Handmaid for the UCP's Board of Directors Profile picture
Not sure if satirical. Unprofessional Communicator. WEF-funded. Sparkling Wine Socialist. A socialist, just not from that region of France.
Cora Shaw Profile picture 1 subscribed
May 27, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
And now the 🧵 of 🧵s (Mega 🧵Parts 1-5). If you can make it through all of these threads and still vote UCP, I don't know what to say. Go out and vote like the future of Alberta is dependent on it because indeed it is. #Ableg #Abpoli #VoteNDP #FiretheUCP Mega 🧵Part 1
May 27, 2023 16 tweets 13 min read
Mega 🧵Part 5: This thread serves as a reminder of some of the opportunistic ideologues that aligned themselves under the UCP banner & their disastrous, often embarrassing actions over the past 4 years. Many of these dud MLAs are seeking re-election. #Ableg #Abpoli 1/x Image This is Devin “Shields Up” Dreeshen. This spoiled privileged brat treated the Legislature like a frat party ultimately resigning his cabinet post after allegations of harassment & drunken binges. Reinstated by Smith as she though he was ministerial material. #Ableg #Abpoli ImageImage
May 26, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This one deserves a caption contest. Go! #ableg #abpoli Image “In due course, Grasshopper”.
May 22, 2023 12 tweets 10 min read
Mega 🧵Part 4: This thread serves as a reminder of just some of the reasons as to why racialized Albertans should consider not voting for the UCP this election. #Ableg #Abpoli 1/x Image Remember when during the height of Covid Kenney went on radio to blame the South Asian Community in Calgary for spreading Covid? #YYC #Ableg #Abpoli calgary.ctvnews.ca/calgary-s-sout…
May 21, 2023 13 tweets 10 min read
Mega 🧵Part 3: This thread serves as a reminder of some of the flubs, missteps, & gaffs that characterized the “Rehn of Error” of the last 4 years under UCP rule. Many of these same duds are still around & running again under the UCP banner. #Ableg #Abpoli 1/x Image Remember during the height of the pandemic with health restrictions in place that a number of entitled UCP MLAs ignored those restrictions and travelled anyway while you dutifully missed your holiday with loved ones? #Ableg #Abpoli ImageImage
May 20, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read
Mega Thread Part 2: The quality of candidates that the UCP attract has always been suspect. Here is a trip down memory lane of some of the more heinous UCP candidates including racists, Nazis, and bigots (of various forms). #Ableg #Abpoli Meet Myles Mcdougall. Myles stated that Black People Don’t Want Education And Live in “Ghetto Culture”. Myles is the current candidate for Calgary-Fish Creek. #Ableg #Abpoli #YYC timesofasia.ca/breaking-news/… Image
May 20, 2023 10 tweets 8 min read
Mega 🧵 Part 1: The UCP have been in power the past 4 years. A reminder of the disaster that has been the past 4 years. 1st & foremost, their handling of Covid, the worst-rated response in the country, should be immediately disqualifying. #Ableg #Abpoli 1/x Image Indeed, the worst-rated Covid response in the country. #Ableg #Abpoli Image
May 20, 2023 4 tweets 5 min read
UCP MLA's Peter Guthrie on the RVS. Link below to detailed article concerning the compalints from the RVS. I think we all know who is lying here and it's not the RVS. Choose wisely Airdrie-Cochrane. Vote ABNDP. 1/2 #Abpoli #Ableg #Abed Image RVS's detailed complaints regarding lack of school funding. All lies according to the UCP's Peter Guthrie. 2/2 #Abed #Abpoli #Ableg airdriecityview.com/rocky-view-new…
Oct 18, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
For all you international journalists out there, here's the Premier of Alberta hanging out with the MAGA hat wearing, twenty-something "journalist" that harassed teenaged Greta Thunberg in a hotel yesterday #Elxn43 #Climatestrike #fridaysforfuture #GretaThunberg #Cdnpoli #Canpoli Here's the same "journalist" who harassed Greta Thunberg in a hotel hallway yesterday when he was invited to cover the election night victory for Jason Kenney and the UCP in Alberta. #Cdnpoli #GretaThunberg #Fridaysforfuture #Cdnpoli #elxn43
Aug 22, 2019 8 tweets 7 min read
Thread: Noticed a pattern in the recent spate of parachuted Conservative candidates for the upcoming Federal Election. It seems that they all share strong pro-life views. Just a coincidence? Decide for yourself. #Ableg #Cdnpoli #Canpoli #Onpoli #BCpoli #Mbpoli #Saskpoli 1/5 George Canyon – Parachuted to Central Nova Scotia. Strong Religious background. Has performed at many churches and pro-life events. 2/5 #Cdnpoli #Canpoli
May 28, 2019 4 tweets 5 min read
More photos of Jason Kenney meeting with exhausted firefighters fighting the High Level fire on May 26th have emerged. Remarkable all male crew looks like they just walked into a #CPC fundraiser in Ontario. #Onpoli #Ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #canpoli Here we see Albertan Premier Jason Kenney meeting with local High Level officials encouraging them to keep up that great Albertan resolve that makes rural Alberta the backbone of the country. #Ableg #abpoli #cdnpoli #canpoli
Dec 17, 2018 15 tweets 9 min read
Just regular folks. Dude on the left. See Q Anon sign. I invite you to google that one if you don’t already know. Fine people these yellow vest protesters. Endorsed by a UCP MLA don’t you know. #ableg Let's check the yellow vest Facebook site. What do we have there? #Ableg
Nov 22, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Why is it that RW folks think that being really, really crass is really, really funny? Look at the expressions on their faces. Asking for the Province of Alberta. #Ableg #Abpoli Didn't notice the noose on the fellow's shirt until now. Lovely. #Ableg #Abpoli