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May 8, 2023, 12 tweets

🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries "Supporting 35 ministries & missionaries around world All people on our list have relationship w/ us. 1️⃣st one is HIM Harvest Intl led by Ch* Ahn We as church part of HIM apostolic covering They have 25000 ministries"

2/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries Life Lines missions promo video "God's plan to CONQUER THE WORLD depends on the voluntary offerings of his people"
⚠️NAR = Christian Dominionism
⚠️Mastriano, F*ucht, Abildness all connected to L*fe Center

3/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries supports Apostle Abby Abildness "PA holds historic precedent for a nation led by God's divine direction in EVERY SECTOR OF SOCIETY" ⚠️ NAR William Penn prophecy "My God will make it a seed of a nation" #PAGOV

4/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries Christian Dominionist Apostle Abby Abildness "Thats our PA State Capitol. Its a tour I've been doing. Probably 1000s have been thru it. Legislators are now realizing this is why Im in office" #PAGOV

5/🧵 #Pennsylvania ⚠️
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries Christian Dominionist Apostle Abby Abildness "God told me to go to England I met w/member House of Floors & House of Parliament. Destiny to which we were birthed & that is UNITED KINGDOM OF CHRIST around the 🌏" #PAGOV

6/🧵 #Pennsylvania ‼️
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries Christian Dominionist Abby Abildness "She is Apostolic Ambassador to the nations" ⚠️ Abildness "Theres an ambassador here & thats Carla S*nds...I got opportunity to speak to UN Geneva leaders" #PAGOV

7/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries "We support local ministries & one of them is K*rt Weaver w/ Church Ambassador Network & he works w/ pastors & LEGISLATORS. He's like an activist but a KINGDOM activist " #PAGOV

8/🧵 #Pennsylvania ‼️
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries "We're partnering w/ W*ldheart Ministries" T*nnon Herman "To see vision & testimony of W*ldheart spread like vision & testimony of Jesus all across NATIONS is ultimate goal #PAGOV

9/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries "Bishop Joseph G*rlington is truly Apostolic ally. Recently pre election they were praying for PA because it was KEY. They contended for RIGHTEOUS inheritance for PA & Anerica" #PAGOV #Pittsburgh

10/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨 #Pittsburgh Bishop G*rlington had #NAR Apostle D*tch Sheets at his church pre #January6th
⚠️Sheets "I bless you PA to recapture to repossess everything he destined you for Pennsylvania. SEED OF A NATION. I bless you w/ RIGHTEOUS LEADERS" #PAGOV #Pittsburgh

11/🧵 #Pennsylvania ⚠️ #Pittsburgh Bishop G*rlington had #NAR Apostle D*tch Sheets at his church pre #January6th
‼️Sheets"Revival will take place at Penn State, at Pitt, in other universities in PA. Fire of God will sweep thru those campuses. FIRE!" #PAGOV #Pittsburgh

12/🧵 #Pennsylvania 📢 #NAR Apostle D*tch Sheets pre #January6th 🚨Sheets"We say that all fraud associated w/ this election will be exposed. Fraud at deep levels of our govt. That you are coming to clean & uproot & give us RIGHTEOUS govt"
🎥 #Pittsburgh Bishop G*rlington

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