Before we begin, let’s have a look back at the books we provided teasers to at last year’s #FeelsFest!

How She Likes It by Carla de Guzman (@carlakdeguzman), released October 1, 2018 | BUY IT ON AMAZON:

Mango Summer by Agay Llanera (@agayskee), released October 16, 2018 | BUY IT ON AMAZON:…

Stay With Me (Backstage Pass #2.5) by Tara Frejas, released may 31, 2019 | BUY IT ON AMAZON:

the first upcoming release: ALTA, the highly-anticipated #HighSocietyLandian anthology by @thebiancamori, @carlakdeguzman, and @SuzettedeBorja. <3










While waiting, you may visit and burn through our diverse catalog. There are over 100 contemporary romances there.
Thanks for "tuning in" to this thread. Questions? Simply @ me!
Happy Sunday, everyone!