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May 25th 2023

Whether you're with her in person or setting up a date, sometimes a girl will completely dodge your suggestion for the two of you to head somewhere private. When this happens, look out!

It's not an accident when a woman declines to go somewhere quieter and more private with you or come see you at home.

Unless she's a complete social newbie (and there are SOME girls like this... most AREN'T though!) she knows what she's doing.
What's she doing?

She is preventing the courtship from advancing to the "beginning of intimacy" stage.

See, you need somewhere more INTIMATE to start making things intimate.
Read 33 tweets
Apr 27th 2023
Honestly the whole Miles Morales train IA ridiculous... Miles only works if Peter is dead and the other Spiders around... which corporate will never do because Miles isn't really more of a seller then any of them... that's why he always gets new #1s . No, he's not the best. Sigh.
Honestly... it's either Miguel...
Or May Parker, Peter's daughter... she's honestly way better then Miles.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 1st 2022
WHEEEEEEEEE #SECU! Skipped the last one because it was pretty political, but Murray Smith is coming to this one, so here come the live-Tweets...
Zimmer opens the meeting by asking if there are hunting rifles on the prohib list. Justice officials clarify they cannot say if a gun is a hunting gun or not, just if it's prohib. Zimmer redirects the question then to Daly and Smith; witnesses appearing from the RCMP.
Chair @RonMcKinnonLib intercedes, saying that everyone should remember the list could change.

Interesting note to make.

Murray Smith now says the first rifle Zimmer asked about, the Benelli R1, is not included on Schedule 1 or 2.
Read 76 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
Muitos đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ ficam perdidos com futebol. EntĂŁo segue thread se as seleçÔes fossem divas pop:

BRASIL - BEYONCÉ: incontestavelmente a maior. As vezes nĂŁo vai bem nos charts, mas desde o começo da carreira foi consistente, hoje mantĂ©m prestĂ­gio e influĂȘncia sobre as novatas. ImageImage
ALEMANHA - RIHANNA: Uma das maiores! Sempre teve o Brasil como referĂȘncia, mas jĂĄ conseguiu hits maiores. Fez revolução no mercado com causas importantes. Comeback aguardado, mas o Ășltimo foi abaixo do esperado, sendo barrado por alguĂ©m “mĂ©h”. (Lift Me Up por single da TS). ImageImage
ITÁLIA - KATY PERRY: uma exĂ­mia hitmaker
 no passado. Hoje em dia nĂŁo entra tĂŁo fĂĄcil nos charts e seu Ășltimo single ficou OUT (nĂŁo se classificou para Copa do Qatar) ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
Apr 27th 2022
Soundcloud keeping it real. @DeathPanel_ & @fitterhappierAJ are my current #1s for the stage of the tragedy in which authorities think a pandemic ends whenever they are fed up with the nuisance of having to provide public health policy. Do follow for exciting sequels/sequelae! 🙃
@DeathPanel_ @fitterhappierAJ Honorable mention: @DonEford, indefatigable sharer of LC research findings.

This is the single most effective & entertaining LC read I've seen. Here a glimpse because no one will read it in one session - frankly, too crushing if any of it is news to you!

@DeathPanel_ @fitterhappierAJ @DonEford Why I share: recently chatted with my empathetic, young, visual-designer neighbor about Covid. Imagine my surprise when, minutes later, she shares that "now that the pandemic is over," the government will make up new things to keep us under control. Expect aliens, she half-jokes?
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2021
@kkdumez @d_l_mayfield A confluence of things happened: Economic downturn hurt “listener supported” stations causing many to switch to “commercial.” Listening habits changed after 9/11 & during that downturn so

@kkdumez @d_l_mayfield The biggest commercial networks followed their mainstream peers and began testing songs before adding. Testing was flawed because of testing before slimming, testing GREATLY favors the familiar - you get more of what the audience is used to. Radio stopped breaking new artists

@kkdumez @d_l_mayfield I was the last new artist with a #1 song until Casting Crowns FIVE YEARS LATER. What’s most familiar? The stuff we hear at church. “Worship” tested great! Suddenly, a slew of worship cover albums were released by successful artists known for original music

Read 11 tweets
Jun 14th 2021
@ramespaulus There are several versions of it but a basic example is: You have 5 choices in a primary. You rank them on your ballot in the order you prefer them. Officials determine the candidate w/the most #1s. If that candidate gets the winning # of votes needed (could be any %) they win./1
@ramespaulus That’s not likely tho, esp if the winning % needed is substantial. So then the candidate with the most #5s is eliminated. Then the ballots are recounted without that candidate, which changes the percentages. Rinse & repeat. This is just one way to do it. /2
@ramespaulus So if the guy you ranked #1 on your ballot who turned out to be ranked #5 by the most people, your ballot’s 2nd choice now becomes your vote. If you & enough people picked the highest vote getter as their 2nd choice, he now gets those votes & maybe now he’s got enough to win. /3
Read 3 tweets
Feb 11th 2021
A thread on employee equity in early stage startups -- what are the compensation norms? What every early employee should ask? Some thoughts on whether the structure is fair.

Read on >>
1) First, there are NO NORMS! Hah. I have literally seen everything from giving early employees no equity to giving employee #1s near co-founder level of shares.

But what is more common than not?
2) In the Silicon Valley, if you're hiring your 1st employee, & you've raised NO $$ & are paying very little (e.g $0-$10k / yr or thereabouts), your first employee is basically a co-founder.

And the equity tranche for employee 1 should be closer to a co-founder level.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
About 7 or 8 years ago my dad checked out from the library a book detailing every single #1 song from 1958 through the present. Since then, I've been wanting to listen to all of them in order and I figure now's a good time as any to hear the evolution of music.
1. Poor Little Fool (Ricky Nelson) - It's kinda fitting that the very first #1 song is your standard tune about young love and heartbreak. Turns out, teen idols have always been around.

2. Nel blu, dipinto di blu (Domenico Modugno) - I was seriously not expecting that the most popular song of 1958 in the US would be entirely in Italian. I find it hard to imagine such a song doing so well in today's era (even Gangham Style only hit #2).

Read 1251 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
My “degen” IRA hit a mini milestone today. It started with a humble balance & the intention to trade actively. Active trade I did. Started in late 2018, today it hit an ~8x. But a 20x+ off its lows. I have a few potentially interesting takeaways from this experiment I’ll share.
It’s worth starting by saying this was generally full of lessons in “how not to do it”. However, aggression was my strategy at the outset. I haven’t run traditional metrics like Sharpe at it yet, but they’d be terrible. I experienced several 50% drawdowns. One 75%+ drawdown.
Every drawdown of size was created by allocating too high a % of my portfolio to highly correlated options strategies. Once I put a roughly 20% portfolio cap toward long premium, performance increased massively.
Read 14 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Ok, moving on the new one:

Saturday Morning Class #2: How is Lp(a) measured and why does it matter?

Time to try to clear up the confusion: about 15 yr after Lp(a) was discovered in 1963 by Kare Berg, Prof John Albers at UWash created an assay to measure Lp(a).
He based this on the whole “mass” of Lp(a) and all its components (apoB, apo(a), cholesterol and cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, triglyceride and carbohydrate on Lp(a). (
What is mass: it is a property of a physical object that quantifies the amount of matter it contains. Unlike weight, the mass of something stays the same regardless of location. Fun fact: in Einstein’s E=MC2, M is the mass of an object. 3/19
Read 22 tweets
Apr 11th 2020
I have a little story to tell.

It’s kind of a ride. It will likely only have any importance to me, so feel free to mute the next batch of posts.

But it’s a gut twister.

Okay, if you have followed me, you probably know that my childhood was pretty rough. Lots had it far worse, but maintaining an optimistic POV was often pretty difficult.

I love my family, but to say we didn’t always understand each other is a massive understatement.

I was a star student, graduated early with nearly perfect grades, I worked two jobs to pay all my own expenses, I was in drama, was a basketball cheerleader, and babysat my siblings.

So, you’d think, parent’s dream, right? :)

But I was willful and liked books, and comics. 3/
Read 38 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
As a first cut for consideration, I'll probably draw the line at 40+ WAR.

That gives you 17.

Bonds, Clemens, Schilling, Walker, Jeter,
Rolen, Ramirez, Jones, Helton, Sheffield,
Pettitte, Abreu, Sosa, Kent, Giambi,
Vizquel, Lee
I think I've been undervaluing just how good Giambi's peak was. Avg of all HOF 1bman had a WAR7 of 42.7.
Regarding accused/confirmed PED users, my POV is

1) If the HOF or MLB doesn't want me to vote for those players, then don't include them on the ballot.
2) I have a hard time assuming that we can neatly divide players into clean or dirty based on public info, so I choose not to.
Read 39 tweets
Jan 17th 2019
Evening, all, and welcome to a run down of our Best Selling Single Issues of 2018 here in Big Bang Comics in Dublin, Ireland.
Tonight we'll see what were our top performing single issues in the past year and single issues only.
If you are wondering what are our best selling graphic novels and manga, please see this thread from last week.
Here's how we'll do this. There's no point listing our top 50 selling single issues because a series that does really well will monopolise the top of our charts for the entire year because it comes out much more regularly than collected editions.
Read 93 tweets
Jan 13th 2019
THREAD: O futuro (e presente) feminino do R&B

Com trĂȘs ĂĄlbuns de estĂșdios lançados atĂ© agora, Tinashe teve um inĂ­cio promissor como solista com o hit "2 on", de lĂĄ pra cĂĄ nenhum dos seus singles deslanchou, mas ela continua lançando faixas consistentes, dançantes e aclamadas pela crĂ­tica especializada.
Principais tracks:

2 On:
All Hands On Deck:
Me So Bad:
No Drama:
Read 48 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
Setting aside the SUBSTANTIAL ethical concerns around the man himself, I find Trump's policies to be a combination of foolish and actively malicious, on such a scale that I could not fit the problems in a dozen tweets. So I'll pick one - it is an overt pay to play administration
That is to say, numerous positions of authority have been given to people who have given a lot of money and who stand to make even more money from those positions, with no consideration of expertise or past experience.
This does not seem a particularly debatable point, though I'm sure there are some who would. That's fine, because they kind of illustrate a point - while this behavior is terrible, and I will ABSOLUTELY vote to end it, it was by no means *surprising*.
Read 12 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
Hello, you wonderful people, it's time to look at some comic sales!

My name is Bruno I'll be your host tonight while we take a quick look at the weeks of the 6th and the 15th of June!
(we couldn't do it last week so we'll have to catch up now. And life's little vicissitudes keep getting in the way so don't have time to go in deep, meaning we'll focus mainly on #1s, cool? Cool)
So first, the week of the 6th of June!
Read 51 tweets

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