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Jun 10th 2020
We need to get something out in the open right now.
We need to understand who Bernie Sanders supporters are, and more importantly, who they're not. (thread)…
First, let’s understand who they aren’t. They are *NOT* disillusioned former Bernie supporters who’ve “gone rogue.” We know this because real Bernie supporters en masse now support Biden like he does.…
That is, nearly all Bernie’s former supporters are now going to vote for Biden.

These people understand that Joe Biden is the better choice than Donald Trump to move us toward the world that they believe in…the world envisioned by Bernie Sanders. 3/
Read 39 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
Young people, we're going to have to talk about this.

"[Trump] will focus on tarnishing Biden’s image and trying to dissuade left-leaning millennials from voting for [Biden]"…
"They will look for every opportunity to hurt Biden’s image with the Democratic base, and go all in. Their goal isn’t to get these people to switch sides and vote for Trump; the goal is to make them give up on the election"…
"Trump has faced similar or worse allegations from MORE THAN 20 WOMEN, but his campaign is trying to make young, left-leaning voters aware of the allegations in order to distance them from Biden."

Why do you think Trump is pushing the liar? I have some thoughts. #IBelieveBiden
Read 3 tweets
May 18th 2020
A lot’s been written about the double standard in how the media/liberals have responded to the Biden/Kavanaugh allegations. But here's a thread laying out just how pervasive that double standard really is.

Here’s a list of the 50 biggest hypocrites:

“I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. My heart broke watching her testify. She’s a hero – brave, compelling, credible”…

“The vice president’s answers were credible and convincing.”…

“I believe her. Many, many, many Americans believe her."…

“Sen. Schumer believes that Joe Biden’s answer has been sufficient and will work as hard as he can to make sure Joe Biden defeats Donald Trump...”…
Read 55 tweets
May 1st 2020
#IBelieveBiden and I have a
Is The Intercept
thoroughly corrupt or thoroughly incompetent?
A couple of quick google searches prove Tara’s latest story is false & that she had told multiple diametrically opposing stories
The most obviously false point is this “report”
Reade claims she reported harassment (not assault btw) to the Senate Personnel office and that she’d had a record but lost it. If that were true, all she would’ve requested a copy of it from NARA. Also Sen. McConnell was on the Ethics Committee & would’ve been alerted to this.
McConnell (who vowed to make Pres Obama a 1 term Pres)would have to had covered this up even though he didn’t cover up similar complaints about republicans.
Tara claims she didn’t the whole story last year because the reporter made her uncomfortable. But she also wrote a blog
Read 8 tweets
May 1st 2020
Could Tara Reade have been paid by Russia to manufacture sexual assault allegations against Biden? My answer is, "who knows," but in this thread I'll outline a case that certainly makes it seem possible. (THREAD) #IBelieveBiden
As many of us know by now, Tara Reade (McCabe / Moulton) frequently praised Joe Biden on Twitter and in articles in 2016-2017. She praised him for helping stop sexual assault, and told her followers to "listen" to @JoeBiden because he "speaks truth." (THREAD)
Also in 2017, Tara Reade publicly attacked Vladimir Putin. She was anti-Russia and anti-Putin. Her public posts portray a woman who was pissed off at Russia for interfering in our elections, and angry that Putin passed laws to decriminalize domestic abuse. (THREAD)
Read 13 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
Well, I had planned to spend a good chunk of time reading Tara's old tweets to find ones that seemed to be written in a Russian accent.

I only made it 2 weeks back before I ran out of space for more examples.

These are the red flags I found JUST from the last 2 weeks.
You might think I'm being harsh here, but she graduated from law school and is a native English speaker. If she's trying to present herself as a smart, professional woman , she should tweet in proper English.

Here are some of the most interesting red flags that stood out to me:

Just hilarious! She's defending herself from being called a Russian agent by screwing up a common English phrase
Read 29 tweets

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