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Apr 17, 2023, 21 tweets

⭐️A Chinese police station in the US🤒🫡
The Department of Justice announced that it had charged more than 40 individuals, many of whom are members of the Chinese national police, in connection with transnational repression schemes to stifle the activities of Chinese citizens……

1. In Oct 2022 a report from Safeguard Defenders, a human rights watchdog, revealed that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has at least 54 'overseas police service stations' in 30 different countries, including the US. #USA #CHINA #CHINESEPOLICESTATION

2. As part of a massive nationwide campaign to combat the growing issue of fraud and telecommunication fraud by Chinese nationals living abroad, Chinese authorities claim that from April 2021 to July 2022, 230,000 nationals had been “persuaded to return” to face criminal……

3. The communist Chinese government expanded its network of "unofficial" police stations to monitor its citizens with new stations in the U.K. The CCP operates 54 such stations around the world, with 36 of them in Europe. The centers are reported to track down Chinese citizens……

4. The stations are reportedly affiliated with the United Front Work Department, a Communist Party org. that is reported to have deep ties to the Biden administration. A think tank founded by President Biden's energy czar, John Podesta, has reportedly worked heavily with a United……

4. The stations are reportedly affiliated with the United Front Work Department, a Communist Party org. that is reported to have deep ties to the Biden administration. A think tank founded by President Biden's energy czar, John Podesta, has reportedly worked heavily with a United……

5. Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show the first son and his business partners helped the organization gain a foothold in the United States while his father was vice president.
#USA #China #Biden #HunterBiden #Chinsepolicestation…

6. After being listed by the inter-ministerial joint meeting of China’s State Council as a "Key Rectification Area of the Origins of Criminals Going Overseas for Fraud", on 18 September 2018, the government of Anxi County, Fujian, held a “thousand person” conference and……

7. The Anxi County government’s campaign launch was not without controversy. Since the targets are merely suspects, and the five punishments are all carried out before any guilt has been established, Xinhua Net in an article that same month opposed the measure of banning……

8. On 26 January 2021, the Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security issued a document, “Bulletin of the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, and the Ministry of Public Security Regarding Urging……

9. Since the end of November 2021, several notices were issued to warn the Chinese public not to travel to nine countries with serious telecom and web crimes: Cambodia, the UAE, the Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Malaysia, Turkey, and Indonesia. People who have no……

10 “Strikes against Chinese overseas suspects” are not limited to the nine forbidden countries as the pilot project demonstrated. While many of the publicly reported operations appear to have been conducted mainly through online means, on 22 January 2022, Liu Rongyan, Director……

12. The United Front system (United Front Work) facilitated the establishment of these international police stations through its political and diplomatic ties across the globe. The United Front System is the work of Chinese Communist Party agencies seeking to co-opt and influence……

13. In addition to this Overseas hometown associations, while often providing genuine services to the community, have become overwhelmingly co-opted by the CCP’s United Front organizations, which seek to increasingly control the Chinese diaspora. Leaders of hometown associations……

14. By late 2022 global media had started making veiled statements about the presence of the Chinese Police Stations on their soil.
#USA #China #Biden #HunterBiden #Chinsepolicestation

15. Some of the media publications even went to the extent of accusing Canadian Premier Justin Trudeau of turning a blind eye to these Orwellian State-style Chinese Police Staions opened in Canada and literally allowing them to exist in Canada.
( Justin Trudeau and his party has……

16. It was disclosed in January 2023 that FBI agents raided a Manhattan building in the fall of 2022 that was allegedly being used as a secret Chinese police station and was staffed with 'illegal cops' who solved crimes. The raid occurred at the headquarters of the American……

17. Now after many flip-flops and media noise along with Republicans questioning Joe Biden openly about the presence of the Chinese Police station in New York, the U.S. makes its first arrests for operating an illegal Chinese police station on its territory. An FBI official……

18. Two criminal complaints included charges against 44 defendants, 40 of whom are part of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) while another two are officials in the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). The defendants allegedly partook in efforts to target Chinese……

19. The second complaint charges 10 individuals, six of whom are MPS officials. Two more are the CAC officials while the third is an China-based employee of a U.S. telecommunications company and the tenth is believed to reside in Indonesia. They face charges of conspiracy to……

20. China and CPC have been running this subversion plot for the last 4 years successfully but now due to the changed political landscape in the USA and republicans gaining a majority in the house with their own speaker, the plot seems to be in disarray for Xi Jinping favorite……

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