Hint: it’s not our intelligence.
(A review of a review of a book)
Go out and try to create a fire. I bet that even if you’re big brained, if you’ve never learned to create a fire, you won’t be able to do so.
Raw intelligence didn’t amount to much.
Babies learn language by copying and adults keenly observe others around them with higher prestige (and copy what they do).
If you doubt this gradual process, try to invent your own language - your big brain will fail miserably at it.
This copying is what has made human species successful and this is what makes us fall for celebrities endorsing products.
We don’t necessarily understand how they work but they do.
E.g Roman generals used to interpret random events as divinations about where to attack the enemy army. This essentially randomises responses so that the enemy isn’t able to predict.
Reason is very narrow, incapable of understanding the slow, generative process of culture
The book is “The Secret of Our Success”
Read the full review here: slatestarcodex.com/2019/06/04/boo…