You can either be a Twitter Consumer or a Twitter Producer.
I've been both, and let me tell you, it is WAY more fun as a Producer.
You get:
Want to make the switch?
You don't need any online business experience to make money on Twitter.
Best part is you get paid to learn both as you grow
All you have to do is take some initiative.
If you're ready to take action, keep reading👇
Before you set up your profile and start tweeting, you need a Big Idea.
The Big Idea is the engine that drives your entire growth and content strategy.
A simple way to find your big idea is to ask yourself, "What's your shtick?"
Are you the kid who dropped out of college to start a six figure digital marketing agency?
Once you have your big idea, you can move on an create a Profile that MAGNETISES people to follow you.
*Profile pic * Banner
Your profile & banner should align with your big idea.
For example, if you are a fitness guy, you better have a photo of yourself looking ripped, working out or looking powerful.
Your photos should reinforce your big idea.
Think of your bio as the highlights of your resume. Go back to your big idea, and think about how you can sell this to your audience.
A simple template for a good bio is "I help person X achieve Benefits Y & Z"
For a great example, check out @ChroniclesNate's bio.

1000s of people see your profile per month. You know what that is? FREE Traffic!
You can put a link to anything, as long as it is related to your big idea
Ideally, it will lead people to a landing page for your email list.
Pro tip: use a lead magnet
How you tweet is just as important as how much you tweet.
Since you have no audience, you don't need to tweet that much YET.
5-10 high quality, value tweets per day is good enough to start.
A good tweet should be packed with value and promote your big idea.
When you divert from your big idea, it's like a steak restaurant trying to sell vegan food.
If you want the ins and outs on how to write winning tweets, check out Make it stick by @CMillerTalks
My aff link 👇
A Twitter account with no followers is invisible so your first priority is to grow your following.
Most ppl think the best way to go is to follow a boatload to ppl and to tweet a ton of tweets.
This is WRONG.
Here's how you actually grow👇
Every niche has a handful of big, influential accounts.
Your growth strategy is to connect with them and get their followers to follow you.
There are 4 ways you can do this 👇
2. Comment under their tweets
3. Retweet their best content (they pay attention to this)
4. DM them and compliment them without asking for anything in return
5. DM them and give them a free, valuable gift
Just be cool, calm and collected, lead with value and don't act like a desperate loser.
Big accounts are normal ppl too, so just be normal.
It will save you a ton of time as you will learn from the multiple mistakes I made.
Ahhh, we all like to pretend we're above it, but this is the reason why you are reading this thread.
You want to make money from your Twitter account.
Nothing wrong with that.
I love money too so here's 2 ways you can make money from your account👇
1) Selling info products
2) Affiliating for other producer's products
Let's dive into how you can replicate these for your own digital asset🤑👇
You need 2 things to successfully sell an info product
1- hungry buyers
2- trust
If you have no followers, you are invisible which means you have neither hungry buyers nor trust.
This is why it's important to provide value up front with your tweets
To speed up this process, create a high value free gift (Lead magnet) and use it to collect emails.
Now when you launch your product, you have a built in audience to sell to.
Use tweets, DMs and emails you've collected.
If you want detailed info on how to successfully market and launch an info product, check out @paik_michael's course
You get $30 off if you grab it through my aff link
1- don't build something people don't want
2- don't be afraid to sell yourself
if you follow rule number 1, you won't feel bad about enforcing rule number 2.
If your product is good, and solves a problem, sell it!!
The second and fastest way to make money on twitter is to affiliate for other creator's products.
To have success with affiliate marketing, you should
-sell products you've actually used
-don't be lazy with how you sell
You can also leverage your experience with the product as a key selling point.
Tell your audience how the product solved a problem for you, then put in your affiliate link.
Many newbies just get a link from a creator when they haven't even used the product and lazily tweet out their affiliate link with zero sales effort behind it.
This is a great way to waste time and lose trust with your audience.
I bought his guide and made back my investment within days. There is no reason why you can't do the same.
Again, this is my affiliate link👇
If you want to turn your account into a digital asset, starting building NOW.
Stop wasting time by consuming,
and start getting money and value back for your time by Producing.