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Not sure if satirical. Unprofessional Communicator. WEF-funded. Sparkling Wine Socialist. A socialist, just not from that region of France.

May 27, 2023, 16 tweets

Mega 🧵Part 5: This thread serves as a reminder of some of the opportunistic ideologues that aligned themselves under the UCP banner & their disastrous, often embarrassing actions over the past 4 years. Many of these dud MLAs are seeking re-election. #Ableg #Abpoli 1/x

This is Devin “Shields Up” Dreeshen. This spoiled privileged brat treated the Legislature like a frat party ultimately resigning his cabinet post after allegations of harassment & drunken binges. Reinstated by Smith as she though he was ministerial material. #Ableg #Abpoli

BTW did he get away with travelling during Covid restrictions? Did the Kenney and the UCP cover for him while others took the fall? Doesn't look like St. Barts to me at all. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Prasad Panda. Panda was the front man for the ideological pushing of P3s, which everyone told the UCP was an expensive and inefficient way to run large construction projects. The UCP backtracked and eventually agreed, halting their support of P3s. #Ableg #Abpoli

Here is UCP MLA Grant Hunter having a family outing at the illegal blockake at Coutts. There were zero consequences for him for this action. #Ableg #Abpoli

This is "insert candidate name" Dan Williams, Kenney’s handpicked parachuted candidate from back east. Mr. Williams is staunchly pro-life & is best known for his failed Conscience Rights bill. With a TBA backed UCP, bodily autonomy is definitely on the ballot. #Ableg #Abpoli

This is Demetrios Nicolaides, the UCP’s psudo intellectual, disaster of a minister, & embarrassment to academia. Nicolaides carried out a war on Higher Education raising tuitions, cutting funding, & he was also one of the front men for the deifying of trades. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Adrianna LaGrange, who wouldn’t know a balanced, quality, non-ideological, non-racist school curriculum if it hit her over the head. A vote for the UCP is a vote for the disastrous school curriculum that over 90% of school boards wouldn’t even pilot. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Dale Nally who accused doctors of lying during the UCP's war on doctors. Let's just say Mr. Nally is not very good with numbers. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then their's Davinder Toor, who seemingly can't stop having problems with the law. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Kaycee Madu. What can you say? Twice fired from cabinet posts for incompetence then found to have used his influence to get out of a parking ticket. Smith looked at his record and made him Deputy Minister. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Jason Luan, the architect of the war on harm reduction. Stood by Sean Chu after all of the disclosures regarding the case. #Ableg #Abpoli #YYC

Then there's Jason Nixon, who fired a woman before Christmas as she made a sexual harassment complaint. The UCP reviewed the case and said, "yeah, we're good with that". #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Jeremy Nixon, who posted that you should "Stay Home and Save Lives" but decided, like a number of other entitled UCP MLAs including Fir, Stephen, and Rehn, that that didin't apply to him as he'd rather go to Hawaii instead. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then their's Nathan Cooper, a self-described legislative policy wonk who as Speaker appeared to have forgotten the principal of independance that comes with that honour and politicized his role as speaker through his decisions and actions. #Ableg #Abpoli

Then there's Peter Singh, Nate Horner, Nicolas Milliken, Josaphine Pon, etc. that I defy you to identify a single accomplishment that they have made during their time in office. All to say, that these people do not deserve to be re-elected. Choose wisely Alberta. #Ableg #Abpoli

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