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May 7, 2023, 49 tweets

Shri Krishna - The Omniscient, The Omnipresent, The Omnipotent, The Omniverse

An eternal Story of love, devotion, knowledge, and Dharma


#Sanatan #Hunduism #RadheKrishan #ShriKrishna #Krishna #vrindavan

1. Birth
Monumental literature is available on the birth of Shri Krishna in prison where his mother Devki and Father Vasudev consummated the birth of the divine. So i will update here some lesser-known details about the birth of Shri Krishna.

#Sanatan #Hunduism…

2. Astrological timings of the birth of Shri Krishna:
Sant Surdas the legendary 14th-century Hindu poet and seer described astrological details of the birth of the Shri Krishna in his masterpiece Sur Sagar which contains more than 100,000 poems and songs about the life of Shri……

3. Sant Surdas writes a poem in Surdas describing the exact horoscope details about the birth of Shri Krishna.

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4. How the Horoscope of Shri Krishna would look in Vedic Kundalini:

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5. How the Summary of the Horoscope of Shri Krishna would look in Vedic Kundalini as described by the Sant Surdas:
1. Special Features —The Lagna is Taurus or Vrishabha, a sign of Venus, and it is occupied by the Moon and aspected by Saturn making Sri Krishna extremely handsome.……

6. Birth lagna is Taurus and Venus is its lord. The exalted moon (47*45’) is very near birth lagna (50*41’). Vrushabha lagne Chandra stithau, su-roo; paripoorna bhagyadaha = Moon bestows him handsome and strong, body, and the period of Moon is highly beneficial to him.……

7. Venus is in his own house (5 th from Lagna) in Nava amsa chart; this bestowed him magnanimous nature: he was epitome of courtesy and kindness even to poor person like Kuchela; and to low-born Chandala servant-maid Kubja.

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8. Saturn’s (yoga-kaaraka for Taurus) drushti (aspect) is on Moon and birth lagna; so Sri Krishna is very handsome. Venus, Moon, Mars and Saturn have a dominant influence and this combined beneficial effect has given Sri Krishna a very graceful and handsome appearance.……

9. Mars is in cancer and is debilitated; and gave him neecha-bhanga raja-yoga; Mars is martial nature planet; he has Varga-uttama-amsa; which gave Sri Krishna invincible martial powers; Mars in 3rd house (courage & bravery). He fought bravely and killed hundreds of mighty……

10. Moon is the planet of emotions; she is exalted in birth lagna; so Sri Krishna had a lot of emotional attachment to his devotees and hastens to rescue them without any delay; ex: Draupadi devi at the time of her modesty being attacked in Kaurava royal court by Demon-brothers……

11. Mercury is the lord of 2nd (house of speech) and 5th (house of intellect) and is in Virgo (5th; house) and is exalted. This bestowed him the highest intelligence, and power of speech to convince persons and turn them to his side tactfully. He is an intellectual giant; he……

12. Lord Sri Krishna has Moon’s period (Chandra Maha Dasa) running at the time of birth. Krishna Ashtami Moon is waning and is 50% beneficial; 50% malefic. Saturn’s drushti (aspect) on lagna is malefic. Mars (lord of 7 th house; marakasthaana (death-causing) is in 3 rd house……

13. During Rahu main period, he destroyed most of the demons like Mushti, Chaanoora, Demon King Kamsa, Sisupala, Kalanemi, Madhu, Kaitabha and many more. During the period of Jupiter he maintained peace and tranquility in the world and helped Pandavas from their troubles.……

14. During the period of Saturn, he wielded his power and guided the Kurukshetra war and completed the destruction of evil forces prevalent in the form of Kauravas and their associates; and protected dharma (righteousness) in the world. He showered his blessings profusely on his……

15. Vrushe’ sendhau la savithur theekshan shuthanayoh suhruth jayaa khasyaur bhavathi niyamaan manavapathihi = If Vrushabha (Taurus) is birth lagna and Moon (Chandra) is in it, Sun ( Ravi) is in Leo (Simha). Saturn (Sani) is in Aquarius (Kumbha), the person will certainly be an……

16. Saturn is the lord of Bhagya (9th) and Rajya (10th) houses; he is very highly beneficial to Vrushabha (Taurus) lagna natives. Saturn alone can give high benefits without any conjugation = Vrushabhasyacha Mandaika dharma-karma-adhip-bhaveth; Sani eakam subham- daanthum……

17. The lord of Lagna (Venus) and the lord of vyaya (12 th house) (Mars) and Rahu are conjunct in 3 rd house (upachaya); this explains the occurrence of birth of Sri Krishna in prison.

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18. Jupiter is the lord of 11 th house (Pisces); house of elder brothers; je in Kendra in 4 th house and gained 8 navamsas. He is aspected (10 th drushti) by Saturn and Saturn is conjunct with Rahu in nava-amsa. This explains the reason of his birth as the 8 th issue to his……

19. Moon is mathru-kaaraka (significator of mother) and is exalted; Sun is pithru-kaaraka (Significator of father) and is in his own house Leo in kendra (4 th house) and is strong. So Sri Krishna gave immense joy and happiness by releasing his parents from prison; also they lived……

20. Venus is kalthra-karaka (significator of wife), Mars is lord of vyayam (12th house) and 7th house (Scorpio). Venus (102*53’), Mars (91*05’) and Rahu (108*23’) are together in 3 rd house (upachaya). Due to this Sri Krishna has 8 wives(16000 symbolic). Venus and Rahu are very……

21. Sri Krishna has Jupiter-Sun (in his own house) conjunction in 4 th house; houise of education and learning. So Krishna has ocean of knowledge, wisdom and learning. He is a sikhsak (Guru) of Vedas, Vedaangas and all sastras and kalalu (fine-arts). He mastered 64 branches of……

22. The Kurukshetra war occurred during his Ketu period. Sri Krishna played a vital and decisive role in the Mahabharatha war and was the real hero of the episode, without taking an active role in the war. Ketu is in Bhaya-Asthana (9th house) ruled by Saturn (yoga-karaka for……

23. Ketu is moksha-karaka (significator of salvation); he is in 9th house in the constellation of Moon. Mars (martial planet) aspects (7th drushti) Ketu; Saturn was beneficial and very well fortified. It was during the end of Ketu period Venus sub-period, Sri Krishna preached the……

24. After the Mahabharatha war Sri Krishna led a peaceful life during Venus. Sun and Moon periods for about 35 years. The starting of the Mars period brought him troubles; dissensions among Yadavas broke out. Finally, Sri Krishna was freed from his mortal body and attained his……

25. Shri Krishna's birth date and planets As per the modern Gregorian calendar in use, if details given by Sant Surdas are mapped in Vedic astrological mathematics and timescale, Shri krishna was born on the day of 23rd June, BC 3227.
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26. Shri Krishna attained divine Mokasha in the year BC 3101 at the age of 126 Years as per Vedic Panchang calculations.

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27. As per the Vedic system of knowledge and logic, Shri Krishna was blessed with 16 Kala of human ability and knowledge. This made him incomparable to all lesser mortals.

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27. 18 signs of gifted abilities of the feet of Shri Krishna

27(1) CONCH (sankha) - This auspicious mark indicates that those who take shelter of the lotus feet are always rescued from all sorts of distress. Just as during the arati ceremony the conchshell is used to hold water……

27(2) DHVAJA
This mark announces that for devotees meditating on His feet, They give security and safe protection from all sorts of fears.

27(3) (matsya) - This mark shows that just as a fish cannot live without water, similarly the surrendered devotees cannot live a moment without directly associating with the feet. It also shows that all the most cherished desires and longings of those who resort to lotus feet……

27(4) Kamal - This mark increases greed for nectar in the minds of the beelike devotees who meditate on lotus feet. The lotus also signifies that just as a lotus grows out of water, similarly those whose eyes swell with tears upon holding the Divine lotus feet to their heart……

27(5) Kalash -

his mark shows that lotus feet hold the golden pitcher full of purely nectarean ambrosia to be freely consumed by the surrendered souls; indeed, they will never be bereft of nectar for this pitcher always remains full.

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27(6) Chakr -
This mark cuts down the six enemies of the devotees - lust, anger, greed, illusion, envy and bewilderment. It indicates teja-tattva, or the principle of brilliance by which Lord destroys the darkness of sins from within His devotee’s hearts.…

This mark indicates that the feet are all pervading throughout the entire creation, both within and without all manifestations. It also shows that even though the feet are everywhere, they are unattached just like the sky.

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This mark proves that those who take shelter of lotus feet are shielded from the incessant rainfall of material miseries. It also denotes that those who sit in the shade of the feet become exalted just like maharajas (great kings), who usually have umbrellas held……

27(9) Gospada

This mark signifies that for those who have taken full shelter of uninterrupted meditation on the feet, the great ocean of worldy existence becomes very small and insignificant like the water held in a calf’s hoof-print and is thus easily crossed over.……

27(10) Vajra
This mark reveals that meditation on lotus feet smashes to pieces the mountain of the devotee’s karmic reactions to past sins. It also indicates that whoever holds on to the feet becomes as exalted as Lord Indra.

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27(11) Ardh Chandra
This mark symbolizes how lotus feet truly provide the desired objectives of the devotees. It signifies that even devatas like Lord Siva (whose symbol is a half moon) have decorated their own heads with the soles of the feet. It also shows that devotees who……

27(12) Dhanu

This mark reveals that those who take shelter of the lotus feet will be perpetually free from all worries and difficulties. It also shows that those who are stupefied in the material world remain motionless like a target and do not come to lotus feet. Whereas those……

27(13) Ankush

This mark indicates that meditation on lotus feet brings the elephants of the devotee’s minds under control and keeps them on the right path. It also shows that those who thus stay on the path toward the feet become superior among men, just as one riding on top of……

27(14) Flower

This mark shows that the divine fame of the feet spread everywhere just like the fragrance of a flower. It also shows that the feet are not hard, but soft as flower petals. And it means that just as every fruit comes into being after the plant blooms, similarly……

27(15) Gada

This mark is to show that lotus feet are capable of chastising the elephant of sinful lust. It further indicates that for whoever takes shelter of the feet, all their ancestors will also receive benefit.

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27(16) Vedi
This mark proclaims that the sins of those who meditate upon the feet are burned up as if on the altar of sacrifice. Furthermore, it indicates that just as the universe is nourished by the brahmanas offering fire-sacrifices, similarly those who offer their minds in……

27(17) Jambu Phal

This mark is indicative that His feet are the only worshipable objects for all those who are residents of this region of Jambudvipa (“island of the rose-apple”, according to Vedic cosmography)

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27(18) English representation of Charan Kamal of Shri Krishna with all the divine signs.

Radhe Radhe

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28. Shri Bhagavad Gita is the greatest gift of knowledge and divinity ushered by Shri Krishna. Read it part by part every day to nurture your soul out of the darkness of vanity to attain illumination.

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30. Shri Krishna, his life, and his teachings are historical realities of Sanatan Dharma and our Vedic heritage. When Leftists and So-called secularists start terming Shri Krishna or Shri Ram as mythology or some details of epic literature, please go to any length to defend it.……

31. Sanatan divinity is our identity, our existence. Live by it and defend it, propagate it.

Radhe Radhe

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