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Apr 23, 2023, 19 tweets

Join us for the 3rd episode of our cosmic adventure through the @Entanglefi multiverse! 🚀

Get an in-depth look at the protocol's unique approach & discover the innovative liquidity solutions it brings to DeFi

#DeFi #LSD #Omnichain #ReHash


Before we move forward, please note that this thread merely aims to share our understanding of the topic and should not be taken as financial advice.

Disclosure: This post is under a partnership with the @Entanglefi team


Table of Contents
🟣 What is Entangle?
🟣 Synthetic Vaults
🟣 How SV work
🟣 Distributed Oracle Solution
🟣 Entangle Blockchain
🟣 High-level overview of Entangle Products
🟣 Use-Cases
🟣 Revenue Model
🟣 $ENTGL Token
🟣 Development Roadmap
🟣 References


@Entanglefi seeks to address liquidity challenges by linking protocols through a distinct liquidity sub-layer that extends across multiple chains.

This achieved by utilizing Synthetic Vaults, a Liquid Staking Derivatives (LSD) complete with it's own oracle and blockchain.


Synthetic Vaults interoperate with intra- and cross-chain partner protocols; in the example below, we use a yield-bearing asset originating from the @0xPolygonLabs Chain.


Entangle's Synthetic Vaults enable a innovative solution in liquidity problem, transforming yield-generating assets into transferable LSD equivalents.

This will unlocks liquidity across omni-chain networks, boosting revenue potential & capital efficiency.


Entangle's E-DOS serves as a foundation for cross-chain capabilities of Synthetic Vaults.

It excels in contract automation, handling data acquisition, validation, processing & storage, this further enhance scalability & cost efficiency when utilizing E-DOS' oracle.


The Entangle Blockchain, designed for processing and validating oracle transactions, boasts low gas fees and 2-second block times.

With EVM compatibility and DPoS, it uses Tendermint and ensuring omni-chain interoperability for native and external dApps through E-DOS.


This diagram shows high-level overview on how Entangle Synthetic Vaults built upon E-DOS and being utilized across different chain to optimize liquidity.


The Entangle Infrastructure opens up innovative use-cases for dApps and Builders, for example:
🟣 Bridges between any chains
🟣 Expand Cross-Chain dApps offering
🟣 Build innovative cross-chain products
🟣 Yield opitimization strategies
🟣 Many more!


The Entangle Protocol earns revenue from multiple sources & distributes it among stakeholders as "Real-Yield.

Income is used to acquire $ENTGL tokens, based on predefined percentages.

This promotes balanced, sustainable revenue distribution, fueling ecosystem growth.


The Entangle Ecosystem operates on $ENTGL, which can be acquired through Staking as a Validator or Delegator, or operating Oracle Keepers.


This roadmap reveals that v2 testnet is in preparation, it will also undergoing rigorous testing and audits before being released to the public.


References (Link in ALT)


This concludes our @Entanglefi protocol multiversal series.

We're eager to see how their product tackles liquidity challenges across DeFi and blockchain.

#DeFi #LSD #Omnichain #ReHash #Oracle #CrossChain


Please check our previous visual guide that explained in details how Synthetic Vaults work.


To understand more about @Entanglefi E-DOS, please check below


I hope you've found this thread helpful.

Like/Retweet/Follow @eli5_defi to support us. Also, please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.

$ENTGL #LSD #DeFi #Omnichain #ReHash #Oracle #CrossChain


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