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We represent the innovative pharmaceutical industry globally, with a focus on three priorities: innovation, equitable access, and ethics. #AlwaysInnovating

Jun 7, 2023, 6 tweets

🗓️Today, IFPMA is hosting a platform to explore the different types of partnerships that supported the manufacturing scale-up of vaccines & treatments during #COVID19.

There is still time to register👉ifpma.info/3Wce2Aj

Delighted to welcome companies who partnered to deliver #COVID19 #vaccines & treatments to share experiences of voluntary licensing, tech transfer & other collaborations. 
Discussion explores the frameworks that allowed them to take place.

Great to hear perspectives from @wto & @WIPO about the importance of #trade & #health, innovation, and voluntary collaborations. 
Data presented by @Airfinity shows R&D and scale-up happened in parallel. Full slides here: ifpma.info/3Wce2Aj

Discussion now about the value in adopting diverse forms of partnership. No single approach is right for every company or counterpart.  #AlwaysInnovating

Four key elements helped foster these partnerships:
•Trusted relationships
•Innovation ecosystem
•Safety track record
•Trained workforce
See @IFPMA publication for more: ifpma.info/3MRoYPt

As we prepare for future pandemics, we need to preserve what worked well in the response to #COVID19.
Supporting a thriving innovation ecosystem and building stronger partnerships across the supply chain are crucial. #AlwaysInnovating

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