1. This thread will examine how the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED) came to be.

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” - Henry Ford
2. The enormity of this topic, especially re the legal right to create money, requires 100s of pgs to cover properly. This thread will provide only a short intro. To fully understand the power derived from creating money, I highly recommend further research into the FED.
3. For a good beginner’s guide (under 200 pages) read Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin, by Joseph Plummer. For a much more thorough account (six hundred pages), I highly recommend The Creature from Jekyll Island.
4. “I am afraid the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that the banks can, and do, create money...And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.”
5. That statement from Reginald McKenna, British Chancellor of the Exchequeris (treasury) is about as straightforward as it gets, and it comes from a man who had intimate knowledge of the topic.
6. He worked at the highest levels within the system and is stating, unequivocally, exactly how it is. Those who create money and control the credit of the nation “direct the policy of governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people.”
7. So why is it, if creating money and controlling credit confer so much power, that so few people understand either of these topics? Shouldn’t we all be taught the dangers of such power? Is it any surprise that we aren’t?
8. John Kenneth Galbraith, Influential economist and professor of economics at Harvard, explained

“The study of money..
“...above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks create money is so simple the mind is repelled. With something so important, a deeper mystery seems only decent.”
9. The practice of deceiving governments and people about money continues to this day because it’s the only way for the ruling elite to maintain its current power.
10. Rest assured, if the vast majority of people don't understand central banks or how they operate, it’s because they weren't meant to.

Few realize that during the last few centuries, while the peoples of the world gradually were winning their political freedom from monarchies,
11. the major banking families of the world were nullifying the trend toward representative government by setting up new dynasties of political control, but behind the scenes, in the form of international financial combines.
12. These banking dynasties had learned that all govts—whether they be monarchies or democracies—must borrow money in times of emergency & that by providing private funds— w/strings attached, of course— gradually they could bring both kings/political leaders under their control.
13. Their key to success has been to control & manipulate the $ system of a nation, while letting it appear to be controlled by the govt. The net effect is to create $ out of nothing, lend it to the govt & collect interest on it; a rather profitable transaction, to say the least.
14. People should be more familiar with the identities of these clever banking dynasties.

They include such names as Barring, Hambros, Lazard, Erlangcr, Warburg, Schroder, Selingman, Speyers, Mirabaud, Mallet, Fould, Lehman, and above all, Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan.
15. It should be noted that, while the Rothschilds and other Jewish families cooperated together in these ventures, this was by no means a Jewish monopoly as some have alleged.
16. Men of finance of many nationalities and many religious and non-religious backgrounds collaborated together to create this super-structure of hidden power.

Its essence was not race, nor religion, nor nationality. It was simply a passion for control over other human beings.
17. It all started with a man called William Paterson who was a Scottish trader & banker.

Paterson made his fortune with foreign trade (primarily with the West Indies) at the Merchant Taylors’ Company.
18. In 1694, he founded the Bank of England to act as the English government’s banker.

England had just suffered through 50 years of war. Financially exhausted, the government needed loans to fund their political activities.
19. Paterson proposed a loan of £1.2m (approx $35.8B in today’s money) to the English government.

In return, his bank would receive privileges, which included the issuing of money notes. The English govt soon endorsed this idea & the very first private central bank was born.
20. Through his privately owned bank, the central bank of England, William Paterson was able to issue and loan money to the English government out of thin air with interest, and his bank has been doing so ever since.
21. Fast forward to the 20th century. After two failed attempts, another group of bankers wanted to establish a private central bank in the United States of America.
22. It was December of 1910 & Senator by the name of Nelson Aldrich boarded a private rail car w/6 other men parked at a New Jersey train station.

The destination? Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. (At that time, this Island was an exclusive retreat of the wealthy elite).
23. These 6 men were agents from the world’s three greatest banking houses: those of John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, and the Rothschilds. Together, they represented an estimated 25 percent of the WORLD’s entire wealth.
24. Acting for the Rockefellers were Senator Aldrich & Frank Vanderlip.

Representing the Morgan interests were: Benjamin Strong, Henry Davison & Charles Norton. *It should be noted that these 3 bankers went on to become FOUNDING MEMBERS of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
25. MUST READ thread that explains what the CFR is & how this subversive group has been working to destroy U.S. sovereignty since 1921👇
26. But the most important figure, who actually ran the secret meeting, was Rothschilds’ agent, Paul Warburg (also a founding CFR member).
27. What came out of that meeting you might ask?

The meeting went for 9 days, and from that, these international bankers wrote the legislation that would grant to them a private franchise over this nation's money system.
28. Of course, this group had to conceal the fact that it would be writing the legislation itself, and this presented some problems. The lengths it went to in order to hide its role reads like a scene out of a James Bond novel.
29. Unfortunately, the Jekyll Island story didn’t leak until 1916, years after the damage had already been done. And even after it was exposed, “educators, commentators, and historians” continued to deny that the meeting ever took place.
30. Anyone who pointed out the nefarious origins and authors of the Federal Reserve Act was smeared and dismissed as a conspiracy theorist. Fortunately, the truth finally did come out, and the conspiracy theorists were vindicated.
31. Perhaps the most definitive admission came from Frank Vanderlip, president of the most powerful NY bank at the time (National City Bank, now Citibank) whom later went on to reveal his role in the writing of the bill that created the FED. He wrote in the Saturday Evening Post:
32. Despite this admission over 75 years ago, despite other participants and their biographers who’ve admitted the same, despite the fact that Federal Reserve Chairman (Ben Bernanke) returned to Jekyll Island in 2010 to commemorate the FED’s founding 100 years earlier.
33. Still the vast majority of people have never heard of the trip to Jekyll Island and have no idea that “international bankers” created the system that was supposed to protect them from international bankers.
34. The Federal Reserve’s origination at the Jekyll Island meeting is well-established. Today Jekyll Island is open to the public. You can visit the Jekyll Island Club Hotel, and sit in its “Federal Reserve Room” where the Fed was birthed.
washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2… #qanon
35. Using government as its instrument, these criminals designed America’s central bank, crafting the name “Federal Reserve System” to deceive Americans. While “Federal” implied public control, it is in fact owned by private shareholders.
36. “Reserve” suggested it would hold reserves to protect banks, but it has no hard assets—only instruments of debt. “System” implied its power would be diffuse (through regional Federal Reserve banks) whereas actual power would be centralized in the Board & the NY Fed.
37. Sneaking the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System scheme into law.

To sell this scheme to the voters, these bankers created the propaganda line that the proposed banking law somehow would work against the monopolies.
38. The bankers initially drafted the Federal Reserve as the “Aldrich Bill,” but when it came to Congress, they recognized Senator Alfred Aldrich’s name, became suspicious, and decided against passing the bill.
39. A newly packaged Glass-Owen Federal Res. Act, which mirrored Aldrich’s version in “all essential provisions” was then put forward by Dems as being radically different; a bill written by selfless public servants to protect the citizenry from selfish out-of-control bankers.
40. Politicians took up the cry "Banking Reform" and "Down with Wall Street." And then, to make it look convincing, the very same people who helped author the legislation on Jekyll Island began speaking out publicly against it.
41. As the Fed Reserve Act moved closer to its birth, both Aldrich & Vanderlip threw themselves into a great public display of opposition. No opportunity was overlooked to make a statement to the press—or anyone else of public prominence—expressing their eternal animosity to it.
42. Since Aldrich was recognized as associated with the Morgan interests and Vanderlip was President of Rockefeller’s National City Bank, the public was skillfully led to believe that the [big bankers were] mortally afraid of the proposed Federal Reserve Act.
43. The Nation was the only prominent news publication to point out that every one of the horrors described by Aldrich & Vanderlip could've been equally ascribed to the original Aldrich Bill. But this lone voice was easily drowned by the great cacophony of deception & propaganda.
44. And as Vanderlip, Aldrich, and other “big-business Republicans” continued to attack the “new” legislation, more and more well-meaning Americans fell for the ruse.
45. In the waning hrs of Dec 23, 1913—when most of Congress had already left for the holidays—the Federal Reserve Act finally was passed into law.

Something known as the Federal Reserve System came into being & with it total control of the nation's money fell into private hands.
46. President Wilson named Paul Warburg (CFR member), vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Board (a position from which national interest rates would be set). Benjamin Strong (CFR member), was appointed to run the New York Fed, the system’s nucleus.
47. The very men who had secretly planned the bank now controlled it.

The FOXES were in charge of the HENHOUSE.
48. Among the privileges that Woodrow Wilson received for the role he played in initiating the Federal Reserve, they printed his face on the largest U.S. dollar note ever issued– the 100,000 dollar bill.
49. They fashioned these money notes from December 1934 to January 1935 and used them for transactions between Federal Reserve Banks, not for circulation among the general public.
50. Quick sidenote on Senator Nelson Aldrich:

You may not have heard of ‘Aldrich’ but you've probably heard of billionaire NY governor Nelson Rockefeller (also a member of the CFR) & one of America’s richest men & Vice President to Gerald Ford (whom also a CFR member).
51. His full name: Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller –named for his grandfather, Nelson Aldrich.

Aldrich’s daughter married John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his son Winthrop (also a founding member of the CFR), served as chairman of the Rockefellers’ Chase National Bank.
52. When Nelson Aldrich spoke on Capitol Hill, insiders knew he was acting for the Rockefellers and their allies in high finance.
53. In addition to Nelson Aldrich’s “Public service” of helping create a central bank in the U.S., it should be noted that he authored & led the conception of the 16th Amendment to the Constitution that authorized the imposition of the FEDERAL INCOME TAX on American citizens.
54. This overachieving traitor accomplished this in the very same year he co-directed the conception of the FED.
55. Though now an accepted way of life, income tax was not always around.
The original U.S. Constitution excluded it; in 1895 the Supreme Court ruled it would be unconstitutional.
56. Therefore the only way these bankers could establish income tax was by legalizing it through a Constitutional Amendment.
57. Why did Americans accept income tax? Because it was originally only one percent of a person’s income, for salaries under $ 20,000 (the equivalent of about $ 500,000 in today’s dollars).
58. Senator Aldrich and other supporters of the tax issued assurances it would never go up. So patriotic Americans said: “If Uncle Sam needs one percent of my salary, and I can always keep the rest, it’s OK by me!”
59. But you know what happened. Congress later dolefully informed Americans it needed to raise taxes a smidge. A few smidges later and, depending on bracket, we’re losing 15, 25, 28 or 33 percent of our income to federal tax.
60. It’s said that if you want to boil a frog, you can’t just toss him in boiling water. Instead, you put him in lukewarm water, and gradually turn up the heat.
61. That way, the frog never realizes he’s been boiled. This, in effect, is what these traitors did to Americans, knowing that once we became accustomed to taxes, the amounts could incrementally be turned up to “boil.” It was a long-range plan.
62. It would logically follow that these rich bankers would never have wanted an income tax. After all, it “soaks the rich” –the wealthier you are, the more taxes you pay.
63. It’s true that income tax is graduated. If an American today earns $ 100,000 or $ 200,000 per year, he or she usually owes lots of tax.

But not the super-rich. The conspirators had no intention of paying substantial income tax.
64. How did these wealthy banking families escape taxes? The means were numerous, but a major one was placing their assets in tax-free foundations, and using their grants to advance their globalist agenda.
65. Summing up what happened. In 1913, these criminals created the Federal Reserve, which not only gave them control over interest rates & thus the stock market, but empowered them to create trillions of dollars from nothing, which they would then loan back to America.
66. Also in 1913, the criminals ended tariffs and installed income tax, enabling them to exact repayment on these interest-bearing loans to the government.

Ever since, America has been immersed in skyrocketing debt –now said, officially, to exceed $ 21 trillion.
67. Incidentally, Washington politicians love this system. By letting the Fed finance their expenditures with money made from nothing, politicians know they can spend without raising taxes.
68. When the Fed produces more currency, making prices rise, who do we blame? Not the Fed. Not politicians. Instead, we blame the local retail store.
69. “Why are you guys jacking up your prices again?” Or we blame the candy company for making a smaller chocolate bar, or the cereal company for putting less corn flakes in the box.
70. But these businesses are simply trying to cope with the same dilemma as #WeThePeople: inflation. The problem is not that prices are going up, the problem is everytime the FED creates $ from nothing it increases the amount of money in America, thereby decreasing money’s value.
71. For the banking elite, the system meant endless profits, but for the rest of us, it is a hidden tax. And it is more unfair than conventional taxes, which are scaled by income. Inflation affects all equally, making no exceptions for the needy.
72. In America today, many young couples work hard. Commonly, both spouses hold jobs and can barely pay the rent.
73. When great-grandpa came to America, income tax didn’t exist. Today’s average workers lose up to 50% of their pay to taxes: fed income tax, state income tax, SSN tax, real estate tax, sales tax, excise tax, utilities tax, etc.
74. If 1/2 a family’s wages go to taxes, won’t it need 2 jobs to maintain the same standard of living? Furthermore, great-grandpa had a stable dollar –it didn’t plummet in value every yr like now. (The American colonists went to war with Britain when tax levels reached only 21%.)
75. That is why, following 250 years of stable prices, we’ve had punishing inflation since the Fed’s birth in 1913. Every effect has a cause.
76. The figure☝️depicts price levels from 1774 - 2012. Note there was no net inflation for the first 113 yrs (only inflationary blips during wartime that returned to its normal value). Then, in 1913, w the creation of the FED, our $ began to rapidly & permanently lose its value.
77. It’s particularly noteworthy that in Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx laid down 10 steps he proclaimed necessary to establish a communist totalitarian state. Step 2 was: “A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.”
78. Step 5 was: “Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.”
79. Thus, in 1913, the United States enacted two of Marx’s conditions for a communist dictatorship. Income tax and central banks have nothing to do with free enterprise or the American way of life.
80. The original Constitution excluded an income tax, which the Founding Fathers opposed. Concerning money, the Constitution declares (Article 1, Sec. 8): “Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof.”
81. The Federal Reserve Act illegally transferred this authority from our elected representatives to private bankers.
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Nov 24, 2021
Here’s a look at the sCiEnCe behind the covid vaccine. It’s a #$@!% joke.
2. The COVID vaccination campaign is the biggest medical fraud in modern history.
3. The “Operation Warp Speed” injections are dangerous and don’t work.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 4, 2020
@JordanB4815 @callthecorners @TulsiGabbard @jennajameson @johnpodesta FACT: Vaccines contain Aluminum.

FACT: Aluminum is a known neurotoxin associated with brain dysfunctions.

FACT: Studies show that aluminum can cause long-term neurological damage. Image
@JordanB4815 @callthecorners @TulsiGabbard @jennajameson @johnpodesta “Research data suggests that vaccines containing Aluminum may be a contributing etiological factor in the increasing incidence of autism.” link.springer.com/referenceworke…
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Oct 1, 2019
@Anthrosunday @maewest52499669 @JoeBenedett @realDonaldTrump 1. Try to keep up. My thread merely compiles 50 years of climate “science”. With links to veritfy. From the scientists themselves. It’s what THEY’VE said. Not me. All i did was compile it all.
@Anthrosunday @maewest52499669 @JoeBenedett @realDonaldTrump 2. There’s been so much scientific bullshit that the general public isnt buying it anymore.

For ex: The IPCC report that led to the KyotoProtocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had re global warming.
@Anthrosunday @maewest52499669 @JoeBenedett @realDonaldTrump The scientific statements omitted:
1)“None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.”
2)“No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to man–made causes”
Read 6 tweets
Sep 30, 2019
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive Um at this point, Big CO2 is where the real money is.

@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive Signatories to the KyotoProtocol bought into the cap &trade concept in 2005 and now big CO2 is bigger than "big oil." ImageImageImage
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive What’s even more ridiculous is that the UN IPCC report that led to the Kyoto Protocol was altered AFTER peer review to remove the comments about doubts w/which scientists had regarding global warming claims.
Read 4 tweets
Sep 30, 2019
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive CO2 was pretty steady when the Roman warm period, the cooler Dark Ages, Ice-Age, Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period happened, all natural climatic changes that far exceeds today's changes. Image
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive If there was approx 25% less CO2 in the atmosphere than there is now w/ temps throughout much of the world just as high (or higher) during those warm periods as they are now then there is nothing unnatural, unusual, or unprecedented about the current level of Earth’s warmth.
@Souxieq2 @BreakingNLive FYI: Climatology/genetics/geology as well as many other scienctific fields owe their existence to govt research grants. Most scientists cant put food on their table w/o receiving grant money to conduct their research.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 28, 2019
@the_insiderUKG Climatology/geology/genetics as well as many other scienctific fields owe their existence to govt research grants. Most scientists cant put food on their table w/o receiving grant money to conduct their research.
@the_insiderUKG When your existence depends on support from govts, it’s in your interest to conduct research in a way that supports the continuation of research in your chosen field.
Grants are awarded based on likelihood that a particular researcher will find evidence that supports a hypothesis
@the_insiderUKG The reality is that research grants are awarded based on likelihood that a particular researcher's work will support a political agenda or sociological viewpoint. If your work supports an agenda favored by those who control the $$$, you will continue receiving research grants.
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