Lots of people had it far worse, I'm not complaining. But it DID teach me a skill, to be grateful for what I did have. 1/
I would reread X-Men and Swamp Thing and Teen Titans a hundred times. 2/
And every reader has something they want to tell you, something in their life they share with you.
That's a great feeling. 6/
If you see me at a con, odds are I am smiling. I may be tired or at deadlines or whatever, but I'm happy. 7/
Comics helped me get through so many dark times. From Peanuts to Sandman, I can't imagine never having had them. 8/
I saw a kid tell Geoff Johns that he believed in himself because of Green Lantern. 9/
We all turned and looked at each other with a look of, "Oh, hey, that kid is ME."
I don't have any long, deep point. Just that I love this medium, it's the one that Kirby and Kubert and Barks and Tezuka and thousands of others chose above all others.
Every direction you look, there's something wonderful. 12/
Can't help it.
I love novels, I love movies, games, whatever.
But Sgt. Rock, Jonah Hex, Spider-Man, Uzumaki... 14/
Swamp Thing, Distant Soil, Iron Fist, X-Men, Reid Fleming, Flaming Carrot, Deadpool, Conan, JLA...
It's just endless.
Readers, artists, writers, staffers, publishers, distributors, retailers, convention companies, editors, on and on.
And hopefully take some of your favorite comics, your favorite beverage, and give yourself a nice break to read something great.
Love to you all!
Any book that you keep going back to, and why it makes you keep rereading it.
GO! :)
I reread Alan Moore's Swamp Thing a lot.
@KurtBusiek's JLA/Avengers is amazing.
Flaming Carrot!