2/ Wuhan was once briefly the capital of China, and is located in central China. Cities are beginning to be put in lock down just as #LunarNewYear celebrations see mass movement of people as they return to their country homes... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon
3/ Wuhan has the only lab in China capable of studying the virus, along with SARS, AIDS and Ebola. The lab forms part of China's “One Belt, One Road” initiative... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon
4/ There are a couple of patents for coronavirus. One of these was filed by the US Centers of Disease Control and Prevention in 2003. The application status expired as of Jan 23 2020... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon patents.google.com/patent/US72208…
5/ So this virus has been known about and linked with SARS. In 2017 a clear link was established between bats transmitting a form of Coronavirus to pigs... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/23…
6/ There was another outbreak of bats to pigs in 2018 in Guangdong Province. Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the investigations... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon nih.gov/news-events/ne…
9/ Did you know Hollywood actually warned us about this? In the 2011 movie Contagion a SARS like disease was spread from bat to pig to human in Macau, which is in the next to the Guandong Province... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon imdb.com/title/tt159877…
10/ The Wuhan Institute of Biological Products is a state run vaccine company which forms part of China National Biotec Group BNCG. In 2007 they had an agreement with PATH for a rotavirus vaccine... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon scidev.net/global/disease…
11/ In 2014 WHO entered into an agreement to pre-qualify some Chinese vaccine companies after a push from the Clinton Health Access Initiative CHAI... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon who.int/bulletin/volum…
14/ According to one article 80% of major ingredients used in U.S. pharmaceuticals are manufactured overseas, mainly from India and China. Compliance with FDA standards are not always met... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon althealthworks.com/11540/vaccines…
15/ Two Q posts that relate to CHAI and diseases. Some food for thought...#CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon
17/ Use common sense. Wash your hands and keep good hygeine. If you decide to wear a mask make sure there are no gaps exposing your airways. I will be avoiding crowds incl Chinese New Year celebrations... #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon
18/ Research for yourself but what I'll be doing is preventative turmeric, ginger and black pepper in coconut milk, eating keto, include fresh garlic with my food and having a low dose of MMS. /end #CoronaVirus#SARI#QAnon mmsdrops.com/what-is-mms/