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Jun 4th 2023
🧵1/ #Pennsylvania 📢 CALL your PA Reps & tell them to NOT attend A*dit the Vote T*ni Shuppes Biblical Citizenship classes
🚨She just sent every PA legislator an email invite to attend
⚠️She's P*triot Academy NE Regional Director
#Harrisburg #PAGOV #Philly #Pittsburgh
🧵2/ #Pennsylvania ⚠️ Watch this P*triot Academy B*blical Citizenship class promo video
🚨A*dit the Vote T*ni Shuppe emailed every PA legislator an invite to attend & asked her viewers to call their reps
‼️Sh*ppe is P*triot Academy PA Ambassador
#Harrisburg #PAGOV #Philadelphia
Read 8 tweets
May 30th 2023
Trial for accused gunman in Pittsburgh synagogue massacre slated to start

Defense unlikely to contest Robert Bowers guilt in killing 11 worshippers and will focus on preventing death penalty.

#Pittsburgh #SynagogueAttack #Terrorism…
Prosecutors have said Bowers made #antisemitic comments at the scene of the #attack and #online.
Read 7 tweets
May 8th 2023
🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries "Supporting 35 ministries & missionaries around world All people on our list have relationship w/ us. 1️⃣st one is HIM Harvest Intl led by Ch* Ahn We as church part of HIM apostolic covering They have 25000 ministries"
2/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries Life Lines missions promo video "God's plan to CONQUER THE WORLD depends on the voluntary offerings of his people"
⚠️NAR = Christian Dominionism
⚠️Mastriano, F*ucht, Abildness all connected to L*fe Center
3/🧵 #Pennsylvania 🚨
#Harrisburg #NAR L*fe Center Ministries supports Apostle Abby Abildness "PA holds historic precedent for a nation led by God's divine direction in EVERY SECTOR OF SOCIETY" ⚠️ NAR William Penn prophecy "My God will make it a seed of a nation" #PAGOV
Read 12 tweets
Feb 17th 2023
Entre 2021 & 2022, multiplication par 2 des subventions mondiales aux
❎énergies renouvelables ? NON
❎l'économie verte ? NON
❎la rénovation des bâtiments ? NON

NON, ce sont les subventions mondiales aux ENERGIES FOSSILES : 1000 Mds $ pour aggraver le réchauffement climatique
En plus de ces subventions à la consommation des énergies fossiles, l'AIE a recensé plus de 500 Mds $ de dépenses budgétaires pour réduire la facture énergétique des consommateurs en 2022 : l'essentiel, soit 350 Mds$, l'a été en Europe, dont la France avec son bouclier tarifaire.
On rappellera que :
➡️2009 #Pittsburgh : les pays du #G20 s'engagent à mettre fin aux subventions aux énergies fossiles

➡️2021 #COP26 : les Etats s'engagent à "supprimer progressivement [...] les subventions inefficaces aux combustibles fossiles".

Fin de la blague.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
1/ The history of communication can NOT be told without #Pittsburgh

1786 ~ we have the 1st US newspaper west of the Allegheny Mountains
2/ November 2, 1920:

KDKA FM Radio began broadcasting making it the world's 1st commercial radio station.
Bonus points: It was precisely the moment when many US women were able to vote for the 1st time
3/ April 1, 1954 ~ WQED TV (home of Mr. Rogers) went on the air, making it the first publicly funded television station in the U.S.
Not bad, #Pittsburgh!
Read 6 tweets
Jan 26th 2023
1/ Today’s entry gushed out of the intertubes - when all I wanted was to quickly fact check some deets about Pgh’s Dunking Stool

It’s one helluva dot connecting expedition that tumbles from the 1700s to the 1940s (that’s when I had to stop, there could be more)
2/ February, 1775 this twit called Dunmore, Governor of Virginia, orders a ducking (dunking) stool to be built for the court at Ft Pitt to handle talkative/troublesome women, aka “scolds”
By November court’s moved - stool’s whereabouts unknown
3/ 1829 Brilliant scold extraordinaire, Anne Royall, gets ticked off by her dour Presbyterian neighbors’ relentless chastising for her wicked tongue
Worst offender is a prominent married Presby elder who impregnated Anne’s maid
Read 16 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
1/Miss Martha J Graham was one of #Pittsburgh’s 1st female principals. She rose thru the ranks at local schools for over 50 yrs & was beloved by 3 generations of students.

While poring thru articles about her something curious kept popping up, more on that later. Image
2/ Among Martha’s students were Mellons, Magees & Rauhs
Keep in mind these were public schools & ⬆️ came from powerful families. Image
3/ In the late 1880s Martha took in a tenant, Miss Jennie Ralston, who also was a teacher.

They remained together in #Pittsburgh for the rest of their lives, moving to various addresses, reforming & innovating education, & hobnobbing at high profile events Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
🧵🇨🇦🚀Some of my key takeaways from Day 2 of the 2022 Health Beyond Summit. Today's theme: #Health #Innovation
📅November 29 - December 1, 2022
🕙10 am - ~40 pm ET
🆓Registration, schedule, speakers:…

#HealthBeyondSummit #SpaceMedicine #Space #Medicine
1/ Susan MacLean Michel: IRAP’s Support & Vision for Canadian Health Innovation. Trends: digital twins, personalized medicine, genomics, genetic tests. Emerging: cell & gene therapies, monoclonal antibodies, biomanufacturing, mRNA vaccines, lipid nanoparticles, digital health, AI ImageImageImageImage
2/ Showcase: Deep Space Healthcare Challenge, 20 semifinalists. CSA seeks novel diagnostic & detection solutions to support frontline health workers in remote communities NOW & later during longterm space missions. Community Advisor Program: to ensure techs are relevant & useful. ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 15th 2022
NEW: "The greatest long-term threat to out nation's ideas, innovation & economic security, our national security, is that from #China" @FBI Dir Christopher Wray tells House Homeland Security Committee
"The Chinese gvt aspires to equal or surpass the US as a global superpower & influence the world w/a value system shaped by undemocratic authoritarian ideals" per @FBI's Wray "We are confronting that threat head-on"
"The @FBI has scores of investigations open into the #China in all 56 of our field offices" per Wray
Read 17 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
#Pittsburgh: See thread & stop "rehoming" #cats #kittens rabbits #dogs & other animals, including farm animals, online. See RT & report dogfighters:
#DogsOnTwitter #dogsoftwitter #CatsOfTwitter #CatBoxSunday #PittsburghSteelers
#Pittsburgh: See thread & RTs. Crime Stoppers & the Humane Society of the United States both offer reward #MONEY for tips leading to the arrest of dogfighters.
#DogsOnTwitter #dogsoftwitter #CatsOfTwitter #CatBoxSunday #PittsburghSteelers #weekend
Read 4 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
Probation for #Pittsburgh BLM extremist who racially terrorized White restaurant patrons.

Victoyia Townes was sentenced today for a 2020 attack where she and 3 other Pittsburgh BLM leaders assaulted and threatened to murder restaurant patrons with a clear racial motive.
Townes pled down to disorderly conduct charges despite originally being charged with multiple felonies.

No ethnic intimidation charges (PA version of a hate crime) were filed by @AlleghenyCoDA despite the clear racial motive of the threats and the victim statements on it.
Kenneth McDowell, who was also involved in the threats, pled guilty in April. He also received probation.

Local media described this case as "shouted and screamed obscenities at them with megaphones." without making any mention of the racist motive or death threats.
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May 28th 2022
Formidable #G7 !
Rappelons que les pays du #G7 ont déjà éradiqué :
➡️le terrorisme international (1980)
➡️la pauvreté (années 1980 et 1990)
➡️a dette des pays du Sud (1999)
➡️le risque nucléaire (1986, 1996)
➡️le réchauffement climatique (2009)
➡️les paradis fiscaux (G20 - 2009)
#G7-#G20 sur #Climat
➡️1987 #Venise #G7 : "agir sur le climat"
➡️2009 #Laquila #G8 : 2°C max & 80% de baisse de GES d'ici 2050
➡️2009 à #Pittsburgh #G20 : fin des sub aux énergies fossiles
➡️2021 à #Rome #G20 : 1,5°C & #NeutralitéCarbone

Entre temps, les émissions de GES : +70%
Un mot sur la promesse de ne plus financer des projets d’énergies fossiles à l’étranger avant la fin de l’année 2022 : 6 des 7 pays du #G7 avaient déjà pris cet engagement lors de la #COP26. La nouveauté ne concerne donc que le Japon.

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May 27th 2022
Three train derailments at the same location. #CurseOrCoincidence
-13 Mar 1907, three men died, the engine and 5 cars into the creek when the bridge was weakened by floodwaters.
-1 Jul 1935, 20 cars derailed at the bridge.
-26 May 2022, 17 cars derailed at the bridge ImageImageImage
Credit: Oakmont Historical Society via FB
From the #Pittsburgh Press - 13 Mar 1907 Image
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May 2nd 2022
#tomwolf #pennsylvania
PPL need to KNOW the truth
1. PA dem Gov TomWolf attended this secret summit. His name is listed. The theme was titled #Resistance. Secretive Liberal Donor Summit Increases Security, Changes Itinerary
2. Pa Gov zoom Wolf joined
Soros, Pelosi Meeting To Fund And Plot Democratic ‘Resistance’…
3. Here's the documents from the meeting…
Read 51 tweets
Apr 12th 2022
Ready for the #CFB Analytics Spring Top 40? Here we go. This Power Ranking is derived from a model which utilizes full Coach Staff efficiency metrics, roster talent, & returning production among other metrics. No opinion here, I just regurgitate the numbers. #NoOpinionJustNumbers
40 #Kentucky #BBN #SEC Power Rating: 61.726
Returning Production for the Wildcats may be a problem. At 39.72%, it puts them at 113th in the country. The schedule is manageable tho drawing Ole Miss & Miss State out the West. #CFB
39 #Washington #PurpleReign #Pac12
Power Rating: 62.271
Really like the new coaching staff in Seattle. Should put them in a better position to win. Roster talent purge from the prev regime will have an early effect (last 2 classes were 39th, 86th) but the ship has been righted.
Read 42 tweets
Jan 27th 2022
This week's #GOPCThread provides a summary of what our staff learned & observed from participating in the 2022 #EquitySummit hosted by our friends at @SmartGrowthUSA
On Jan 11, @SmartGrowthUSA kicked off its Equity Summit w/keynote @majoracarter (Developer, Urban Revitalization Consultant, @macfound Fellow, @PeabodyAwards-winning broadcaster, & successful implementer of many economic development programs): #GOPCThread
.@majoracarter grew up during the “Burning Bronx” & started working in community development to show people you don’t have to leave your neighborhood to have a better community. She worked w/her neighborhood to open a Hip Hop café, @BoogieDownGrind #GOPCThread #SmartGrowthEquity
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Nov 17th 2021
Alright #CFBPlayoff viewers. Lets go through this week's poll. Once again, it was, as it always has been, predictable. The model was off an average of 1 spot per team for the entire Top 25 poll this week. So let's take a look at some resumes shall we? #CFB 🧵
If you took a peak at this projection yesterday, you were prepared for alot of what you saw last night. The resumes are all laid out very similarly to the way the Playoff Committee views them. #ThereIsNoEyeTest
25 #HailState 6-4
SOS: 29, QW: 4, T25W: 2, GC: 3.3

Despite the horrible game control at 3.3, MSU snuck its way into the poll. They modeled at 26 so this isn't all that surprising. They are riding their good SOS, 4 QWs, and 2 T25Ws at this point. No surprise.
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Oct 27th 2021
3 years ago, a far-right terrorist killed 11 people at the Tree of Life Synagogue in #Pittsburgh.

Pittsburgh was one of the first far-right terror attacks on Jews in a long time and the deadliest attack on US Jews.

3 years ago, I wrote this text, which is still relevant

(1/x6) ImageImage
The attacker shouted "All Jews must die" before starting to shoot. He was no lone wolf. He was driven by the antisemitic conspiracy myth of the "great replacement." He was particularly enraged that the Synagogue worked with @HIASrefugees, a Jewish refugee aid organisation.

The same conspiracy myth motivated the terrorists in #Christchurch & #Halle. Because this is the sad reality: 3 years after Pittsburgh, far-right terror attacks on Synagogues happen or almost happen multiple times a year.

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Aug 31st 2021
September always seems to be the month for tropical storms. With the remnants of Hurricane #Ida approaching #Pittsburgh here's a thread on tropical storms that have hit Western PA 👇
Number of tropical storms with measurable rainfall recorded by year 👇
Number of tropical storms with measurable rainfall recorded by decade 👇
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Apr 8th 2021
🚨Happening Now🚨

Follow along during @PghUNITED's Mayoral Forum.

Watch on FB Live ➡️➡️…

We'll be live tweeting on this 🧵 as well!

Join Our CommUnity to Elect #GaineyForMayor ➡️

#PittsburghTogether #Pittsburgh
Opening Question: "As mayor, what would your top priority be, and how do you plan to accomplish it?"
Answer: "I want to thank all the People who helped organize this debate. Today was Holocaust Remembrance Day, to our brothers and sisters. We just fight hate and discrimination every day and #NeverForget" (1/4)
Read 61 tweets
Mar 31st 2021
Happening NOW— White House, Secret Service officials prep for President Biden’s visit to Carpenters #Pittsburgh Training Center.

Within next 30 min-hour, Biden set to arrive & unveil his major infrastructure/jobs plan.

Limited access: ~2 dozen chairs spaced far apart; no public
Biden’s “American Jobs Plan” calls for pumping $ not only into traditional infrastructure projects — such as repairing dilapidated roads & bridges — but also expanding access to broadband internet, as the president tweeted about just as Air Force One touched down in #Pittsburgh.
The 4 areas covered in Biden’s infrastructure plan:

1). Roads, bridges, rail, transportation.

2). Broadband, water, power, housing & buildings.

3). Home & community-based care for seniors and people with disabilities.

3). Manufacturing.… | @TribLIVE
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Jan 10th 2021
Thread of Antifa, BLM, and Far Left pedos/sex abusers

Some accused, some convicted, if we missed any, DM or post here

-Kenneth Deberry, sucker punched a Trump supporter during Million Maga March while holding a refuse fascism

Impregnated and gave a STD to a 13 year old victim ImageImageImage
Nicholas Pabone (28), charged with riot and criminal mischief for allegedly damaging a Rochester Police vehicle during May 30th riots

Pleaded guilty to first degree sexual abuse of a physically helpless person and designated a sexually violent person ImageImageImage
Joseph "Jojo" Rosenbaum, rioting with BLM/Antifa in Kenosha, chased and tried to take Kyle Rittenhouse's rifle. He was shot and killed

He anally raped children between the ages of 9-11 he was trusted with babysitting ImageImageImage
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Nov 18th 2020
„Es gibt demobilisierende Effekte, wenn die Betroffenen nach vorne gestellt werden und nicht die Täter.“ Im #HalleProzess wurde heute @Matthias_Quent gehört, er nahm dabei eine dringend notwendige Einordnungen zum Thema #RechterTerror vor. Details im Thread👇
Quent ging zunächst auf die internationale Geschichte von #RechterTerror ein, bei dem es die Idee gebe, es gebe einen inneren Feind, der äußere Feinde „ins Land“ holen wolle, um „das Volk“ oder „die weiße Rasse“ zu zerstören. In diesem Zusammenhang sei die Tat von #Halle zu sehen
Der Sachverständige wies auf die Konstruktion einer positiven Bezugsgruppe, die mobilisiert werden solle, und einer negativen Bezugsgruppe, die eingeschüchtert werden solle, hin. Der Attentäter von #Halle beziehe sich also auf Ideologiefragmente mit langer Geschichte.
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Nov 7th 2020
LIVE UPDATES | Trump says #Pennsylvania presidential voting results were illegally altered

#SputnikUpdates #ElectionResults2020 #Election2020
#BREAKING | Donald Trump claims on Twitter he won the #election by a lot

Read 62 tweets

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