Today, we celebrate the work of nurses & midwives by showing our appreciation for their bravery, courage & resolve in the global #COVID19 response.
Tell us who your favourite nurse or midwife is 💐.
#SupportNursesAndMidwives ➡️…
All over the world nurses, midwives and all health workers are fighting day and night to keep us safe from the #coronavirus!
Take a minute today to say: #ThanksHealthHeroes!
On this #WorldHealthDay, WHO & @ICNurses @NursingNow2020 are launching the 1st ever State of the World’s Nursing Report:…

☑ Governments must invest in the massive acceleration of nursing education
☑ 6 million new nursing jobs must be created by 2030
☑ Investments must be made in nurse leadership
The Report reveals a global shortage of 5.9 million nurses - with the greatest gaps found in Africa, Southeast Asia, Arab States and parts of Latin America.


Countries need to ⬆️ nursing graduates by 8% per year, along with improved ability to employ and retain them in the health system.
This would only cost 💲10 per capita, per year.
☑ 1 in 8 #nurses works in a country other than where they were born or trained
☑ >80% of the world’s nurses work in countries that are home to 50% of the world’s population
☑ 90% of all nurses are female
More facts:…

On #WorldHealthDay and every day, let’s show our gratitude by doing our part and following public health advice from WHO and national health authorities:
#WorldHealthDay #SupportNursesAndMidwives

Nurses and midwives are already advocates & innovators in their:
☑ communities
☑ clinics
☑ hospitals
☑ health care system
But they must be properly valued & represented in health leadership roles.

On #WorldHealthDay , let’s reflect on what individual action we can take to support frontline health workers.

❤ Thank you for working round the clock to fight the #COVID19 pandemic.
❤ Thank you for the difference you are making, every day and everywhere.
❤ Happy #WorldHealthDay 2020, a day that we dedicate to YOU!