- When relying on human memory, you might forget. Automation should be better.
- When relying on human memory, you can choose to omit certain people or places. Will Australia's app have that option, or will it be all-or-nothing?
- Human memory cannot usually be compelled (at least not in countries like Aus), but data can be compulsorily acquired, e.g. under TOLA. Will TOLA, and other laws about compulsory phone-opening, be amended to carve out contact data stored on your phone by the app? #auspol
- Humans can accidentally leak information, but leaks of electronic data can be bigger and more insidious. What mitigation will be in place if Aus gov accidentally leaks the database of connections of each infected person? (or 'de-identifies' it and posts it online?)
- With human verbal communication, you usually know what you're communicating. Electronic communication is much harder to understand. How will we know the app is only uploading the information we're told it will be uploading?
- Will it be open source?
- Are we absolutely certain that location information for non-infected people won't be uploaded by this app? There has been some ambiguity in the reporting on this.
#Covid19aus #Auspol
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