- #covid19 is a marathon, not a sprint
- this is not normal
- your safety and health first, work second
- over communicate over communicate over communicate
- kiddo interruptions are a fact of life (male leaders, pls demonstrate this!)
- model good behavior - TAKE TIME OFF REGULARLY
- did i say overcommunicate yet? overcommunicate
- reduced productivity is expected - have you adjusted your roadmap yet? have you overcommunicated it yet?

- Finding deep focus time is HARD. Headphones, blocking off calendar time, muting notifications can help, but also be ok with not having that focus during a pandemic
- Always have video calls for 1:1s if you can. Text can lead to confusion
Mental health and physical health "jokes" are never appropriate, especially now. Joking about brain anuyrisms, dying from a plague, or having "PTSD" from a global pandemic isn't a good look