Hope Goan citizens cn see across caste, party & religious lines now !
While most R busy feeding & supplying free of cost 2 many,
Ther R very few who care & work 4 Goans.
Many Goenkars r daily wages, industrial work basis paid, senior citizns
Many Goans who earn their living on small scale business models, workshops, tea stalls, cafeterias, cake shops
Order based work staff carpenter's, masonry, welders, plumber's, electricians, tailors, newspaper vendors, sales reps hv lost their source of daily earning
I get to hear some murmurs of possible demands for packages & th ground work being prepared !??
But thn,
V didn't invent this innovative 'Bail Out Package' parasite, yes we did utilise it well to catapult across votebanks, purely 4 electoral gains & short term win
Mining started in Goa as a means of extracting our natural resources 2 fuel th invading forces treasury & support armory
Cheap labour, usurping local lands, destroying forest cover, turning fertile agricultural plains to mere dumpyards
All tht 4 meagre annual payout
All r aware how th boom PHASED in,
V got greedy, converted vast tracks of land 2 extract more mineral's, all of tht wtot any legality nor even minimum permissions as per prevalent Laws @apsadekar
Later a package was declared @ th expense of tax payers ?
Wen is th recovery
We appreciate th efforts of Doctors, hospital staff, Policemen/women, cleaning services staff et al
We are all at home, glued to books, news, meditation, movies & afew as volunteers working out there to mk things available for us
Goans r law abiding, literate 2 follow advisories, compliant society.
Short term plans n al r fine.
Wot abt tmrw ? Wot beyond lockdown
All livelihoods are affected, afew more severely than odas
Many farmer's, poultries, cattle farms R facing hardships. V r goin back to local general stores guy !
No-one is bothered about Mega Sales & festival saving plans
This is survival based living ! This is r REALITY
@oheraldogoa @TOIGoaNews @Navhind_Times
Fish, curry-rice, mangoes, fruits delivered to doorsteps. Medicines available 24/7
Bt we are SUSHEGAAD !
Request th elected reps
We r going thru tough times, everyone !
Let us not mount more bailouts, specific sector based relief packages.
Let's all bear th weight equally, share to sustain !
Outlook & preferences are set to change. This #StayAtHome period made us think
Let us participate & promote overall survival, viability, sustenance
Mch of th industries, businesses wil b forced shut. Tourism may dry up, it will tK lonG time to get out AGAIN & travel WORLD over
Newer models r coming up
ACCEPTANCE is the key !
This is no more about personal EGO clashes or local votes hold !
Many known & unk hv faltered. Afew taken to task 4 violating advisories & rules
Most religious houses & worship places shut to keep us all safe !
Back to basics again
Add health**
Prevention is our best & only way 2 fight #COVID19
Ensure safety of healthcare staff, provide food to Police on duty
Our health dept is working well, appreciate ur efforts @visrane