Out today in @NatureHumBehav:
The compendium of self-enactable techniques to change and self-manage motivation & behaviour v.1.0.
Thread follows..

In behaviour change science, the predominant focus has been on the techniques that intervention providers deliver to recipients, and limited attention is given to the actions that people must themselves undertake to successfully change or self-manage motivation or behaviour.
Psychological research has examined a range of strategies that people may use to enhance their own motivation or performance in many applied areas, for example: job crafting in work psych, self-talk in sports psych, self-regulation of learning in educational psych...
...but these concepts are scattered in the literature in many domains, and no comprehensive overview has existed.
A systematic list of unique techniques, with clear definitions & examples would help...
• theorising
• empirical research
• intervention development & evaluation
• synthesising evidence
• practical applications
And also, facilitate interchange between applied domains!
Therefore, we set out to compile a new domain-general list of techniques, a compendium, of self-enactable behaviour change methods.
We combined behaviour- and motivation-regulation techniques across 6 existing classifications of behaviour change techniques and 3 scoping reviews, converting each into a self-enactable form. An expert panel study and qualitative work helped optimize the technique wordings.

So, the final compendium includes 123 self-enactable techniques for motivation and behaviour change, each with a definition and instructive example to facilitate self-enactment.
The techniques include actions to influence your thoughts, emotions, social and physical environment, among others. For example...

another example (social environment)...

and a final example..

So, what can this integrative index be used for? It offers a clear overview of the available options and specific actions relevant to self-management, hopefully useful for: behaviour change scientists, intervention developers, or anyone trying to change their behaviour.
What does the compendium not do? Tell anything about the effectiveness of these techniques - future research needs to do this.
Note: The compendium excludes societal-level intervention strategies, which are vital in changing population behaviours.. #BehaviourChange is difficult, and individual goal pursuit needs often to be supported by environmental, social, and structural measures. #ClimateChange
Great team behind all this: The amazing @keeganknittle without whom this would not have been possible! @heinonmatti @marta_m_marques @WendyHardeman1 @MartinHagger @SteniusMinna &Franziska&Marguerite. Work started at @TampereUniSOC, finalised at
@unihelsinki @SocSciHelsinki
We were invited to write a “Behind the Paper” article to shed light on the history of the paper, you can read it here: socialsciences.nature.com/channels/1745-…
Preprint and supplementary materials can be found on our @OSFramework page: osf.io/pqfjz - including overlapping concepts in existing taxonomies, that we identified during the process.
That's it! Hope it's useful. Looking forward to comments & discussion!
(Phew - never written such a long thread before! 😅Thanks if you read it all the way here 🙏)