State of the States:
For India Aggregate, testing growth is still in lockstep with growth of positives. Consequentially, Actives levels continue to rise and the Log-Log plot registers only a mild decrease in Infection growth. Recoveries have outpaced deaths.

Andhra has lost the testing growth edge with time, resulting in parallel rise in new cases. Reversal of gains seen clearly on the Log-Log plot. Recoveries, however, rising above Deaths.

Addition to the list - Bihar. Failure to raise testing growth has allowed new cases count to start rising. Log-Log plot shows an acceleration of infection growth. Recoveries yet to rise above Deaths. Daily Actives starting to accumulate as well.

Delhi ramped up testing to beat down the last spike of new cases. Check registered in the gather of points at the tail of the Log-Log plot curve. Recoveries, however, accelerating past Deaths. Actives level being suppressed again.

Positives growth still above that of testing for Gujarat. Recoveries not yet risen above Deaths. Log-Log plot registers slowing of case growth over past 6 days IN LINE WITH decline in testing growth for the same period. Actives signal a rise in level expected.

Haryana maintains the edge of testing growth over that of positives, allowing it to consistently beat down the level of daily new cases. Log-Log plot shows growth on a downturn. Recoveries well ahead of minimal Deaths. Actives chart shows proactive containment.

J&K has ramped up testing growth, beating down the latest spike of new cases. Check registered at the tail of the Log-Log plot. Recoveries ahead of Deaths, but growth declining. Actives chart shows containment efforts effective.

Karnataka maintaining the testing growth edge, thus beating down the new case count level consistently. Downturn seen on the Log-Log plot. Recoveries signal rise above Deaths. Actives turned negative show containment efforts effective.

Kerala boosted testing to beat down the last spike of new cases. Check and resumption of downturn registered on the Log-Log plot. Recoveries are excellent compared to Deaths. Actives validate inference of effective containment.

Latest spike of new cases brought down slightly by a boost to testing. However, decline in testing over past week reflects as reversal TO growth trend on Log-Log plot. Recoveries not yet risen over Deaths. Actives show inconsistency of containment efforts.

Maharashtra seems unable to ramp up testing growth. Daily new case levels continue to rise. Log-Log plot shows a mild decline in growth rate. Recoveries maintain ascendancy over Deaths. Actives show no effect of containment efforts.

Punjab has failed to raise testing levels in the last 3-4 days, allowing a large spike of new cases. Log-Log plot picks up the reversal of gains. Recoveries are accelerating ahead of Deaths. Actives show a large spike of new cases in the last two updates.

Rajasthan ramped up testing to continue holding down the level of new cases. Log-Log plot shows a downturn, since cases are failing to accumulate/grow. Recoveries, however, haven't picked up ahead of Deaths. Actives reflect impact of containment efforts.

Tamil Nadu has allowed its edge of testing growth over that of positives to wither away, resulting in a latest spike of new cases. Reversal of gains seen in the Log-Log plot which registers a return to infection growth trend. Recoveries ahead of Deaths.

Difficult to assess Telangana testing since the rates are interpolated from only two reports at series ends. Log-Log plot shows a strong containment downturn, though. Recoveries rising over Deaths. Actives reflect containment via maintenance of negative growth.

Testing has been declining for UP. Hence new case count levels to be interpreted accordingly. Log-Log plot downturn to be read as that. Recoveries getting ahead of Deaths. Actives show impact of some efforts, but not calling it due to testing decline.

Testing still not raised for West Bengal, so not reading significance into the last drop in new case count. Log-Log plot holds growth trend. Recoveries yet to pick up ahead of Deaths. Actives expect maintenance of levels. No effect of any containment efforts.