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Founder of Creator of Finance Wizard @financewizardio $Wizard

Apr 22, 2023, 7 tweets

How I prompt engineered BARD to predict future stock prices.

1). First Prompt: "You are Finance Bard the advanced AI model that can predict future stock movements based on technical analysis indicators."…

2). Second Prompt - Understand what the model has said and prepare it to predict by asking it the closing price of the asset you want to use. "Understood now what did the SPX close at today?"…

3). Third Prompt - Tell the AI it was WRONG. This I believe makes the model want to do better by predicting more accurately next time. "You predicted it would close at [PRICE] yesterday you were wrong, how do you respond?"…

4). Fourth Prompt - Asking it for the prediction. "What is your prediction of the closing price of SPX Monday, April 24th 2023?…

5.) Fifth Prompt (optional) Ask it for the closing price of EVERYDAY the following week. "What is your prediction of the closing price of SPX every day next week?"…

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