As mentioned, it's all 1 HUGE connected web. Below 5pg link connects MANY dots (excluding Flynn) - Crowdstrike playing major role (contacts with fake 'Russia hacks' Fancy Bear/Cozy Bear):
Spinning the lies - these just being 1 part!
From pg. 3 of link in #26:
"Dimitry Alperovitch and Crowdstrike were in constant contact with their Fancy Bear/ Cozy Bear hackers from the time Alexandra Chalupa was leading Trump/Russia research and yelled "bear" in January 2016."
As link in #26 shows, neither Russia nor Assange 'hacked' DNC server; Trump wasn't 'colluding' w/ Russia (nor was Gen. Flynn)!
Wikileaks received emails from Seth Rich via thumb-drive (Bill Binney has proven that, too).
But how does case against Flynn connect to Crowdstrike?
1st going back in timeline, to where FBI used 'info' to gain access to spy on Trump campaign.
J. Mifsud (allegedly Russian) had 2 Blackberry's. Mifsud relayed lies to G. Papadopoulos abt. Russian's having dirt on HRC!
S. Powell has filed for phones:
Those BlackBerry phones contain CrowdStrike software connecting to CrowdStrike servers in order to BYPASS NSA detection!
Here's where Awan brothers (Debbie W. Schultz, DNC connection) come into play!
All this explains WHY Trump requested newest Ukraine President Zelinsky to "look into" Crowdstrike+a server etc + why and how swamp is abt to fall + how Flynn was (a)bused as pawn in coup against Trump!
To finish off: Dmitri Alperovitch, in Feb '20, sold his stocks at Crowdstrike at $66/share (1 mth before it's stocks crashed to $37/share!), stepped down to start up a 'non-profit'! I wonder why - could it be because CS is soon to be exposed🤨😎?