"Who is Gaël Arellano @RTLlu?"
"It's me!"
"Wtf were you thinking when writing such a biased piece of crap, seriously?" 5minutes.rtl.lu/actu/luxembour…
"But those are STATEC stats!"
🥺😣😭"You are either a statistics illiterate or biased as f***. Now get out of my sight!"
If the coin was not rigged, heads should be 50 and tails also 50!
To conclude based on that that the biking people are generally to blame is BS. @RTLlu, your clickbait is disgusting!
The 4 cases of people *died* while biking in period 2016-18 include:
- 2 hit-and-run cases
- 2 people died because of inadequate biking infra/speed limits. In one case, a tunnel's been announced.
That won't stop them lecturing the cycling community.
N.b.: deleted tweet!

(source: aet.gouvernement.lu/dam-assets/l-a…)

(source: aet.gouvernement.lu/dam-assets/l-a…)