More than a practical how-to manual, it’s really about the spirit and philosophy of good design.
Terms like comfortable, whole, free, exact, eternal, egoless come close. The closest term to this quality without a name is “alive” but that still doesn’t capture it
Badly designed things slowly suck the life out of the users.
The central question then is: what makes something alive?
As an example, windows have to be at the right height so as to let a person see outside without getting exposed himself / herself.
All the houses with wrong window height create daily hesitation and conflict - and that sucks life out of user
Reinventions of design are usually deficient in one way or another because they’re forced top down.
Houses grew over time and people who would live in it will evolve the design so that their inner forces get supported.
It’s extremely standard (because human drives are more or less common) but extremely personalised (because environment and context dictates how these drives will get resolved)
Innovative (for the sake of designer’s ego-boosting) yet templated (because it ignores user context)
The real genius is in recognising that good design isn’t pretty, it’s comfortable…
And since our thinking is linear, our designs will miss context dependency (in time and space) of users’s drives.
You have to doubt your top-down genius and let bottom-up evolution do its job.
Hope you liked the thread.
If you have any examples of things that make you feel at home, make you feel alive, reply with your thoughts.
(It’ll be hard as such things are usually invisible)