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Vedic scriptures, history and geopolitics

Apr 13, 2023, 15 tweets

⭐️Seven Immortals of Hindu Vedic History


#Hindutva #Vedic #Purana #Sanatan #India

1. Maharshi Ved Vyas
A sage who narrated the Mahabharata to Lord Ganesh who wrote it. He was also sage in all the Chaturyugs.He was blessed by Lord Vishnu and was the Maharshi who parted Vedas thus the name Vedvyas.

2. Mahabali
Righteous demon king also known as often called King Bali who lives in patal lok and this king of the patal lok. He was sent and made the king of patal lok by the Lord Vishnu incarnation of Vaman.

2a. He conquered Heaven , Earth and Patal but was forced to give back Earth and Heaven by Vaman Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

3. Markandeya
Markendeya is a devotee of the Lord Shiva, and was granted immortality by him when Shiva and Yama (the God of death) fought to decide the Rishi’s destiny.

4. Lord Hanuman
Lord Hanuman really needs no introduction, he is devotion personified, and his strength, form and knowledge characterise him. It is said that whilst other characters from the Ramayan achieved their sought-after Moksha.

4a Hanumanji shunned the heavens and requested to remain on Earth as long as Lord Ram is venerated by people, to reside wherever the name of Ram is taken- such was, and is his love for God.

5. Kripacharya
Kripa was the Kul Guru of the Kurus during the Mahabharat, and whilst his status as a Chiranjeevi is disputed, his impartiality towards all of his students is the most commonly documented reason for his immortality.

6. Parashurama
6th avatar of Vishnu, master of all astras, sastras and divine weapons. The Kalki Purana writes that he will re emerge at end time to the martial guru of Kalki.

6a. He will then instruct the final avatar to undertake penance to receive celestial weaponry, required to save mankind at end time.

7. Vibhishana
The brother of Ravan, Vibhishan, who fought on Ram’s side in the Ramayan. He was made a Chiranjeevi to maintain morality and righteousness in Lanka and to guide people over the world in Dharma.

8. Ashwathama
He was the son of Guru Dronacharya teacher of Kauravas and Pandavas. He was a great warrior fought by the side of Kauravas. Dronacharya did several years of severe penance to please lord Shiva in order to obtain a child

8. with valiance similar to that of lord Shiva himself. I did not get immortality for any good deeds but was cursed by lord Krishna after he assassin the five sons of Draupadi while they were sleeping believing them to be 5 Pandavas.

9. Devapi
He is believed to be the elder brother of King Shantanu the great grandfather of Pandavas.He is an immortal sage.

Correction - In Vedic Hindu literature there are 8 immortals with Vedic literature having varying accounts of immortals. I have tried to compile as per my knowledge.

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