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May 20th 2021
Short Thread regarding todays episode of #TheDaily (@mikiebarb) w/ @michaelcrowley

No matter ones views of Netanyahu, it was frustrating to once again (2nd day in a row) see @nytimes only present one narrative & without any further context, placing all blame on Israel.
For starters, Bibi came to power after Arafat turned down a peace deal in '00, after Sharon handed Gaza back to the Palestinians (PA) in '05 & Hamas took it over in a bloody coup & started launching rockets, & after Abbas walked away from a peace deal in '08

Erekat on '08:
Then in '09, Obama got Netanyahu to do a 10 month settlement freeze just to try & restart negotiations, but Abbas refused to return to the negotiating table

So while Bibi did authorize settlement building in '10 when Biden was there, this was the backdrop
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Dec 29th 2020
Once at afterwork drinks with coworkers, we were all going around saying our fav karaoke song. I called Andy Mills’s song “hipster” - he then took his beer and poured it over my head in front of everyone. 1/5
I’m thankful I only endured sexism and bullying, and not sexual harassment from Andy Mills. I’m so sorry to anyone who had to deal with any of it. 2/5
I don’t know firsthand what he’s been up to recently, but I know that hearing Andy on #TheDaily right after taking 0 responsibility for his reporting failure in #Caliphate shows a continued lack of accountability. 3/5
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Dec 22nd 2020
This is how men in podcasting and every industry get ahead. Because this is totally appropriate. I'm looking at you @nytimes #TheDaily. Image
It's a visual representation of what happens when you question a leaders choices in standing behind someone who failed up cuz he seemed cool to bosses despite a history of sexual harassment and now such bad journalism a Peabody has to be returned.…
Instead of acknowledging me as a human with a valid opinion or someone with actual advice or questions worth answering, immediate block of the plebe. The other big profile host who blocked me should listened long ago when I asked why he was so inappropriate etc Image
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Dec 22nd 2020
As a podcast listener this is insulting. Andy Mills had to give back the Peabody he helped win for y'all last week and force a huge retraction and you think we won't notice him hosting the @nytimes flagship pod the next Monday?!? You think we won't notice???
As a woman in the industry it's more insulting that someone so big, @mikiebarb, is so willing promote the career & work of someone so sexist and harassing to women in the industry. He takes our jobs and forces us out and you laude him.
No matter how many articles written about you making women so uncomfortable they leave the biz, you're given the #1 daily podcast as a playpen the first workday after huge disgrace? Such a fuck you to people who do researched newsgathering and work hard to get stories out there.
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Dec 6th 2020
Le succès phénoménal du #podcast quotidien #TheDaily du @nytimes !
►Lancé début 2017 avec une p'tite équipe de 3 personnes, le podcast quotidien d'actualité du journal américain affiche désormais au compteur 4 millions d'auditeurs/jour et réunit une équipe de 50 personnes !
Son audience a doublé en 1 an (avril 2019- 2M/jour)
Désormais « #TheDaily » a plus d'auditeurs quotidiens que d'abonnés à sa version print en semaine ! Son audience dépasse également celle de nombreuses émissions d'information à la télévision !
Mardi, #ApplePodcasts et #Spotify ont publié leurs classements des meilleurs #podcasts de l'année 2020 et "The Daily" est classé parmi les meilleurs sur les 2 plateformes. C'est le 3e podcast le plus populaire au monde et le 2nd aux États-Unis sur @Spotify.
Sur @Apple "#TheDaily"
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Sep 23rd 2020
Did you hear today's episode of #TheDaily from @nytimes with Marjorie Dannenfelser and feel 🤯 listening to all the anti-choice nonsense? If so, here's the real deal on abortion in the US and why this essential health service needs to be protected. (1/x)…
First, let's be clear that abortion patients are largely people like Ms. Dannenfelser: white, hetero, religiously affiliated, and who already have a child. Abortion is an experience shared by 1 in 4 American women, across demographic lines. (2/x)… Image
Second, abortion is a safe, effective procedure needed by many women, even those using contraception.
-18% of pregnancies in 2017 ended in abortion
-51% of abortion patients were using a contraceptive method in the month they became pregnant. (3/x)…
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Jun 24th 2020
Thread #ElectionSecurity is THE #VoterSuppression issue.
1. I want you to listen to this @nytimes #TheDaily podcast about the #GeorgiaPrimary meltdown… Listen to how they tiptoe around the issue of #votingmachines & don't identify them as the CENTRAL issue.
2. Why are #votingmachines the central #VoterSuppression issue in #GA & many other states? Because they are the new #JimCrow. The machine is the way officials control how many ppl vote & how those votes are counted. It might as well be a literacy test. Could it be more obvious?
3. The podcast notes that the counties that did not get enough voting machines (for example 3, when they needed 8) were the counties with LARGE #Dem populations w/predominantly voters of color. W/a touchscreen voting machine if you don't have enough machines you have long lines.
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Apr 25th 2020
Imagine you turn on the television & you watch a guy doing the talk show rounds; (@davidenrich)
telling the world YOUR life story focusing on all your mistakes. Using Concepts you explained to him. Even speaking your words verbatim - words that you taught him - as his own...
...Now imagine he changes tact, speaks of your father & his suicide, & how he,(& he alone) KNOWS more than you about your fathers life!
THEN he (#davidenrich) destroys your reputation & character, lies in let’s say, @nytimes, calling you terrible, false, & exaggerated names, ...
...You watch & listen show after show, as he presents ALL the work & research YOU’ve done for 5 years as his own! (@davidenrich) rather than give you a thread of credit, he continues to attack you... after all, now you’re now just a “complicated character” with “drug problems”...
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Apr 21st 2020
1/ Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 34

Long thread today (sorry); lots to cover after that thing we used to call a weekend.

@UCSFHospitals, we’re on downslope, w/ 17 cases, 3 intubated. Still only 1 death since start. ZSFG also stable: 26 cases; few admits from homeless outbreak
2/ SF also stable. Total of 1216 cases; new case # s zigging/zagging, avg ~40/d in past wk. Last 4 d: no new deaths in SF (vs. NYC, still ~2000 new cases & >150 deaths/day; both improving) (Reminder: NY is 10x population of SF.) SF hospitalizations also going down (note 2d lag.)
3/ @UCSFhospitals, starting to test all hospital pts this wk (for virus); already testing procedure/surgery pts. As we start testing more asymptomatic pts, expect very few positives. Of our last 1000 viral PCRs @ucsf (mostly in pts WITH symptoms), just 10 (1%) have been positive.
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Apr 4th 2020
Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 17

1/ The #s: @UCSFHospitals, 17 Covid+ pts, up 1 (last 2 wks below), 10 in ICU (6 on vents), mild but steady up trend (Fig) Sharper uptick at Zuckerberg SF General: 22 pts, half in ICU. But both still far cry from hardest hit areas in U.S.
2/ SF: Up to 497 cases, a bit bigger bump than yest, but wouldn’t make too much of it – smoothed avg is pretty flat (Figs).

Grim milestones today: world crossed 1M cases & 50,000 deaths. NYC up to 56K cases, 1867 deaths–deaths up ~300 from yest. Will match 9/11 deaths next wk
3/ The “San Francisco story” has gone national, such as this new piece @CNN (I’m quoted). Hard to talk about since a) we’re not out of the woods; b) don’t want anybody to let down their guard; c) we can’t be insensitive to brutal hardships elsewhere; …
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Apr 3rd 2020
Covid (@UCSF) Chronicles, Day 16

1/ Before I get to #s, I want to highlight today’s @UCSFMedicine grand rounds: update on Covid spread, testing, clinical, & treatment Geared for medical crowd but accessible 2 lay folks. Superb, if you're up for deep dive
2/ The #s: @ucsfhospitals, 16 Covid+ pts, no change (trend below). Still 9 in ICU (7 on vents, up 2). Still headscratching re where other pts went: typical night shift=20 admits, last nt<3. I’m glad, but v. worried there’s a powerkeg of illness out there that will reveal itself
3/ SF: also stable. 450 Covid cases, just 16 new (graph), lowest new daily # since March 21st. 7 deaths, zero new. Everybody’s kinda reluctant to say SF has “flattened the curve” for fear of jinxing or – far more dangerous – lowering our guard. But we have
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Mar 22nd 2020
Excellent review of how South Korea implemented their TRUST strategy

from talented journalists at a great Chinese media org @caixin…
Test, trace, inform, in action.
.@YanzhongHuang on importance of public-private coordination, in this case, building up a robust test regime [it is NOT too late, America! if only it were too late. you are still in phase 1.]
Read 6 tweets
Mar 2nd 2020
“Broeksmit...seeking to get to get compensation...”

“Broeksmit held firm – but Schiff's committee subpoenaed the documents anyway”

I can’t wait for #thedaily@mikiebarb⁩ anymore,
time to straighten out ⁦@davidenrich⁩’s false narrative ...…
Here’s what happened: @RepAdamSchiff ‘s lead attorney, @danielsgoldman & I did not get off to a great start. He wanted everything I had & felt entitled to my fathers name; his emails, my docs Etc., so I began recording our conversations otherwise no one would believe me...
... recordings which, btw, can be heard here -… - Dan gave me the hard sell. He pitched the intelligence committee hard, like a used car salesman does for a lemon in the lot. He smelled treasure & I was immediately appalled...
Read 34 tweets
Sep 30th 2018
For #InternationalPodcastDay I wanted to shout out all my favorite podcasts that would live on my podcast shelf if they were books. All of these shows regularly teach me new things and challenge my thinking. 1/ Image
Middle shelf: @20korg for always teaching me something about awesome sounds I didn’t know I needed to know. 2/
@99piorg and @romanmars for just straight up having one of the best educational/interesting ratio of any podcast. 3/
Read 33 tweets

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