Long thread today (sorry); lots to cover after that thing we used to call a weekend.
@UCSFHospitals, we’re on downslope, w/ 17 cases, 3 intubated. Still only 1 death since start. ZSFG also stable: 26 cases; few admits from homeless outbreak

Strikes me as realistic (& painful) portrayal of likely road ahead. We should gird ourselves, while of course hoping for better news.

a)Ab test may be less reliable than cited specificity of 95%. Slight dip (to ~98.5%) could mean many of the positives are false +s
b)Recruiting via Facebook may bias to nonrandom sample (? more w/ prior symptoms)
c)Results conflict w/ evidence from prior studies, like Diamond Princess (bit.ly/3cynsOv); Iceland (bit.ly/2xBPpq5); Vo, Italy (bit.ly/2VErcas) & prior pandemics
d)If the true # of infected people was really 50-85x more than reported cases, then everyone in NYC would be infected (current NYC cases 133K; x65=8.6M; NYC population=8.4M). That’s clearly wrong: if they were, how would 1000s of new infections be occurring each day in NYC?
Natalie Dean @nataliexdean: bit.ly/3anFRvW
Trevor Bedford @trvrb: bit.ly/2VmbqlF
Balaji Srivivasan @balajis: bit.ly/3eC7qFm
Andrew Gelman @statmodeling: bit.ly/34SOtd6
More Wednesday…