Got a science update, looked at risk factors. We launched a new service to support front line health care workers.
Talking to Asia, thread about an hour. 1/
The big question is what is happening to the growth in new cases? I decided to try to find out. 2/
Data people might say “great, one in a row”.
And cases are still growing exponentially.
30,000 new cases/day is a lot.
And it COULD mean a day of lower testing not fewer cases (womp wom)
And testing is still a big issue, but...4/
Look at the states with the most cases and the slowdown that occurred after lockdown. 6/

When NY had 1000 confirmed cases, they waited another week to shut things down. Mayor deBlasio suggested people enjoy another night out.8/
@CoreyinNYC was worried. Calling for bars & restaurants to shut down. He connected with me at 2 am because he saw what was happening.
That week cost New Yorkers dearly. 10/
New York was seeing a flattening, but at a level that requires a ship, a Javits Center & more providers than they have. 13/
New Orleans also seems to be flattening. Oschner, the biggest system, seemed to have done very good forward planning. Other parts of the system scrambling. 15/
I just wanted to put something actionable for them. I only talked to 5 or 6 of them.18/
People are making homegrown reagents. We entered the global market late. 20/
But even in the best case, there’s not enough.21/
-There is some evidence around body ache symptoms & hemoglobin
-There is data which shows male fatalities are 3:1 men to women
-And there is early data that there racial disparities are at work. 23/
It will be a dark stain on an already tragic period if people of color die at a higher rate. A stain on all of us. 24/
The FDA approved is first anti-body test.
It’s next and highest priority must be to accelerate the development of early-acting therapies.
The Gates Foundarion is funding vaccine development to speed the manufacture to market 25/
California has. Others need to. 26/
Frontline family is a service from all of US to those health care workers on the front line. 28/…
All of this is on the platform intended to bring you the resources you need launched all of a week ago. 30/

Please subscribe and listen to my podcasts for 33% Churchill, 33% Mr. Rodgers, and 33% Dad jokes. Somehow we made the top. Pretty sure it’s the Dad jokes. /end…