ha enviado vídeos!

Y entonces hablamos de lo que es un #deepfake y su relación con el abuso sexual infantil. Lo vemos en #frikimamatecuenta ⬇️
El verano pasado seguro que visteis este anuncio de @Cruzcampo , en el que "resucitaron" a Lola Flores, que lleva más de 25 años muerta.

Lo hicieron mediante el #deepfake.
A modo de resumen, un deepfake es un archivo de imagen, audio o vídeo que ha sido modificado ⬇️
Mediante inteligencia artificial para transformarlo en otra cosa y hacerlo pasar por algo real, sin serlo. Un gran ejemplo de esto, son escenas de Carrie Fisher en Rogue One, para lo que usaron el cuerpo de una actriz llamada Ingvild Deila, pero le pusieron la cara de Fisher ⬇️
Read 24 tweets
Mar 26th 2023
🧵#Midjourney 5 polskie przykłady wygenerowanych przez #AI zdjęć, prompty, jak korzystać.

- Wiedźmin w świecie Cyberpunk ✅
- Selfie z bitwy pod Grunwaldem ✅
- Portrety w stylu Andrzeja Dragana✅
- Okładka książki Mroza✅
- Metawersum Pana Kleksa✅
Najlepszej jakości przykłady to te z Wiedźminem, światem Cyberpunk, fantasy.
✅Wiedźmin portret na płótnie (witcher 17 century hyperrealistic oil painting)
✅Wiedźmin w grze The Last of Us
✅Wiedźmin na tle Warszawy
#genai ImageImageImage
Świetnie radzi sobie oczywiście, ze znanymi osobami - co ciekawe Xi Jinping jest zablokowany, za to "president of china" nie.
✅Trump na wiecu wyborczym w Pcimiu (polish village 1970s) ✅ Joe Biden na osiedlu (polish soviet neighbourhood 1970s) #deepfake #GenAI ImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Feb 8th 2023
AI is indeed the future 🤖📈

Let me explain why I believe $CAI will eventually overtake $15 million in MC soon..

@cryptoai_erc has everything well put together:

A quick thread 🧵 (1/9) Image

> New Dream AI function
> AI Contests
> AI Buybot
> AI DirectSwap via Telegram (dex swaps)
> AI Raids
> Text 2 AI Videos
> Text 2 AI Speech
> NSFW/IMG AI Generator Image

Simply put, it's a Telegram BuyBot with new features and AI tracking trending pairs... Currently being used by a number of new projects 👀

Here is a comparison between our bot and two of the most used buybots. Image
Read 12 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
You know how hands & fingers are particularly difficult to generate?

Wouldn't it be funny if people having important conversations online (in the near future) used hand gestures in front of their faces, so both sides know it's not a #DeepFake.

Anchor: I'm sorry to ask Mr. President, but before this TV interview can proceed please make a creative gesture with your hands.

Pres: What?

Anchor: Well, in the last election multiple candidates were caught using DeepFakes to make them look & sound smarter than they are.
Bank: Sir, we need to authenticate you by online video because of climate lockdown #37.

Customer: OK, let's do it!

B: Make the vulcan hand sign, flip it a round, turn it into a finger gun, and pretend to shoot in the air.

C: Wait, what!

B: Yes, because #DeepFakes.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 26th 2022
Les #deepfakes sont de + en + faciles à utiliser, et les #cyber criminels ne s'en privent pas. Petit tour d'horizons des risques, et quelques conseils pour les repérer dans ce thread ! 🧵(1/12) Image
Les démos de #deepfake de "simples" internautes font dire à certains que "l'on ne peut plus croire en rien". 👊Nous verrons à la fin de ce thread pourquoi il ne faut pas baisser les bras si vite... 🧵(2/12)
Pourtant, les arnaques au #deepfake explosent et le #FBI alerte sur la recrudescence de faux candidats usurpant l'identité de vrais profils intéressants pour l'employeur lors d'entretiens en #visio
🧵(3/12) Image
Read 13 tweets
Aug 20th 2022
Deep Fakes | Testing Tools and various Software (Another thread will be created soon on Deep Fake Detection)

This is a Thread 🧵 👇

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #deepfake #OSINT
1 of 7
Used for the below video of my friend Ryan Shaw who is an FBI Agent.

Ryan Shaw does not exit and was fabricated by me. Everything was chosen, the moving background, the AI person, the accent, the language.
#AI #Artificial_Intelligence
2 of 7
Used for the video below. The face of Obama was swapped for the face of Gen. Colin Powell. Software didn’t change the shape of Obama’s face, did some additional modifications with, voice wasn’t changed. #AI #OSINT
Read 8 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
Weil jetzt alle darüber streiten ob Giffey auf Deepfake-Technologie reingefallen ist, nochmal der Hinweis, dass #Deepfake hauptsächlich als Gefahr für Politiker*innen/Politik diskutiert wird, aber zum überwiegende Teil für sexualisierte misogyne digitale Gewalt verwendet wird.
.@sensityai hat 2019 alle zu diesem Zeitpunkt im Netz zugänglichen #Deepfake Videos analysiert. 96% hatten sexualisierten/pornografischen Inhalt. Hier der Report:
Es ist alltäglich dass #Deepfake Technologie als Mittel geschlechtsspezifischer bildbasierter Gewalt eingesetzt wird.

Dass Deepfakes als Fake News potentiell politische Prozesse gefährden, wird trotzdem häufiger besprochen und problematisiert.
Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2022
Story that needs to get more attention: it appears that the major of Berlin has been deceived by a #deepfake video call. She thought she was talking to Kyiv major Vitali Klitschko.…
A similar story that happened last year - deep fakes used to deceive European MPs.
Story in English by @dwnews. These are exactly the scenarios people working on #AI-enabled disinformation have been warning about.…
Read 7 tweets
Jun 9th 2022
🔍 Het technisch reproduceerbare gezicht -
Gezichtsherkenningstechnologie is overal. Het wordt gebruikt voor massasurveillance, voor Instagram-filters en steeds geavanceerdere deepfakes.… #Deepfake #Techthics #controlemaatschappij #massasurveillance 1/5
Wat hebben computers met ons gezicht gedaan, en hoe hebben ze ons idee van authenticiteit veranderd? ‘We nemen geen genoegen meer met realistisch, we willen hyperrealistisch.’ 2/5
Foto’s die je uploadt op sociale media leggen een reis af. Ze worden door privébedrijven opgespoord & daarna opgeslagen, wat geen verrassing mag heten in het post-Snowden-tijdperk. Sommige van die verzamelingen worden direct verkocht aan overheden of andere privébedrijven.' 3/5
Read 7 tweets
May 25th 2022
🔔 𝐌𝐚𝐠 𝐢𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐠𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐤𝐭? 'Het antwoord daarop hangt af van de ethische standaard die wordt gehanteerd' over de kloof welke zichtbaar wordt in de samenleving door de Soares Deepfake… #techthics 1/4
📍 Zulke deepfakes zijn in tegenspraak met het negende gebod: „Gij zult geen valse getuigenis spreken tegen uw naaste.” Voor de gemiddelde leek is onmogelijk te achterhalen of met de echte persoon gesproken is of niet. Echt is nauwelijks meer van nep te onderscheiden 2/4
📍 "In het ergste geval kunnen deepfakes een ”infocalyps” veroorzaken: een toestand waarin de verwarring compleet is, omdat mensen niet meer kunnen geloven wat ze zien." 3/4
Read 6 tweets
Feb 24th 2022
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
News you can use.

Try not to laugh...
#ErikPrince and James O'Keefe are the ratf*ck extroardinaires #RogerStone Steve #Bannon needed. Sprinkle a little #Flynn in there, and you've got a military grade political hack squad ready to fill their own pockets no matter how bad it is for the U.S.

Read 33 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
Monday, January 17th, 2022
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
News you can use.

Try not to laugh...
Harsh, but serious. If you're not looking at a long prison sentence, there's a lot of incentive to cheat.

Read 29 tweets
Dec 25th 2021
#antivaxx efforts now even use #deepfake

to target #refugee, Black, religious minority communities

like measles outbreak in Minnesota in 2019: Wakefield was flown in TO spread #misinformation & #disinformation

Now: online fake accounts/fake identities vs #VaccinesWork
What has #healthcare been doing meanwhile?

#Medbikini: Teach (male Asian) med students to make fake accounts to cyberstalk trainees’ personal Facebook for: bikini
or “being political” or “religious” (#BLM)

➡️“model minority” pipeline for “shadow faculty” vs Blck @ayshakhoury
#Medbikini #research got flak for men vs women

BUT was ALSO fake acct #surveillance vs #BLM like drove out @ayshakhoury @uche_blackstock @nhannahjones

While academia has ignored #vaccineequity
➡️ongoing #pandemic & deaths in marginalized targeted by #antivaxx

Read 23 tweets
Nov 29th 2021
Throwback to the 90s when liberal feminists successfully argued that a ban on filmed rape would censor nude art as well as education on sex, health, maternity, homosexuality etc. We got the world full of porn that they wanted and it harms... everything they sought to defend.
I can't think of a single medium spreading more harmful lies about sexuality, sexual health, etc. than porn. It's normalized strangulation, violent anal sex & much more - not condoms. To many young people "lesbian" is not a sexual orientation but a porn genre. So is "pregnancy".
I can't count all the women and girls I know personally who have survived (filmed) sexual assault where acts were specifically inspired by pornography. And yet the pro-porn "feminists" are still out there blathering about how porn "liberates female sexuality". Wake the fuck up.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 8th 2021
😱Video of New Zealand PM 'smoking crack'😱

#Real or #fake? Let’s find out. 👇👇👇 1/...

#Verification 📹
#SpeurJeMee? 🧐 #HowToOSINT Image
On 1 Oct. someone posts a video on #Twitter.

We see two videos superimposed. According to the caption , we would see the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern twice.

At the top she appears to be talking to #BillGates and at the bottom she appears to be using #crack. 🔞2/. Image
We also find the same video in various other posts on #Twitter, #YouTube, #Facebook and on the alternative video site #BitChute.

In total, these videos were viewed more than 31,000 times. Let's verify! 3/...
Read 34 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
#Censure numérique ou chasse aux #Fakenews !?🧐:
1/ Du côté de YouTube, la balance est claire :les chaines des détracteurs des stratégies "provax only" seront désormais suspendus / virés, surtout si leur arguments sont forts et leur audience large...…
#Censure numérique ou chasse aux #Fakenews !?🧐:
2/ Le Pdt Macron lance la commission Bronner contre la "désinformation et le complotisme". Le discours officiel ▶️ par la nouvelle chaîne d'Etat...
#Censure numérique ou chasse aux #Fakenews !?🧐:
3/ Cette commission Bronner, au vu du casting de ses membres, a déjà -avant même d’avoir démarré- un goût très Orwellien de Ministère de la vérité à la sauce ♨️ PCC🇨🇳. Analyse cinglante mais lucide d'1 auteur de @libe #miniver ▶️
Read 41 tweets
Jun 15th 2021
One of these photos is #deepfake AND your brain can detect which one! Join our fellow Ariyana Miri (Weds, 1pm ET) in her discussion of preprint paper by Demir and Çiftçi on Synthetic Face Detection via Gaze Tracking. Hot #AI topic! ⬇️
The paper proposes an interesting approach to detecting if a video is a deep fake by watching where the eyes are looking in the videos. Ari's journal club is about detecting eye blinks and positions in real time in humans. ⬇️
Learning about how AI differs from humans could provide more details on how to detect real eye blinks. Plus this paper is very timely! Deep Fakes are becoming easier to create, so technology that can help detect is important. ⬇️
Read 4 tweets
Apr 29th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 04/29/2021…
What life conditions drove you to work for societal and cultural transformation?…

#transformation #society #culture #biography #LifeConditions
Large-scale origami locks into place under pressure…

#LargeScale #OrigamiDesign #FacilityStructures
Read 10 tweets

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