Itay Epshtain Profile picture
International Lawyer (PIL, LoAC). All views my own unless expressly stated otherwise.

May 3, 2023, 5 tweets

Since the beginning of the year, #Israel destroyed 291 #Palestinian-owned and inhabited structures (197 in Area C, 80 in East Jerusalem, and 14 in Area A&B), of which 47 were provided as humanitarian relief, the majority funded by @eu_echo and @EUCouncil Member States. As a……

According to @ochaopt, under #Israel's Netanyahu-Smotirch-Ben Gvir government - and the powers they have annexed - the monthly average of #Palestinian structures destroyed is higher than at any point since 2009.

@elicoh1 and @eu_eeas chief @JosepBorrellF could have discussed - meeting yesterday - the impact of @Israel's wanton and extensive destruction of property on the Palestinians, and it being codified a grave breach of #IHL and requiring effective penal sanctions against persons……

@elicoh1 @eu_eeas @JosepBorrellF @Israel In fact, those 47 structures - mostly provided by @EUpalestinians - as humanitarian aid could be added to the 774 EU-funded structures seized or destroyed by #Israel since 2016, and the 2.4 million euro owed by Israel to contributing Member States.…

On the short flight back from Brussels to Tel Aviv I would recommend reading Chapter II of the @UN Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, and thinking about providing compensation to @EUCouncil Member States, an acknowledgment of the breach, and guarantees of……

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