Worked out the Testing performance for the States of India (based off partially reconstructed series, since ICMR has ceased to provide information). A major finding is that testing rate growth is strongly correlated with how well a state is doing ...
Observe Gujarat here, the worst of ALL states.
Punjab and Rajashthan ramp up on need, but, of late the former appears of registering the importance of maintaining a decisive edge/margin.
And how UP lost the early control it seemed to have.
And why Uttarakhand is doing okay while West Bengal is exploding unnchecked.
Explains why the data shows no containment yet.
Rules for series reconstruction: Interpolation by compunded growth between gaps in series (e.g. missing data for some dates). Series termination before last date - extended to the end (for maintaining integrity of totals).
Growth Rate (Y-axis): Total Count on Day N / Total Count on Day N-1
X-Axis: Date
Since it may still not be clear to some, continuing this thread with a view of the Impact of State Testing on National Case Count.
Plotted the % of Total (National) Tests that States have used with the % of Total (National) Positives they've contributed ...
It isn't rocket science at all.
#Lockdown MUST be accompanied by commensurate and effective Testing with #TraceTestIsolate.
We can clearly see which States are failing the National Effort.
Impact on daily new case counts between Haryana (maintaining an edge for testing growth) & Gujarat (doing the opposite). Likewise for the two hotspots - Delhi & Maharashtra.
if growth rates are not easy to understand, here's the same picture of the States above - in terms of Doubling Times. States doing well maintain a shorter doubling time for tests against that for positives.
Doubling Time = LogN(2)/LogN(Growth Rate)
And good for Karnataka that it seems to have figured out that the Haryana approach is the way to go - if it means business.
Notice the contrast with Kerala and Odisha.
Punjab appears to have chosen to give a boost to testing.
Tamil Nadu has learnt well from the superspreader surge.