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May 31, 2023, 12 tweets

Turner Diaries (Part 1)
Neo-Nazi Racist "Bible" of US Ultra Right which inspired Nazi supremacists from the USA to Ukraine


#USA #NAZI #Ukraine…

1. The Writer
The Turner Diaries is a novel by William Luther Pierce (under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald), published in 1978. An apocalyptic tale of genocide against racial minorities set in a near-future America.

#USA #NAZI #Ukraine…

2. The Teacher
William Luthar Pierce was a former physics professor at Oregon State University and was a follower of George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. (George Lincoln Rockwell - Center)

#USA #NAZI #Ukraine…

3. The Birth of Neo-Satanist
William Luther Pierce was so influenced by George Lincoln Rockwell that he left teaching physics and founded a Neo-Nazi group named "National Alliance".
The Turner Diaries was created in the 1970s by William Luther Pierce. Crudely written and wildly……

4. Birth of the Satanist Cult
The National Alliance has its roots in the Youth for Wallace campaign, established by Willis Carto (publisher of the anti-Semitic publications, American Free Press and The Barnes Review), in support of the 1968 presidential bid of Alabama Governor……

5. The Story
The novel is written in the form of the diaries of a one-time electrical engineer, Earl Turner, supposedly unearthed near Revolutionary Headquarters in the one-hundredth year of the New Era. In the foreword, Turner is described as one of the “men and women whose……

6. The Real "THE ORDER"
The Turner Diaries first made headlines when a violent white nationalist gang appropriated the name of The Order, following the tactical blueprint for terrorism in the book. The Order was founded by Robert Jay Mathews in September 1983. The Order, also……

7. The Bible of White Supremacists
The book supposedly inspired white supremacists’ crimes in the United States and abroad, including those of Buford Furrow, who wounded five people, three of them children, in 1999 at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles. He also killed a……

8. The Oklahoma Bomber
The novel received more widespread attention after the arrest of Timothy McVeigh for the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Timothy McVeigh had used an ammonium nitrate fertilizer bomb in a truck……

9. Though "Turner Diaries" was not the only reason for the rise of Neo-Nazi White supremacist crimes, it was one of the most influential works of literature which enticed all Neo-Nazi elements to wage a war against the US Govt. and inspired many such groups across the globe.…

10. Here is the link to the "Turner Diaries" copy

11. End of part 1
In part 2 we will explore how this Neo-Nazi White Supremacist mentality invaded Ukraine and how it was used by the US across the globe for its subversive and terrorist operations to further its hegemonic rule and interferences.…

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