Occupy Schagen ☭ Profile picture
We are taking Truth as Authority, Rather than Authority as Truth. Blacklisted news. Stop The AngloZionist Empire ☭ Europe to leave NATO🚀 Neurodiverse/Autistic.
Apr 26, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
#Occupy: 1/4 #Highly Recommended. Apr 20.
Israel planned a respons on Iran's response-attack on its Damascus Embassy with extreme force. 🥴

An #F35 loaded with a #Nuclear_Bomb was sent east over Jordan.

BUT: As the Israeli F35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force.

Its mission was:
a high-altitude EMP detonation over Iran, that would cause a surge in the high-capacity power lines,
crippling Iran's electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.
👇Thread👇 #Occupy: 2/4: - UNCONFIRMED AS YET...

Pepe explains to #Larry_Johnson for 19 minutes yesterday:

Through The Eyes Of. Apr 24 Recommended.

Aug 18, 2022 11 tweets 20 min read
#US supports #Ukraine attacking #Crimea – Politico

Washington reportedly believes the peninsula
– which Elected to rejoined Russia in 2014 –
is a #Legitimate #Target ⁉️
The #Empire gets #DIRECTLY #Involved:

Archive👉archive.ph/5zM5k👈 Air defense systems became activated in the city of Kerch, in the vicinity of the #Crimean #Bridge on Thursday evening.
Videos showed a missile piercing the night sky.

The #Empire gets #DIRECTLY #Involved:

Jul 15, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
1/8. Hi❗️
I'm #ActuallyAutistic.
I followed your latest video "The Odd One Out".
I have a reaction on that. It is in a Thread with some links.

I did related research in the why, how & what of it.
>> 2/8. It appears it has to do with what is limiting and hindering the empowerment of adult "high functioning" autistics and with the investigations of what makes our brains different (not less or better), how that works and what our place in society could become>>
May 7, 2022 6 tweets 19 min read
The #Crumbling #Empire & its #EU #Vassals are #Locked in an #Economic #War of #Attrition with #Russia, which it did NOT #Expect & against which it has NO #Plan on how to #Win it.
The #Increase of ever #More #Sanctions on #Russia are #Hurting both the #US & even more>> 2/5.
the #EU-part of the #Empire more than #Russia,
in a steady #Rising way, creating more & more #Resistance against it, both in the #US as in #Europe.
In the #Battlefield- #War-#Theatre however, its clear that the #Russian #Allies are slowly, but #Decisively & #Grindingly>>
Apr 14, 2022 5 tweets 10 min read
1/3. The #War Between The #Empire & #Russia.
Ambushing the Flag ship.
Near "#Attacked" #Russian #Cruiser #Moskva
was a #US Boeing P8 Poseidon
anti-submarine aircraft seen on #Flightradar,
noticing #Suspicious #Activity
on the day 👇👇 of the incident.
👉topcor.ru/25079-razvedka…👈 Image 2/3. The #War is Between The #Empire & #Russia.

April 12, 05:30 CET, the "Day #Before",
Northrop Grumman RQ-4b #Global #Hawk,
"Forte 10", High Altitude Reconnaissance Drone
Cost: $ 222.7 #Million -2013
Was doing a full 👇👇 sweep over the #Black #Sea:
👉👈 Image
Apr 5, 2022 4 tweets 8 min read
@euphoniYum @spriter99880 1/3. There is a #Power called "#Evolution" and the #Survival of the best "#Fit".
To #Unite many #Different views into 1 and giving up one's OWN desires for that of the GROUP, Homo Sapiens Sapiens developed #DNA-caused "#Group #Thinking", to change from #Many views to #ONE.
>> @euphoniYum @spriter99880 2/3. >>But these #Genetics are #Predictable and can be #Manipulated by the #Few.
Mass-Psychologists, in #Think #Tanks of the ruling class in the West, Oligarchs, developed "#NLP" or "#Neuro-#Linguistic #Programming", known as "Marketing", Brain Washing and yes... Propaganda.
Mar 14, 2022 9 tweets 21 min read
1/8. A longread thread.
What happened in #Breakaway area #Donbass in Eastern #Ukraine after #NATO's Brutal #Maidan #Coup + installation of a #Nazi #Regime, that started a bloody #CivilWar between the #Galician NeoNazi's supported by NATO & the #Russian #Speaking ½ of the nation: 2/8. 2016. #Donbass Region, #Eastern #Ukraine.

#Russian speakers, common workers, watch children, family & friends #Die.
On a #Daily base.
By "The #Kiev Army", but really a #Gang of #Nazi's.

- Click 👇 Below 👇 the #Sinister text for #Video.
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 6 min read
The #Truth is:
The #Empire (#NATO) cannot create a #No-#Fly zone over #Ukraine, because the #Russians already did that in what is called:
The #Russian #Strategy of #A2AD:
#Anti-#Access/#Area-#Denial. What is Anti-Access/Area-Denial (#A2AD)❓
A2AD denies an adversary’s freedom of movement.
AA –inhibition of enemy military movement into an area of operations.
AD – denial of enemy freedom of action in areas.

Russia’s Anti-Access Area Denial 👇Click👇
👉missiledefenseadvocacy.org/missile-threat…👈 Image
Mar 1, 2022 4 tweets 7 min read
First use:
#USA in the #Vietnam #War, called "#Napalm".
The TOS-1 Buratino is a Russian self-propelled multiple rocket launcher (MRLS) that saw action in global hotspots like Afghanistan, Chechnya, Iraq & Syria:

via @YouTube #Thermobaric #Weapons, mostly ground based,
but also via aerial Bombings -USA Vietnam,
are used against an enemy that is #Dug-in:
#Fortifications, #Bunkers, #Forests & #Cities.
#Russia didn't use them yet, to #Protect civilians:
TOS1: No Joke
via @YouTube
Feb 2, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
1/3. In this Thread, meet first:

The #Crumbling #Empire's #MASTER #Guardian
of its Military Industrial Complex:
- Frederick, Boss of The #Atlantic #Council -
(go 👇 on) 2/3. Meet secondly:

The Mouth of #NATO:
- Jens, Secretary General -
(go 👇 on)
Jan 25, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Naast onze "#Anderszijds" nieuwsitems geven we ook altijd "#Enerzijds" nieuws:

Nederlandse diplomaten in Kiev mogen weg,
EU werkt aan 'fors sanctiepakket':

nos.nl/l/t/2414409 via @NOS Enerzijds nieuws:
Sancties, wapens of oorlog ?
Dit zeggen EU ministers over Oekraïne & Rusland

Europese ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken bijeen in Brussel om te praten over het dreigende conflict tussen Rusland & Oekraïne.
#Verschillende visies:

Jan 25, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
@timmins316 1/8 Short:
We see the #Crumbling #Empire facing signs of its downfall.
GeoPolitics: A growing union of Regional Powers (Russia, China, Iran, Belarus, other (#CSTO) like #Kazakhstan) will over-extend the #Empire's Powers.
Economic: European vassals will resist war in E-Europe.
>> @timmins316 2/8 Strategic:
It will not be possible for the US to build up in Europe a force big enough to block a Russian full attack on its military Infrastructure there.
Not even with battle field nukes, which Europe will not accept.
Dec 20, 2021 8 tweets 19 min read
1/7 Thread on Rising #Impact of NATO-#DeepState
#Warmongering on the #European Gas #Imports
from #Russia.

The #Yamal Natural #Gas #Pipeline:

Cost: $36 Billion
Diameter of 14,20cm
Capacity 33 billion m³ a year.
Squeezed by warmongering:

👉hydrocarbons-technology.com/projects/yamal…👈 2/7 Dec. 14, 2021 - #Yamal-#Europe #Gas
flows #Stable: Press.

#Belarus leader Alexander #Lukashenko has made repeated #Threats to halt operations on a #Pipeline that sends #Russian natural #Gas to #Europe:

Dec 5, 2021 5 tweets 5 min read
Onze Research, waarschijnlijkheid van 75%:

Begin 2022:
Provocatieve #Aanval van het inmiddels door
de #NAVO versterkte leger van #Oekraïne
op de Oostelijke provincies die niet wilden meedoen
met het #Staatsgreep bewind van #Maidan, feb. 2014:

nos.nl/l/t/2408126 via @NOS #Euromaidan, Feb. 2014 Ukraine.
Democratic Revolution or Coup D'état ?

The Ukrainian nationalist-fascist salute
"Glory to Ukraine" became a slogan of the
Euro-maidan protesters in their fight against the Yanukovych government:

PDF👉researchgate.net/profile/Bogdan…👈by Researchgate
Dec 2, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
@barisanhantu I've been researching Autism since my retirement & burn-out, which led to my diagnosis.
Most of us think mostly with a different, older, part of the Brain than NT's.
They call it "Thinking in Pictures", but it is much, much more.
Comparable with "Flow" + including Hyperfocus.
>> @barisanhantu >>According to my research, we do that, because the connection between this part of our brain and the newer neocortex (frontal lobe), where logic, time, language, social cue's and group-thinking is located, is easy to overload and not functioning properly.
So my advice is:
Nov 15, 2021 9 tweets 20 min read
@StefMeijer3 @neutrinoide @guidoweijers @blckbxnews Welkom terug beste volger.
We praten je bij.
1. Wij vertegenwoordigen de #Occupy beweging in #Schagen.
De strijd tegen de groeiende #Rijkdom & #Macht
van de 1%:
de 0,00001% #Miljardairs +hun hielen likkende Elite.
In dit geval 't #BioTech Industrieel Complex
-De #Pharma Maffia
>> @StefMeijer3 @neutrinoide @guidoweijers @blckbxnews >>2. Waarom #PCR-Testen #GOED bruikbaar zijn
om mensen die #Besmet zijn of waren
met #COVID19 / #SARS_CoV2 te #VINDEN,
de bron van de infectie te #TRACEREN
& #ALLE besmettingen in een #Uitbraak-Haard te #Isoleren tot ze beter, of dood zijn ?
Géén verhaal maar #Feiten.
Nov 12, 2021 4 tweets 7 min read
Over 't #BELACHELIJKE #2G-#Beleid wordt nog gekibbeld.
Mogelijk in de loop van vandaag meer hierover,
Dus hou de #Hooivork klaar & de #Fakkels droog ‼️

Gedeeltelijke #Lockdown van drie weken, horeca + niet-essentiële winkels om 19.00 uur dicht:

nos.nl/liveblog/24052… via @NOS Met nòg 3 weken #Lockdown, totaal nu landelijk gemiddeld 354+21= 375 #DAGEN LOCKDOWNS.

#NL #CoronaDODEN: 1.070 per Miljoen inwoners.
China: 3 Coronadoden / mio.


#Parlementaire #Enquête NU❗️

NL: threadreaderapp.com/thread/1438827…
Oct 6, 2021 9 tweets 14 min read
Afgelopen jaar of 2 heeft 't Afbrokkelende #Evil #Empire de Bouw van de #Russische #NordStream2 #Gaspijpleiding door de Oostzee naar Europa (Duitsland) gesaboteerd & gefrustreerd.

#Glastuinbouw komt met #Crisisteam vanwege #Hoge #Aardgas #Pijzen:
nos.nl/l/t/2400601 via @NOS 't Begon met #Caesar #Trump, die de Russisch Nordstream2 Pijplijn wilde blokkeren omdat hij duur Schaliegas aan Europa wilde slijten, per schip vanuit de VS naar Europa.

Opnieuw sterke stijging gasprijs, nu al 8 keer zo hoog als 'n jaar geleden:

nos.nl/l/t/2400511 via @NOS
Jul 12, 2021 7 tweets 12 min read
#BLACKLISTED from the #Crumbling #Empire,
Sneeked through its #Feeble #Censoring.

#Imperial #Cohorts Under Constant #Rain of #Fire In Both #Syria & #Iraq by the Middle-East #Resistance.

They stepped on a #Hornet's nest:

👉archive.ph/rtTIX👈from #SouthFront via Archive🤫 #BLACKLISTED from the #Crumbling #Empire,
Sneeked through its #Feeble #Censoring.

An Explosive Week For The #Imperial #Cohorts in the Middle East.
July 7th, 17 rockets by the #Resistance targeted Ain al-Asad Air Base:

👉archive.ph/7Htgy👈from #SouthFront via Archive
Jun 30, 2021 14 tweets 9 min read
#Occupy: Thread/Collection on #Warmongering.

Hugh #Escalation after #Biden's #NATO-"#Talks"

Naked Truth:
#Israeli PM Bennett Hints at Possible #Involvement in Recent #Attack on #Iranian Nuclear #Site - Report:
sputniknews.com/middleeast/202… via @SputnikInt US Threatens Arab States With Sanctions If They Choose to Normalize Ties With Syria - Report:
sputniknews.com/world/20210625… via @SputnikInt
Apr 14, 2021 5 tweets 12 min read
@ivan8848 #Occupy: The #Naked #Truth:

NATO-member Leaders gave Security #Assurances against #NATO #Expansion Eastward to Soviet leaders by among others: #Bush, #Kohl, #Mitterrand and #Thatcher.

NATO Expansion: What #Gorbachev Heard:

"Not an Inch East"

👉nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/… @ivan8848 #Occupy: The #Naked #Truth:

#US officials told #Russian President Boris #Yeltsin in 1993 that the "#Partnership_for_Peace" was the #Alternative to #NATO_expansion, NOT a #Precursor to it:

NATO Expansion: What #Yeltsin Heard:
