1. Microsoft Supporting Local Communities
2. Microsoft Educating and Empowering Workers
3.Labour and Human Rights at Microsoft
4. Employee Health and Safety at Microsoft
6. Microsoft and Sustainable Sourcing
7. Carbon Emissions by Microsoft
8. Microsoft’s other CSR Initiatives and Charitable Donations
9. etc
Talk about IKEA: The main charity in this case – a Dutch institution called the Stichting Ingka Foundation – was set up with the intention of “safeguarding the future of furniture”. Garis bawahi itu.
Ikea Group dimiliki oleh Ingka Holding.
nah smeentara Ingka Holding dimiliki oleh Yayasan Ingka Stichting.
jangan pikir cuman anda seorang yg pinter yg laen goblo😝
iya gak @P3nj3l4j4h 🤣
helooww bantu tag ke akunnya manasih? @kangdede78
Gitu mau bandingin sama IKEA wkwkkwk
anda sebut Ford Foundation, mereka yayasan, gak jualan mobil. Lah PB Djarum juga yayasan dan gak jualan rokok wkwkwkk🤣
Henry Ford II created the Ford Motor Company Fund in 1949, a separate corporate foundation which to this day serves as the philanthropic arm of the Ford Motor Company and is not associated with the foundation😂🤣