Indeed, Ikhlas (sincerity) is the reality of the Religion (Islam), and its the key of the Da'awah (the calling) of the Messengers.
أن يكون قصد الإنسان في سكناته وحركاته وعباداته الظاهرة والباطنة خالصة لوجه الله تعالى لا يريد بها شيئاً من حطام الدنيا أو ثناء الناس
Actions are differentiated by the that which is in the heart of Faith and honor.
The performance of acts of worship without Ikhlas and truthfulness to Allaah, has no worth nor will it be rewarded. Nay! The doer of the action is exposed to a strong threat
Sufyan Thawri said: Nothing is more difficult for me to handle more than my Niyya (intention) because it keeps fluctuating at each time.
Where are some of the Muslims today that inform (others) about all their deeds. Perhaps he stood up at night for a year (for Tahajjud) in order for others to know..
عجباً ثم عجباً ...
Indeed, the Salaf would hide thier deeds because (they felt thier) Iman was weak while today these Muslims show theirs because of the "perfect" Iman. Amazing, very amazing!
When the Salaf (pious predecessors) hid their good deeds, Allaah hide from them of reward (Paradise) which only Him knows
And from amongst good people (he laughs during the hours of the day and cries to his Lord in the depth of the night).
Know that Ikhlas (sincerity) is being negated by many things. Such as Materialism, love of fame and honor (amongst people), Riya (show-off) and wanting to be known and self conceit
Oh Allaah! Purify our hearts from hypocrisy and our deeds from Riya (show-off) and our tongues from lies and our eyes from deceit.