It is Politicized info about scientific (medical) research cooperation.
We know there was a SARS outbreak a MERS outbreak and more like that.
Those are all "Flu"-related, caused by viruses, that somehow "jumped" from birds or bats to humans.
It is important >>
One theory about the extinction of Dinosaurs is that they got a "Flu" that exterminated all of their kind, except those that could fly and were not "herding", but lived separate.
We call them birds.
Birds & Bats share their biotope, so they share some of the viruses too.
About the politicized news-item:
From it a strain "B" mutated and appeared in China and a strain "C", that hit Europe.
So they realised it could not remain hidden (A Virus has a build-in "Serialnumber" that indicates where it comes from).
It was spread on purpose or accidental>>
The first victims were personnel of the hotel where US-military stayed, which frequented the nearby fish-market and so on.
Then Propaganda starts the Blame-game of "Wuhan-Virus".
You can see that some Tweets we create >>

We think a normal scientific cooperation between scientist all over the world (where spies of interest groups are also busy) is now turned into a "Blame Game" that exists of narratives based on none of falsely used facts and meant to hide the Truth.