(((A. Zionist))) Profile picture
#IsraeliLivesMatter❗️#BringThemHome❗️#IFBAZ Zionist, Cambridge Alumna, Israeli, Defender Against Antisemitism, Holocaust denial & Antizionism עם ישראל חי 🇮🇱

Jun 4, 2023, 12 tweets

Here is an example of someone who proclaims her love of Jews, her People and Israel!

Instead, she is a #liar #hypocrite #amoral who engages in #bloodlibels

Go see a shrink Simone. He is waiting for you!

Simone's #Lies #Libels exposed by Black South Africans who lived under apartheid!

Apartheid - Simone needs a lesson!

Mansour Abbas of Islamist Ra'am was in the previous government. He is still powerful because of Israel's system of proportional representation, every government is a coalition that needs support to pass any policy in government. Simone doesn't know because she only repeats lies!

Ayman Odeh is Head of the Arab List & wants to destroy Jewish Israel. Not only are there Arab political parties, they are elected into parliament, the only democracy in the Middle East.

READ what he says:

@realbassemeid is a PALESTINIAN human rights activist born in Jerusalem, Israel.

Bassem Eid knows about Israel!
Simone Zimmerman Lies about Israel!


Simone won't tell you about how Hamas abuses the Gazans.
Simone won't tell you how the PA abuses their citizens!
Simone isn't interested in #truth instead she #libels the Jewish State for her own self-aggrandisement!

Simone doesn't know #apartheid but she knows about #hate against #Jewish #Israel

A lesson for Simone!

Of course, Simone doesn't talk to people who know Israel! See the group of people, Arabs, protesting Simone?

As you can see, Simone is filled with hate & lies!

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