It’s kind of a ride. It will likely only have any importance to me, so feel free to mute the next batch of posts.
But it’s a gut twister.
I love my family, but to say we didn’t always understand each other is a massive understatement.
So, you’d think, parent’s dream, right? :)
But I was willful and liked books, and comics. 3/
And again, I liked some nerdy things. And literature, and scary movies. So, nerd tendencies were definitely there and those were not really much appreciated. ;). 5/
But the story takes a weird twist, because my mom cut my hair. 6/
I adored her.
Pretty soon, she mentions she has a son who likes the same stuff.
Who wants to get involved with someone half an hour away? It just sounded too weird. And who wants to be set up by their MOM? :) 11/
Finally, TWO YEARS later, he asks her, “Mom, if I call this girl, will you quit bugging me about it?”
That was @rocketspouse. 12/
He and his friends were a riot, we had a blast. 13/
And she told jokes and danced for our entertainment (and @rocketspouse’s eternal embarrassment). I had never experienced anything like it. 16/

And my hairdresser became my second mom, no question, she loved me as her daughter and that was it. 17/
When I left university, I decided to become a hairdresser, because of her. And I first ended up in her salon, she taught me to be a great hairdresser. 18/
Eventually I got my own salon. I missed the laughs though! 19/
I called to tell her I had the number one book on the New York Times bestseller list.
She said, “Do they send you a limo?”
She grew up poor, and she meant no harm, but it still made me a little sad. It felt like she didn’t understand this was my dream.
Okay, skip ahead.
Because Mom. 24/
And then she passed, and we heard from endless people she had helped, literally fed and clothed, at their lowest times. 26/
Selfish, yep. But families don’t always make sense. 27/
Recently, we were clearing out a room that had been sort of random stuff, paperwork, but also treasures.
Important stuff, right?
And we find a package. A box, really.
My first Birds of Prey. First Deadpool. First Simpsons. First Killer Princesses. On and on.
She had all my first issues and never told me. 33/
She made a treasure box of her daughter’s comics like they were gold coins.
That stack of comics in ridiculous zippered bags took my breath away.
Where she got them, that is a mystery.
I got comps of those books, she knew that, I could have given them to her. But for whatever reason, she wanted to get them herself.
And that’s how comics helped me get a last hug from my adopted mom.
Have a great day, everyone. Tell the people you love that you love them, okay?