First Sunday after #JantaCurfew . Looks like a country of 130 Crores has responded to the #21daysLockdown call by @narendramodi. Except for few issues around #migrantworkers District administrations are managing well. A matter which will need 100s of research papers post crisis.
Every single unit of administration rising upto the challenge . State govts establishing some of the best practices . India will be different with so many capacity building happening at every level .
Our curve is only moderately sharp because of irresponsibility of some . System is containing that too . Social groups lending a helping hand . With a caring & acting PM , CMs at their best , system tuned up , society responding positively India will come out unscathed .
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After two bad incidents at Vishakhapatnam & Aurangabad , a moderate day as far as Corona Virus is concerned .. 1. 3390 cases & 1273 recoveries in last 24 hours . Cases down from 3900+ & 3500+ for last few days . Recovery rate at impressive 29.36% . #IndiaFightsCorona
2. 251 #ShramikSpecialTrain s till todate. 53 today. 3. 216 districts with no cases , 42 districts with no cases in last 28 days , 29 in last 21 days , 36 in last 14 days & 46 districts doesn’t have any cases in last 7 days . #IndiaFightsCorona
4. Railways keep ready 5231 coaches medically equipped at 215 stations for eventuality. 5. 8 approved labs for testing prototypes of PPE coveralls for high standards. 6. CBSE to conduct class 10 exams in NE Delhi & class 12 across country between July 1-15 . #IndiaFightsCorona
Only Rajasthan , Maharashtra , Kerala made migrant labourers pay ₹1000 charge for journey . @INCIndia which runs the first , partner in second , promoter of third wakes up early in the morning & issues a statement telling Party will pay for it .., #MigrantLabourers
In the mean time Tripura , Karnataka , Madhya Pradesh , Bihar , Chatthisgarh , Jharkand have paid either for their State people or at the origin .. Usual suspects jump on the wagon & make it another 12 hour of negative news . #MigrantLabourers
Railways already subsidises 57% of passenger fare . 1/3 rd passengers & empty train on return journey adds another 28%. This 85% is borne by railways . It’s asking another 15% from states of origin not #MigrantLabourers
Kerala is slowly slipping into dangerous situation . 1. New cases from Idukki , Kottayam , Kollam , Thiruvananthapuram .Almost entire state red zone .
2.₹20000 Cr package is gone to wind. They have put on hold salary of Govt employees . First state to do so. #WakeupPinarayi
3. Today 4 positive cases . 25 sent for retest . Why ..? 4. Kerala IMA writes a scathing letter to @vijayanpinarayi 5. Finance Minister @drthomasisaac goes public saying state finances are broke . Why did you announce package then ..? #WakeupPinarayi
6. While Karnataka does 55504 tests & has 534 positive , Kerala does 23980 tests & announces 2L tests ..Where are the kits ..? 7. 284 Tabhligi returnees are still untraced & told phones are switched off .. 8. Already more than 3.5 L gulf registrations for returning ..
Some have started questioning the rationale of dates announced by @narendramodi . The first review of districts will be on Apr 20 .. That’s the 29th day of #JantaCurfew . If there are no cases for 28 days WHO & ICMR say the area is virus free .. #IndiaFightsCorona
Also by then majority of first wave of oreign returnees & their first contacts would be put of hospital ... Also the #TabhligiJamaat cases will be either tested negative or will be under hospitalisation .. #IndiaFightsCorona
Also by then the country’s health infrastructure would be in a robust state to take any unpredictable outbreak f reasonable magnitude ... Our in-house production of all related health products will hit peak by May 1st week ... #IndiaFightsCorona
India has seen many a challenges like #MigrantsOnTheRoad from inside & outside & combined .... It has come out unscathed . God willing it will come out so this time too with a BAIRAAGI & YOGI to face this challenge ... #IndiaFightsCorona
They both have lakhs of unseen hands to assist them & lakhs of unheard voices praying .. UP will put more than a lakh on quarantine at various locations . When it comes to normalcy vultures who made this happen will be known to the world .
The authorities who cut electricity , water ... the people who spread panic , the powers that arranged DTC buses & usual suspects who gave 48 hours coverage will all be accountable to nation & their consciousness . Your hatred to a system has put nation at risk ..
संकट की इस घड़ी में भाजपा के हर कार्यकर्ता को #COVID19 का मुकाबला करने वाले यौद्धा के रूप में स्वयं को परिवर्तित करने की आवश्यकता है l
1.सरकार द्वारा निर्धारित सभी नियमों का पालन करें, घर में बुजुर्गों का विशेष ध्यान रखें, भौतिक दूरी रखें तथा सामान्य स्वच्छता रखें।@BJP4India
2.लॉकडाउन के दौरान हम अच्छी किताबों का अध्ययन करें, प्रोत्साहित करने वाले वीडियो देखें,अच्छे भाषण सुनें, नए कौशल सीखें तथा स्वास्थ्य की देखभाल के लिए योगा व व्यायाम करेंl
3.पुलिस तथा स्थानीय प्रशासन की इस संकट की घड़ी में यथोचित सहायता करेंl
4.लॉकडाउन के दौरान अपने पड़ोसियों को संयम बरतने, हड़बड़ी में खरीददारी न करने, सामाजिक दूरी बनाने के बारे में जागरूक करेंl
5.सभी नियमों का पालन करते हुए जरुरतमंदों को खाद्य सामग्री के पैकेट उपलब्ध करवाएंl शारीरिक रूप से स्वस्थ व्यक्ति ही इसमें भाग लेंl